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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Installing and configuring the SDR sample

This section walks you through each part of the process of installing the SDR sample to use. If you are evaluating Pentaho software, we recommend using the graphical installation method for a quick set-up. If you already have Pentaho software installed, you can skip right to the section for downloading and installing the sample.

The sample that we are using here was developed by Pentaho, based on CTools, and is provided for example and testing purposes only.

Install Pentaho software

Install the Pentaho software prior to using the Streamlined Data Refinery.


  1. Install the latest version of Pentaho software.

    If you are installing Pentaho using the Evaluation method with Postgres, choose the default option for installation, and then enter password for the Postgres password information.
  2. Log in to the Pentaho User Console (PUC), and verify that it is working properly.

  3. Log out of PUC, then stop the Pentaho Server.

Next steps

If you are using Vertica, you will need to install the Vertica JDBC driver at this point.

Download and install the SDR sample

These steps will get the sample installed and running.


  1. Download the sample and save it to your desktop.

  2. Extract the contents of the file to this directory: pentaho/server/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system.

    It should create an SDR folder in the directory.
  3. If you are using the default evaluation method, start the Pentaho Server and log into PUC.

  4. Go to Tools at the top of PUC and verify that Movie Ratings-SDR Sample appears in the drop-down menu.

    Tools menu

Next steps

If you are evaluating Pentaho and used the default installation instructions, you are ready to get started experimenting with the sample form. If you are doing anything else, follow the appropriate instructions in the Administration section before continuing with the sample form.