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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation


Grants (or denies) this role access to a hierarchy. Access may be all, custom, or none. If access is custom, you may also specify the attributes topLevel, bottomLevel, and the member grants.


AttributeData TypeDefinition
hierarchyStringThe unique name of the hierarchy
topLevelStringUnique name of the highest level of the hierarchy from which this role is allowed to see members. May only be specified if the HierarchyGrant.access is custom. If not specified, role can see members up to the top level.
bottomLevelStringUnique name of the lowest level of the hierarchy from which this role is allowed to see members. May only be specified if the HierarchyGrant.access is custom. If not specified, role can see members down to the leaf level.
rollupPolicyStringPolicy which determines how cell values are calculated if not all of the children of the current cell are visible to the current role. Allowable values are full (the default), partial, and hidden.

Constituent Elements

MemberGrantA set of rights to a member and its children