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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Rehydrate a migrated file

You can restore a migrated file using rehydration. When you perform migration, an HTML stub file is created on the file system from which a file is migrated. The created stub file contains recall information for Data Storage Optimizer to rehydrate the original file to the file system. You can selectively recall a file from its storage location and perform rehydration if a stub file exists on the file system.

Perform the following steps to rehydrate a file.


  1. Click Home..

    The Home page opens.
  2. On the Data Operations card, locate the file that you want to restore and click the GUID-0EBCD0EB-F56A-4BCC-8710-38CD52A552A3-low.png icon.

    You can use also use Search to locate the file.
  3. Note the Path of the file.

  4. Depending on your operating system, use a file explorer to locate the stub file, in the form <file name>.<file type>.html, in the file system.

  5. Double-click the file.

    The request is sent. The message, File rehydration process has been initiated. Please visit after sometime, appears.


File rehydration has begun.