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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation


Defines a hierarchy, which is a pre-defined drill-down.

NoteYou must specify at most one <Relation> or memberReaderClass. If you specify none, the hierarchy is assumed to come from the same fact table of the current cube.


AttributeData TypeDefinition
nameStringName of the hierarchy. If this is not specified, the hierarchy has the same name as its dimension
hasAllBooleanWhether this hierarchy has an 'all' member
allMemberNameStringName of the all member. If this attribute is not specified, the all member is named All hierarchyName, for example, All Store.
allMemberCaptionStringA string being displayed instead as the all member's name. Can be localized from Properties file using #{propertyname}.
allLevelNameStringName of the all level. If this attribute is not specified, the all member is named (All). Can be localized from Properties file using #{propertyname}.
primaryKeyStringThe name of the column which identifies members, and which is referenced by rows in the fact table. If not specified, the key of the lowest level is used. See also CubeDimension.foreignKey.
primaryKeyTableStringThe name of the table which contains primaryKey. If the hierarchy has only one table, defaults to that; it is required.
memberReaderClassStringName of the custom member reader class. Must implement the mondrian.olap.MemberReader interface.
captionStringA string to be displayed in the user interface. If not specified, the hierarchy's name is used. Can be localized from Properties file using #{propertyname}.

Constituent Elements

RelationOrJoin (as <Table>, <View>, <Join>, or <InlineTable>)The Table, Join, View, or Inline Table that populates this hierarchy
LevelA level of a hierarchy