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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Post-upgrade tasks

After you upgrade your Pentaho products to version 9.5, you may need to perform a few of the following optional tasks depending on your Pentaho configuration.

  • Apply customizations

    If you previously customized any items from the default Pentaho setup, you may have to merge your customizations into Pentaho 9.5 versions of those items.

  • Update the default documentation version link

    If you link to specific documentation articles in your Pentaho configuration, you need to update the default documentation version in those links.

  • Install Ops Mart

    If you are interested in a centralized data mart for your PDI job or PDI transformation logs, you can install DI Ops Mart.

  • Install drivers for your Hadoop clusters

    If you use Hadoop clusters with your Pentaho products, you must re-install the drivers.

  • Apply your plugins

    If you use plugins with your Pentaho products, you must re-apply the plugins.

  • Set up password encryption

    If you want to encrypt passwords currently stored as plain text in configuration files, you must set up your upgraded 9.5 Pentaho Server for password encryption.

Apply customizations

The Pentaho Upgrade Installer generates a post-install report containing a list of items you may have customized from the default Pentaho setup. This postInstallConfigReport.txt file is generated from the CSV file you may have updated during the upgrade process. See Specify customized items to address after upgrading for instructions.

The CSV file is used to generate post-upgrade versions of the listed items separately from the existing versions of these items.

Address customizations with post-upgrade versions

For items listed in the CSV file that you want to keep in the 9.5 upgrade, you must address how your customizations are applied with the 9.5 features available in post-upgrade versions of these items.

Perform the following steps to address your customizations with Pentaho 9.5 versions of items listed in the post-install report:


  1. Navigate to the <root installation directory>/Pentaho__Installation directory.

  2. Open the postInstallConfigReport.txt file in a text editor.

    This report contains the following sections:
    • These config files need merged
    • These config files were not updated by the upgrade, but were changed pre-upgrade
    • These config files were not found in the upgrade
    • These config files were identical to the upgraded files
  3. For each item listed in the These config files need merged section of the post-install report, open both the existing version and the version with the .merge.post_upgrade extension to compare their differences.

  4. Verify the differences between the item's two versions and perform one of the following actions:

    1. If the upgrade process changes are minor, such as a single date change, then retain your existing version by deleting the post-upgrade version.

    2. If your existing content and the Pentaho 9.5 changes both apply for your setup, then merge the differences of the two versions into one item with the same name as the existing version.

    3. If your existing content can be overwritten by the upgrade process changes, then replace the existing version with the post-upgrade version.


Your customizations now appear in your 9.5 Pentaho products.

Update the default documentation version link

The default URL of the online Pentaho documentation changes with each release. When upgrading, you may need to update this URL parameter in the pentaho.xml file.


  1. Navigate to the pentaho/server/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system directory and open the pentaho.xml file with any text editor.

  2. Modify the following <documentation-url> line and replace the previous documentation value with the current documentation value: <documentation-url></documentation-url>.

  3. Save and close the file.

Install Ops Mart

If you installed an Ops Mart as part of the previous Pentaho 7.x or 8.x upgrade, you do not have to reinstall it. If you are interested in installing and using DI Ops Mart, see Install DI Ops Mart.

Install drivers for your Hadoop clusters

If you use Hadoop clusters with your Pentaho products, after upgrading to version 9.5, you must install the drivers for the Hadoop clusters you want to access. To conserve memory and storage resources, these drivers are not automatically installed for your upgraded version 9.5 Pentaho products. You can install the specific drivers manually or through the PDI client. For instructions, see Set up the Pentaho Server to connect to a Hadoop cluster.

Apply your plugins

If you use plugins with your Pentaho products, after upgrading to version 9.5, you must re-apply your plugins. For instructions with CTools plugins, see CTools. For instructions with PDI plugins, see Step 4: Install PDI plugins.

Set up password encryption

As an IT administrator, you may need to enhance your company's security by encrypting the passwords that are currently stored as plain text in configuration files. For example, you need to meet specific server security levels for regulatory compliance. Before applying password encryption on your upgraded Pentaho 9.5 products, you must set up your upgraded 9.5 Pentaho Server to work with password encryption. See Setting up password encryption after upgrading for instructions.