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Row Normaliser


The Row Normaliser step converts the columns of an input stream into rows. You can use this step to normalize repeating groups of columns.



The following fields and buttons are general to this transformation step:

Field Description
Step name Specify the unique name of the Row Normaliser step on the canvas. You can customize the name or leave it as the default.
Type field Specify the name of the new column in the output data.

Fields table


Fields table in Row               normaliser

Field Description
Fieldname Name of the fields to normalize.
Type Specify the string used to classify the field.
new field Specify the fields where you want to transfer the new values.
Get Fields Retrieves a list of all fields coming in on the streams.


Perform the following steps to demonstrate a simple example of the Row Normaliser step:


  1. Create the following sample table of product sales data as an input source:

    Date PR1_NR PR1_SL PR2_NR PR2_SL PR3_NR PR3_SL
    January 5 100 10 250 4 150
  2. Input the values shown in the following graphic in the Row Normaliser step:

    Row normaliser values example
  3. Run the Row Normaliser step.


The following table will display in the Preview data pane:

Results in the Preview data pane

The design-tools/data-integration/samples/transformations directory contains the following example KTRs that show how to use this step:

Example KTR File Description
Row Normaliser - Simple example.ktr Shows a simple example of normalizing sales data.
Row Normaliser - turn a single row into 3 rows.ktr Shows an example of splitting fields into columns then normalizing the columns.

Metadata injection support


You can use this step with ETL metadata injection to pass metadata to your transformation at runtime.

The following fields of the Row Normaliser step support metadata injection:

  • Fieldname
  • Type
  • new field