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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Work with the Streamlined Data Refinery

The Streamlined Data Refinery (SDR) is a simplified and specific ETL refinery composed of a series of Pentaho Data Integration (PDI) jobs that take raw data, augment and blend it through the request form, and then publish it for report designers to use in Analyzer.

To introduce you to the SDR structure, we have created the Movie Ratings-SDR sample. This sample was developed by Pentaho and is based on CTools.

How does SDR work?

The components that make up the data refinery are PDI, used for parameter entry, working in conjunction with an app for refining the data. This app calls to the Pentaho Server for the main job: refining data through Spoon using the new Build Model job entry, then publishing the data source back to the Pentaho Server through the Publish Model job entry. Once it is published, the refined data is available for use in creating Analyzer reports. This process is shown in the graphic. SDR overview

App Builder, CDE, and CTools

App Builder is an application builder for people who may not have Java knowledge, but who may have plenty of interesting ideas for new plugins. All that is required to use App Builder is knowledge of CTools and PDI.

Community Dashboard Editor (CDE), when integrated with the Pentaho User Console (PUC), simplifies the process of creating, refining, and previewing Pentaho dashboards. You can use CDE to design dashboards, either from scratch or using a template.

Install and Configure SDR

You can install an SDR sample along with information on configuring the SDR for your environment.

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You can use the sample SDR form to create Analyzer reports, or use PDI steps and job entries to create SDR models.

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