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More about row banding, data formatting, and alignment

Row banding

By creating a row band element, you can select the specific fields in your report that will display a row band. For example, you may want to emphasize specific fields and not others on a line. You can give your row band element any name you choose. In the example below, the row band Element is called row-band-element.Row Banding dialog box

After you create your element, go back to the report and select the columns (fields) whose data will always be displayed with a row band. You must also type row-band-element in the name field under Attributes. In the example below, the data associated with each of the columns in the report will display a row band. Notice the banding in the report preview.Name field, Attributes

Data formatting

Report Designer uses default formats for dates and numbers. You can change how dates and numbers display by selecting the object (field) and selecting the appropriate value for the format from the drop-down list next to format (under Attributes). In the example below, the dates associated with the Order Date field will display as MM-dd-yy.Format field, Attributes

When you preview the report, notice that it displays in a cleaner format:Order Date formatting applied

NoteYou can type a value for your own format if you know the correct JavaScript string nomenclature.


To align multiple objects press SHIFTCLICK to select each object. Then, choose an alignment option from the Format menu. Alternatively, you can click the Select Objects icon (Select Objects) and drag your mouse over the objects you want to select and then choose an alignment option.

In the example below, the selected objects will be aligned in the middle of the band.

Alignment selection, Format menu