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CDE advanced solutions

CTools and RequireJS

You can include RequireJS support when creating your Community Dashboard Editor (CDE) dashboards. RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader which may improve the speed and performance of your dashboards.

Enable RequireJS support

To include RequireJS, in the Settings dialog box, select the RequireJS Support check box when you save a dashboard.

NoteIn Pentaho 7.0, new CDE dashboards will default to RequireJS dashboards. Regardless of the default behavior for new dashboards, your previously created non-RequireJS dashboards will render the same as before, and you can continue editing them without upgrading the dashboards to RequireJS support.
RequireJS Settings dialog box

Architectural considerations for including RequireJS

Including RequireJS in CTools required several architectural changes, such as using Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) for JavaScript modules.

Specifically, the following changes were made:

The Dashboards singleton no longer exists.

Most of the methods called in Dashboards are available elsewhere. If you are running code in the component context (meaning that this refers to a component), like in preExecution, postExecution and postFetch, most methods will be available in the this.dashboard. Some exceptions exist:

  • The logging methods were migrated to a separate AMD module with ID cdf/Logger, so Dashboards.log has been replaced with Logger.log.
  • Some static methods were migrated to a separate AMD module with ID cdf/dashboard/Utils, such that
    • Dashboards.escapeHtml is now Utils.escapeHtml.
    • Dashboards.getQueryParameter is now Utils.getQueryParameter.
    • Dashboards.objectToPropertiesArray is now Utils.objectToPropertiesArray.
    • Dashboards.propertiesArrayToObject is now Utils.propertiesArrayToObject.
Parameters and components no longer create objects in the global scope.

Instead, components and parameters are internal to the dashboard. If you want to get to a component, you need to use the getComponent method in the dashboardobject. For parameters, always use the getParameter method.

When debugging during dashboard development, follow the same guideline. If you have a component called foo, then the object render_foo is no longer accessible from the console. Instead, call dashboard.getComponent ("render_foo") to get to that component. When CDE renders, it creates a dashboard object in the global scope. It is recommended that you use the dashboard object to access the dashboard internals you need. You can view further information on RequireJS in CTools Dashboards.

Create a dashboard using RequireJS

In this walk-through tutorial, you will create a CTools dashboard using RequireJS. These instructions assume that you are familiar with the main features in CDE and the basic steps of creating a dashboard in CDE. In addition, these instructions assume that you have activated the CDE plugin.

The process is broken down into six basic steps.

Step 1: Set up folders in User Console and create the dashboard

  1. Log on to the User Console and navigate to the Browse Files perspective.

  2. In the Folders pane, click on the Public folder and then, in the Folder Actions pane, click New Folder. Create a solutions folder called demoDashboard.

  3. Expand the Public folder and click on the newly created demoDashboard folder. In the Folder Actions pane, click New Folder and create a subfolder titled files which will contain the JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) files used in this dashboard.

  4. Open CDE and create a new dashboard titled demoDashboard, and save it in the public demoDashboard folder you just created.

  5. From the CDE menu bar, click Settings, and then select the RequireJS Support check box to convert the dashboard to a RequireJS dashboard.

    Settings dialog box highlighting RequireJS support
  6. Click Ok.

    A message box appears warning you about possible issues with your custom JavaScript code in your dashboard. Click Ok to proceed. The dashboard is now saved as a RequireJS dashboard.

Step 2: Add layout

  1. From the Layout Structure menu bar, click the Add Bootstrap Panel button.

    Add Bootstrap Panel in Layout                 Structure menu bar
  2. Configure your bootstrap panel to match the settings in the image below. Be sure to add and rename all displayed rows and columns.

    Bootstrap panel
  3. In the Properties pane, all columns by default set the Extra Small Devices property to 12 spans. Change the Value for the following columns:

    • Set tableObj and chartObj to 6 spans.

    See CDE dashboard overview for more information on Bootstrap in CDE.

    Extra Small Devices property in                 Properties pane
  4. Center the title and subtitle in the Properties pane.

    For both titleColumnObj and subTitleColumnObj, locate the Text Align property and click in the Value column. On the keyboard, press the down arrow to display a drop-down menu and select Center.GUID-80CC356F-21C9-43F4-BD13-49351C742BCD-low.png

Step 3: Add external resources

  1. In the CDE Layout perspective, on the Layout Structure toolbar, click the Add Resource icon.

    Add Resource in Layout Structure menu               bar
  2. In the Add Resource dialog box, enter the following data:

    • For Resource Type, select Javascript.
    • For Resource Source, select External File. Click Ok.
    Add Resource dialog box
  3. In the Properties pane, click in the Value column to the right of the Name property and enter addins. Press Tab or Enter.

    Name in Properties pane
  4. Click the caret ('^') button to the right of the Resource file property and navigate to public demoDashboard files. Click Ok.

  5. In the Create File dialog box, enter addins and click Ok.

    You have now created the addins.js file, which will contain the JavaScript code to execute within the dashboard components. Note that the name you give to the JS file is how the file itself will be referenced within the dashboard.
  6. To enter content in the addins.js file, select the addins resource in the Layout Structure pane. Locate the Resource file property and click the ellipse ('...') button to open the Edit window. Enter the following content for this file:

    ], function(AddIn, Dashboard, Logger, $) {
      Dashboard.registerGlobalAddIn("Table", "colType", new AddIn({
        name: "customArrow",
        label: "customArrow",
        defaults: {},
        implementation: function(tgt, st, opt) {
          if(typeof st.value !== "number") {
            Logger.warn("customArrow add-in invalid value: " + st.value);
          var trend = st.value > 0 ? "up" : "down";
                .append($('<ul><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-'
                  + trend +'"></span>&nbsp<span>'+ st.value +'%'+'</span></ul>'));
    • Lines 2 to 5 specify the dependencies needed for the add-in, which are then registered for use in the function.
    • Line 7 registers the add-in, which is then available to the table component.
  7. Press the Save button and then press the Close button.

  8. Following steps 2 through 5, add a second JavaScript external resource named title and save a new file named title.js in the public demoDashboard files folder. The dashboard will have a title and a subtitle which are provided by the text components created in Step Five. These components will fetch the displayed value from an object returned by the AMD module defined in the title.js file.

  9. To enter content in the title.js file, in the Layout Structure pane select the title resource and then select the Resource file property. Click the ellipse ('...') button to open the Edit window. Enter the following content for this file:

    define(function() {
      return {
        option1: 'CDE Dashboard',
        option2: 'Using a Table with a custom add-in and a CCC Bar Chart',

    In this file, an AMD module is defined which returns an object with two properties. This object will be accessible to the text components, using the same name as the one used for the Name property of the JavaScript external resource, and its properties will be used as the title and subtitle.

  10. Press the Save button and then press the Close button.

Step 4: Add data sources

In this example, you will use scripted queries as the data source.


  1. In the Data Source perspective, from the Data Source list, click SCRIPTING Queries, and then click scriptable over scripting twice.

  2. In the Datasources panel, in the Name column, enter chartQuery for the first data source, and tableQuery for the second.

    Datasources panel
  3. Add the following script to the Query property for the chartQuery data source:

    import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.util.TypedTableModel;
    String[] columnNames = new String[]{
      "Country", "Population growth per City [%]"
    Class[] columnTypes = new Class[]{
      String.class, Float.class
    TypedTableModel model = new TypedTableModel(columnNames, columnTypes);
    model.addRow(new Object[]{
      new String("Tokyo"), new Float("60")
    model.addRow(new Object[]{
      new String("Nice"), new Float("20")
    model.addRow(new Object[]{
      new String("London"), new Float("-10")
    model.addRow(new Object[]{
      new String("Munich"), new Float("30")
    model.addRow(new Object[]{
      new String("Porto"), new Float("10")
    model.addRow(new Object[]{
      new String("Brasilia"), new Float("10")
    return model;
  4. Add the following script to the Query property for the tableQuery data source:

    import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.util.TypedTableModel;
    String[] columnNames = new String[]{
      "Country", "City", "Population growth per City"
    Class[] columnTypes = new Class[]{
      String.class, String.class, Float.class
    TypedTableModel model = new TypedTableModel(columnNames, columnTypes);
    model.addRow(new Object[]{
      new String("Japan"), new String("Tokyo"), new Float("60")
    model.addRow(new Object[]{
      new String("France"), new String("Nice"), new Float("20")
    model.addRow(new Object[]{
      new String("UK"), new String("London"), new Float("-10")
    model.addRow(new Object[]{
      new String("Germany"), new String("Munich"), new Float("30")
    model.addRow(new Object[]{
      new String("Portugal"), new String("Porto"), new Float("10")
    model.addRow(new Object[]{
      new String("Brazil"), new String("Brasilia"), new Float("10")
    return model;

Step 5: Add components

  1. Switch to the Components perspective.

  2. From the Components list, expand the appropriate Group section, and then add the following components to the dashboard with the specified Name and HtmlObject properties in the table below. (See Customize the Components Perspective for more detailed instruction.)

    OthersText ComponentsubTitleComponentsubTitleColumnObj
    OthersText ComponenttitleComponenttitleColumnObj
    Otherstable ComponenttableComponenttableObj
    ChartsCCC Bar ChartchartComponentchartObj
    Components perspective
  3. Set the width and height for the chartComponent bar chart.

    • Click in the Value column for the Height property and type 450. Press Tab or Enter.
    • Click in the Value column for the Width property and type 400. Press Tab or Enter.
  4. Set the titleComponent text component by adding the following code to the Expression property:

    function f() {
      return "<strong>" + title.option1 + "</strong>";

    This piece of code is returning the content of option1 defined in the title.js file in Step Three.

  5. Set the subTitleComponent text component by adding the following code to the Expression property. Note that this code is similar to the previous step, substituting option2 for option1:

    function f() {
      return title.option2;
  6. In the tableComponent component, set the Column Types property as follows:

    Column Types dialog box

    Notice that the third line in the table is using the non-standard customArrow add-in. It is now available because it was registered earlier using the addins.js JavaScript external resource file.

  7. Set the Datasource property for the tableComponent to use the tableQuery data source created earlier in Step Four.

  8. Set the Datasource property for the chartComponent to use the chartQuery data source created earlier in Step Four.

Step 6: Preview the dashboard

  1. Save your dashboard and click the Preview your Dashboard icon in the top-right corner.

    The Preview window displays.
  2. Inspect your dashboard.

    Your finished dashboard should look similar to the image below.Preview of example dashboard
  3. When finished, close the Preview window.

Embedding dashboards built with RequireJS

You can embed a RequireJS dashboard as a sub-dashboard in an application without saving it as a widget. This direct method of embedding sub-dashboards into a main dashboard avoids possible conflicts from mismatching libraries which can occur when using widgets. With RequireJS, you no longer need to use widgets to embed sub-dashboards into an application.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to embed the dashboard within Pentaho Server or embed the dashboard using a server other than Pentaho. These instructions assume that you are familiar with the main features in CDE and the basic steps of creating a dashboard in CDE. In addition, these instructions assume that you have activated the CDE plugin.

Embedding within Pentaho Server

This walk-through tutorial assumes you have completed the steps in the Create a Dashboard Using RequireJS section. In this tutorial, you will embed the dashboard created in that tutorial into an HTML page hosted within the Pentaho Server.


  1. On your Desktop, create a folder named Embed to hold the three files we will create and upload to the Pentaho Server in this tutorial:

    • main.html
    • includeDashboards.js
    • styles.css
  2. Use a text editor to create a new HTML file and save it as main.html in the Embed folder you just created. Copy the following HTML code to the file:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
        <title>Embedding CDE Dashboards with RequireJS</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../repo/files/:public:Embed:styles.css"/>
       <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../plugin/pentaho-cdf-dd/api/renderer/cde-embed.js"></script>
        <div class="headerContainer">
          <header class="header">
            <a class="logo" href="">
              <img src="" alt="Pentaho Logo">
            <div class="titleHTML">
              <strong>Embedding CDE Dashboards with RequireJS</strong>
        <div class="dashboardContainer">
          <div id="content1"></div>
          <div id="content2"></div>
          <script src="../../repo/files/:public:Embed:includeDashboards.js"></script>
    • Line 7 loads the cde-embed.js resource, which contains all the RequireJS configurations to embed CDE dashboards into the HTML page.
    • Line 20 creates a div which contains two other divs, identified as content1 and content2, in which two instances of the required dashboard class will be rendered.
    • Line 23 loads the includeDashboards.js file, which uses RequireJS to load the demoDashboard CDE dashboard as a JavaScript class. This file creates both instances and associates each one to its respective div and executes its render function.
  3. Create the includeDashboards.js file and save it in the Embed folder. Copy the following JS code to the file:

    ], function(SampleDash) {
      // Create two instances of the same dashboard that use distinct DOM elements
      (new SampleDash("content1")).render();
      (new SampleDash("content2")).render();
    • The CDE dashboard is obtained via the CDE endpoint, /pentaho/plugin/pentaho-cdf-dd/api/renderer/getDashboard. The path field in the query string must contain the path to the CDE dashboard. Below is an example.
      ], function(SampleDash) { /* code */ });
    • This endpoint returns a RequireJS module which contains a class for a specific dashboard which is used to create new dashboard instances. You can also embed a dashboard using the simpler dash! RequireJS loader plugin, such as in the includeDashboards.js source code. Below is an example.
      ], function(SampleDash) { /* code */ });
  4. Create the styles.css file in the Embed folder. Copy the following CSS code to the file:

    body {
      padding: 10px;
    img {
      width: 300px;
      padding-bottom: 10px;
  5. Zip the Embed folder, and then use PUC to upload the compressed folder to the Pentaho Server’s Public folder.

  6. Finally, review your work. From the Public Embed folder, open the main.html​ file. The embedded dashboard should look similar to the image below.

    Embedded dashboard example

Embedding in a server other than Pentaho

In this walk-through tutorial, you will embed the dashboard created in the Create a dashboard using RequireJS tutorial into an HTML page running on a server that is not the Pentaho Server. This process requires the following steps:

  • Save the embed folder.
  • Edit the settings XML files.
  • Edit the Pentaho XML file.
  • Edit the main XML file.
  • Access the embedded dashboard.
NotePython 3 must be installed to use this tutorial.

Step 1: save the embed folder

  1. If you have not done so already, save the Embed folder from the previous tutorial to your Desktop.

Step 2: edit the settings XML files

Enable Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in the Community Dashboard Framework (CDF), Community Dashboard Editor (CDE), and Community Data Access (CDA). While you need CDE to embed the dashboard, you will access it from a different server other than the Pentaho Server, so CORS must be enabled in CDF, CDE and CDA. Open the following CDF, CDE, and CDA settings.xml files in a text editor:
  • For CDF: server/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system/pentaho-cdf/settings.xml.
  • For CDE: server/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system/pentaho-cdf-dd/settings.xml.
  • For CDA: server/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system/cda/settings.xml.

Make the following replacements in each settings.xml file:


  1. In all settings.xml files, find the line:

    and then change it to:
  2. In the settings.xml file for CDF and CDA, find the line:

    <cross-domain-resources-whitelist><!--intentionally left blank --></cross-domain-resources-whitelist>
    and then change it to:

Step 3: edit the Pentaho XML file

Open the server/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system/pentaho.xml file in a text editor and make the following replacements:


  1. Find the line:

    and then change it to:
  2. Find the line:

    <cors-requests-allowed-domains><!-- allowed domains here --></cors-requests-allowed-domains>
    and then change it to:

Step 4: edit the main HTML file

Open the main.html file from the previous tutorial and make the following replacements:


  1. Replace lines 6 and 7 with the three lines of code below. This example assumes the Pentaho Server is running locally on host localhost port 8080.

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css"/>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost:8080/pentaho/plugin/pentaho-cdf-dd/api/renderer/cde-embed.js"></script>
    NoteAdding the Bootstrap link tag minimizes the risk that the arrow images will fail to load, which may result when using CORS and font-fetching in CSS files. Updating the HTML script tag allows the cde-embed.js resource to be loaded from the correct location.
  2. Replace line 24 with the following line of code:

    <script src="includeDashboards.js"></script>

Step 5: access the embedded dashboard

Perform the following steps to start the embedded dashboard in Python and access it through its URL:


  1. Stop and restart the Pentaho Server.

  2. Since Python 3 is being used in this tutorial, open a shell or terminal and navigate to the Embed folder directory.

  3. Start a local HTTP server on localhost port 2777 by issuing the following Python command:

    python -m http.server 2777
  4. Access the dashboard via the URL http://localhost:2777/main.html. After logging in using your Pentaho credentials, you should have access to the following content:

    Embedded CDE dashboards with RequireJS example

Exporting charts

In this tutorial, you will learn how to export charts. These instructions assume that you are familiar with the main features in CDE and the basic steps of creating a dashboard in CDE. In addition, these instructions assume that you have activated the CDE plugin.

Exporting charts with CGG

In this walk-through tutorial, you will export the bar chart with the Community Graphics Generator (CGG) using the demoDashboard CDE dashboard created in the Create a dashboard using RequireJS tutorial. To use CGG, open an existing CDE dashboard for editing, and select which charts in the dashboard you want to render as CGG charts.


  1. Open the demoDashboard in CDE.

    1. Log on to Pentaho User Console and navigate to the Browse Files perspective.

    2. In the Folders pane, click to expand the Public folder, and then click to highlight the demoDashboard folder.

      demoDashboard example in the Browse Files                   perspective
    3. In the Files pane, click on demoDashboard and then, in the File Actions pane, click Edit.

      You are now in the Opened perspective with CDE in editing mode. The Editing:demoDashboard tab is now active in CDE.
  2. In the Components perspective, press ShiftG. In the Choose what charts to render as CGG popup, click to select the chartComponent check box.

    This popup lists all the components available to CGG, such as the Community Charting Components (CCC) chart components. When you save the dashboard, CGG generates a JavaScript file for each chart selected in the popup and saves it in your solutions directory.chartComponent option in the Choose what charts to                 render as CGG popup
  3. Click the Url button to generate a URL link to CGG which will export the target chart image. Copy the export link by selecting the full URL text and pressing CtrlC on your keyboard. When finished, click Close.

    Url option in the Choose what charts to render as                 CGG popup
  4. Before we can use the export URL, we need to save the dashboard so the CGG scripts are generated and saved in the proper repository. To save the dashboard, on the CDE menu bar, click Save.

  5. View the generated CGG JavaScript files. In Pentaho User Console, navigate to your demoDashboard folder. Note the following files:

    • The demoDashboard_chartComponent.js contains the chart definitions.
    • The chartComponent.js contains the same content as the above file. This file is saved for backwards compatibility with previous server versions.
    dempDashboard_chartComponent.js selection
  6. Open a browser window and paste the export URL (from Step 3) into the browser's navigation bar. Press Enter. The chart image displays in the browser window.

    Displayed chart image

Next steps

By default, CGG exports images in the Portable Network Graphics format (PNG). If you want CGG to export the image in the Scalable Vector Graphics format (SVG), then change the outputType in the URL query string to svg as shown below.

Exporting charts from a dashboard

In this walk-through tutorial, you will add an Export Chart button to export the bar chart from the demoDashboard CDE dashboard created in the Create a dashboard using RequireJS tutorial.


  1. Open the demoDashboard in CDE.

    (For detailed instructions, see Step 1 in Exporting Charts with CGG.)
  2. Customize the layout for the export button.

    1. In the Layout perspective, locate the mainContainerColumn column and add a row named exportChartRow.

    2. Select the exportChartRow and add a column named exportChartObj.

    3. Select the exportChartObj column and in the Properties pane, locate the Text Align property and set its value to Center.

      Text Align property in Layout                     Structure perspective
  3. Add and customize the export button.

    1. In the Components perspective, in the left menu, expand the Others group and click on the Button Component.

      Button Component in Components                   prespective
    2. In the Components pane, select the Button Component you just added. In the Properties pane, set the following values:

      LabelExport Chart
  4. Copy the following code to the Expression property:

    function f() {
    NoteThis code allows you to retrieve the chartComponent component via the dashboard and execute its exportChart function by passing it the png parameter which defines the export file type as a PNG file.
    When completed, the Properties pane should look similar to the image below.Resulting properties in example Properties pane
  5. In the Components perspective, press ShiftG to display the Choose what charts to render as CGG popup. Make sure the chartComponent check box is selected, then click Close.

    chartComponent option in the Choose what charts to                 reneder as CGG popup
  6. After saving the dashboard, return to Pentaho User Console, navigate to the Browse Files perspective and double-click the demoDashboard file. The following chart displays:

    Resulting demoDashboard display
  7. Press the Export Chart button to download the chart file as a PNG file.

    Example exported chart

Building responsive dashboards

CTools includes Bootstrap’s responsive library, so you can develop dashboards which work across a range of different devices, such as laptops, tablets, and smart phones. In this walk-through tutorial, you will convert the demoDashboard you created in the Create a dashboard using RequireJS or Exporting charts tutorials to a responsive dashboard.

Before you begin

These instructions assume that you are familiar with the main features in CDE and the basic steps of creating a dashboard in CDE. In addition, these instructions assume that you have activated the CDE plugin.


  1. Open the demoDashboard in CDE.

    For detailed instructions, see Step 1 in Exporting Charts with CGG.
  2. In the Layout perspective, locate and expand the chartTableRow row.

    1. Select the tableObj column and in the Properties pane, set the Medium Devices property to 6 spans. Additionally, set the Extra Small Devices property to 12 spans.

    2. Select the chartObj column and in the Properties pane, set the Medium Devices property to 6 spans. Additionally, set the Extra Small Devices property to 12 spans.

    NoteThe Small Devices property will inherit its value from the Extra Small Devices property, and the Large Devices property will inherit its value from the Medium Devices property. For more information about how Bootstrap works in CDE, see the CDE Dashboard Overview.
  3. Save the demoDashboard.

  4. In Pentaho User Console, navigate to the Browse Files perspective and double-click the demoDashboard file. When rendered, the dashboard will look similar to the following:

    Resulting example dashboard
  5. To test the responsiveness of your dashboard, reduce the size of your browser window. The dashboard layout will respond accordingly:

    Example dashboard responding accordingly