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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation


Level of a hierarchy.


AttributeData TypeDefinition
approxRowCountStringThe estimated number of members in this level. Setting this property improves the performance of MDSCHEMA_LEVELS, MDSCHEMA_HIERARCHIES and MDSCHEMA_DIMENSIONS XMLA requests
tableStringThe name of the table that the column comes from. If this hierarchy is based upon just one table, defaults to the name of that table; otherwise, it is required. Can be localized from Properties file using #{propertyname}.
columnStringThe name of the column which holds the unique identifier of this level.
nameColumnStringThe name of the column which holds the user identifier of this level.
ordinalColumnStringThe name of the column which holds member ordinals. If this column is not specified, the key column is used for ordering.
parentColumnStringThe name of the column which references the parent member in a parent-child hierarchy.
nullParentValueStringValue which identifies null parents in a parent-child hierarchy. Typical values are NULL and 0.
typeStringIndicates the type of this level's key column: String, Numeric, Integer, Boolean, Date, Time or Timestamp. When generating SQL statements, Mondrian encloses values for String columns in quotation marks, but leaves values for Integer and Numeric columns un-quoted. Date, Time, and Timestamp values are quoted according to the SQL dialect. For a SQL-compliant dialect, the values appear prefixed by their typename, for example, DATE '2006-06-01'.
uniqueMembersBooleanWhether members are unique across all parents. For example, zipcodes are unique across all states. The first level's members are always unique.
levelTypeStringWhether this is a regular or a time-related level. The value makes a difference to time-related functions such as YTD (year-to-date).
hideMemberIfStringCondition which determines whether a member of this level is hidden. If a hierarchy has one or more levels with hidden members, then it is possible that not all leaf members are the same distance from the root, and it is termed a ragged hierarchy.
formatterStringName of a formatter class for the member labels being displayed. The class must implement the mondrian.olap.MemberFormatter interface. Allowable values are: Never (a member always appears; the default); IfBlankName (a member doesn't appear if its name is null or empty); and IfParentsName (a member appears unless its name matches the parent's.
captionStringA string being displayed instead of the level's name. Can be localized from Properties file using #{propertyname}.
captionColumnStringThe name of the column which holds the caption for members.

Constituent Elements

KeyExpressionThe SQL expression used to populate this level's key.
NameExpressionThe SQL expression used to populate this level's name. If not specified, the level's key is used.
OrdinalExpressionThe SQL expression used to populate this level's ordinal.
ParentExpressionThe SQL expression used to join to the parent member in a parent-child hierarchy.