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LDAP security

To use Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) for user security, you must switch from the default Pentaho security to LDAP, then you must configure LDAP.

Switch to LDAP

To connect to your LDAP server, you must import the certificate into the JRE's truststore/keystore used by the Pentaho Server (java/lib/security/cacerts).


  1. From the User Console Home menu, click Administration, then select Authentication from the left.

    The Authentication interface appears. Local - Use basic Pentaho Authentication is selected by default.
  2. Select the External - Use LDAP / Active Directory server option.

    User console authentication set to external The LDAP Server Connection fields populate with a default URL, user name, and password.
  3. Change the Server URL, User Name, and Password as needed.

  4. Click Test Server Connection to verify the connection to your LDAP server and to complete the set up.

  5. Click the node to select the Pentaho System Administrator user and role to match your LDAP configuration, then click OK.

    NoteThe Admin user is required for all system-related operations, including the creation of user folders. The Administrator Role is required for mapping a third-party admin role to the Pentaho admin role (Administrator). This is required for all ABS functionality to work properly.
  6. Select your LDAP Provider from the drop-down menu.

  7. Configure the LDAP connection as explained in LDAP properties.

  8. Stop the Pentaho server.

  9. Delete the server/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system/karaf/caches folder.

  10. Restart the Pentaho Server and test the LDAP functionality.


The Pentaho Server is now configured to authenticate users against your LDAP directory server.

Manual configuration

You must have a working LDAP server with an established configuration before continuing. Follow the instructions below to manually switch from Pentaho default security to LDAP security.


  1. Stop the Pentaho Server.

  2. Edit the file located in the server/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system folder.

    1. Change provider=jackrabbit to provider=ldap

    2. Save and close the file.

  3. Edit the server/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system/ file.

    1. Modify the settings to match your LDAP configuration.

      allAuthoritiesSearch.searchFilter= (objectClass\=group)
    2. Save and close the file.

  4. Edit the server/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system/ file.

    1. Replace admin in the following line: singleTenanatAdminUserName=admin with the value of the adminUser’ssAMAccountName as defined in the file.

    2. Save and close the file.

  5. Delete the following directory: server/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system/jackrabbit/repository

    CautionDo not delete the repository.xml file, which is also located in the following directory: server/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system/jackrabbit
  6. Delete the server/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system/karaf/caches folder.

  7. Restart the Pentaho Server and test the LDAP functionality.


The Pentaho Server is now configured to authenticate users against your directory server. The LDAP properties reference article contains supplemental information for LDAP values.

Chain LDAP servers

You can chain multiple LDAP servers together for authentication and authorization of your users. You may want to implement chained servers if you::

  • Have one or more LDAP Servers for your organization
  • Need a failover LDAP server
  • Have multiple domains within an LDAP Server

To chain your LDAP servers, you must configure your setup by editing existing files, creating configuration files, and then finalize the process. This process requires the following steps:

  • Step 1: Configure the authentication manager
  • Step 2: Configure the your users and roles
  • Step 3: Create a spring security application context file
  • Step 4: Create Pentaho security application context file
  • Step 5: Create a properties file for the ldapProvider
  • Step 6: Apply your new files
  • Step 7: Complete the configuration process

Before you begin, you must stop the server if it is running before proceeding. You must also use the same providerName in all the configuration files below.

Step 1: Configure the authentication manager

Perform the following steps to configure the authentication manager:


  1. Navigate to the server/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system/ directory.

  2. Open the applicationContext-spring-security.xml file in any text editor.

  3. Locate the authenticationManager bean tags and add the following AuthenticationProvider code in the list tag, replacing ldapProviderName with your providerName:

    <pen:bean class="">
    		<pen:attr key="providerName" value="<ldapProviderName>"/>

    After adding the above bean, your authentication manager code will look like the following example code where ldapProviderName is replaced with with your providerName:

    <bean id="authenticationManager" class="">
    			<pen:bean class=""/>
    			<ref bean="anonymousAuthenticationProvider"/>
    			<pen:bean class="">
    					<pen:attr key="providerName" value="<ldapProviderName>"/>
    	<property name="authenticationEventPublisher" ref="defaultAuthenticationEventPublisher"/>
  4. 3. Save and close the file.

Step 2: Configure the your users and roles

Perform the following steps to configure the your users and roles.


  1. Navigate to the server/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system directory.

  2. Open the pentahoObjects.spring.xml file in any text editor.

  3. Locate the activeUserRoleListService definition beans tag and add the following UserRoleListService beans beneath the activeUserRoleListService ending tag, replacing ldapProviderName with your providerName as shown in the following example:

    <pen:bean id="<ldapProviderName>_activeUserRoleListService" class="org.pentaho.platform.api.engine.IUserRoleListService">
    		<pen:attr key="providerName" value="<ldapProviderName>"/>
  4. Locate the IUserRoleListService definition beans tag and add the newly added bean ID after the list tag with ref bean attribute.

  5. Add the following property after the constructor tag:

    <property name="strategy">
    	<value type="">ADDITIVE</value>
    After adding the above reference bean and property, your IUserRoleListService code will look like the following example code where ldapProviderName is replaced with with your providerName:
    <!-- A composite bean composed of the activeUserRoleListService and systemUserRoleListService -->
    <bean id="IUserRoleListService" class="">
    			<ref bean="<ldapProviderName>_activeUserRoleListService"/>
    			<ref bean="activeUserRoleListService"/>
    			<ref bean="systemUserRoleListService"/>
    	<property name="strategy">
    		<value type="">ADDITIVE</value>
    	<pen:publish as-type="INTERFACES">
    			<pen:attr key="priority" value="50"/>
  6. Locate the activeUserDetailsService bean tags and add the following ldapProviderName_activeUserDetailsService after the activeUserDetailsService end tag, replacing ldapProviderName with your providerName:

    <pen:bean id="<ldapProviderName>_activeUserDetailsService" class="">
                           <pen:attr key="providerName" value="<ldapProviderName>"/>
  7. Locate the UserDetailsService definition beans tag and add the newly added bean ID after the list tag with reference bean attribute

    After adding the above reference bean, your UserDetailsService code will look like the following example code where ldapProviderName is replaced with with your providerName
    <!-- A composite bean composed of the activeUserDetailsService and systemUserDetailsService -->
    <bean id="UserDetailsService" class="">
    			<ref bean="<ldapProviderName>_activeUserDetailsService"/>
    			<ref bean="activeUserDetailsService"/>
    			<ref bean="systemUserDetailsService"/>
  8. Save and close the file.

Step 3: Create a spring security application context file

Perform the following steps to create a spring security application context file:


  1. Create a LDAP Spring security applicationContext file using the following example code, replacing all occurrences of ldapProviderName with your providerName:

    <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:pen="" xmlns:util="" xsi:schemaLocation="" default-lazy-init="true">
    	<bean id="<ldapProviderName>_ldapAuthenticationProvider" class="">
    			<ref bean="<ldapProviderName>_authenticator"/>
    			<ref bean="<ldapProviderName>_populator"/>
    			<ref bean="<ldapProviderName>_ldapRoleMapper"/>
    	<!-- Interceptor which changes the thread context classloader to the class' current classloader.-->
    	<bean id="<ldapProviderName>_classloaderSwitcherInterceptor" class="">
    	<bean id="<ldapProviderName>_ldapAuthenticationProviderProxy" class="org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean">
    		<property name="proxyInterfaces" value=""/>
    		<property name="target" ref="<ldapProviderName>_ldapAuthenticationProvider"/>
    		<property name="interceptorNames">
    			<pen:publish as-type="">
    					<pen:attr key="providerName" value="<ldapProviderName>"/>
    	<bean id="<ldapProviderName>_authenticator" class="">
    			<ref bean="<ldapProviderName>_contextSource"/>
    		<property name="userSearch">
    			<ref bean="<ldapProviderName>_userSearch"/>
    <!-- Uncomment below and update ldapAuthenticationProvider to enable local caching of LDAP credentials; reduces LDAP traffic when running numerous spoon/pan/kitchen jobs against a repository. -->
    <bean id="cachingAuthenticator"
     <constructor-arg ref="authenticator" />
     <property name="cacheRegionName" value="ldapAuthenticatorCache" />
     <property name="passwordHashMethod" value="SHA-256" />
    	<bean id="<ldapProviderName>_contextSource" class="">
    		<constructor-arg value="${<ldapProviderName>.contextSource.providerUrl}"/>
    		<property name="userDn" value="${<ldapProviderName>.contextSource.userDn}"/>
    		<property name="password" value="${<ldapProviderName>.contextSource.password}"/>
    	<!-- be sure to escape ampersands -->
    	<bean id="<ldapProviderName>_userSearch" class="">
    		<constructor-arg index="0" value="${<ldapProviderName>.userSearch.searchBase}"/>
    		<constructor-arg index="1" value="${<ldapProviderName>.userSearch.searchFilter}"/>
    		<constructor-arg index="2">
    			<ref bean="<ldapProviderName>_contextSource"/>
    	<!-- be sure to escape ampersands -->
    	<bean id="<ldapProviderName>_populator" class="">
    		<constructor-arg index="0">
    			<ref bean="<ldapProviderName>_contextSource"/>
    		<constructor-arg index="1" value="${<ldapProviderName>.populator.groupSearchBase}"/>
    		<property name="groupRoleAttribute" value="${<ldapProviderName>.populator.groupRoleAttribute}"/>
    		<!-- {0} will be replaced with user DN; {1} will be replaced with username -->
    		<property name="groupSearchFilter" value="${<ldapProviderName>.populator.groupSearchFilter}"/>
    		<property name="rolePrefix" value="${<ldapProviderName>.populator.rolePrefix}"/>
    		<property name="convertToUpperCase" value="${<ldapProviderName>.populator.convertToUpperCase}"/>
    		<property name="searchSubtree" value="${<ldapProviderName>.populator.searchSubtree}"/>
    		<property name="defaultRole" ref="defaultRole"/>
    <!-- Uncomment below and update ldapAuthenticationProvider to enable local caching of LDAP credentials; reduces LDAP
    traffic when running numerous spoon/pan/kitchen jobs against a repository. -->
     <bean id="cachingPopulator"
     <constructor-arg ref="populator" />
     <property name="cacheRegionName" value="ldapPopulatorCache" />
     </bean> -->
    	<bean id="<ldapProviderName>_ldapUserDetailsService0" class="">
    			<ref bean="<ldapProviderName>_userSearch"/>
    			<ref bean="<ldapProviderName>_populator"/>
    		<constructor-arg ref="tenantedUserNameUtils"/>
    	<bean id="<ldapProviderName>_ldapUserDetailsServiceProxy" class="org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean">
    		<property name="proxyInterfaces" value=""/>
    		<property name="target" ref="<ldapProviderName>_ldapUserDetailsService0"/>
    		<property name="interceptorNames">
    		<!-- map LDAP role to pentaho security role -->
    		<util:map id="<ldapProviderName>_ldapRoleMap">
    			<entry key="${<ldapProviderName>.adminRole}" value="Administrator"/>
    	<bean id="<ldapProviderName>_ldapRoleMapper" class="">
    			<ref bean="<ldapProviderName>_ldapRoleMap"/>
    		<constructor-arg value="${<ldapProviderName>.allAuthoritiesSearch.roleAttribute}"/>
    	<bean id="<ldapProviderName>_ldapUserDetailsService" class="">
    		<property name="userDetailsService" ref="<ldapProviderName>_ldapUserDetailsServiceProxy"/>
    		<property name="defaultRole" ref="defaultRole"/>
    		<property name="roleMapper" ref="<ldapProviderName>_ldapRoleMapper"/>
    		<pen:publish as-type="INTERFACES">
    				<pen:attr key="providerName" value="<ldapProviderName>"/>
    	<bean class="org.pentaho.platform.config.SolutionPropertiesFileConfiguration">
    		<constructor-arg value="<ldapProviderName>"/>
    		<constructor-arg value="applicationContext-security-<ldapProviderName>.properties"/>
    		<pen:publish as-type="INTERFACES"/>
  2. Save the filename as applicationContext-spring-security-<ldapProviderName>.xml where ldapProviderName is your providerName in the /pentaho-solutions/system directory.

Step 4: Create Pentaho security application context file

Perform the following steps to create a Pentaho security application context file:


  1. Copy the following example code into a file, replacing all the occurrences of ldapProviderName with your providerName:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    	| Application context containing LDAP UserRoleListService
    	| implementation.
    <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
           xsi:schemaLocation="" default-lazy-init="true">
      <!-- be sure to escape ampersands -->
      <bean id="ldapProviderName_allUsernamesSearch"
        <constructor-arg index="0" ref="ldapProviderName_contextSource" />
        <constructor-arg index="1">
            <constructor-arg index="0" value="${ldapProviderName.allUsernamesSearch.searchBase}" />
            <constructor-arg index="1" value="${ldapProviderName.allUsernamesSearch.searchFilter}" />
        <constructor-arg index="2">
            <constructor-arg index="0" value="${ldapProviderName.allUsernamesSearch.usernameAttribute}" />
      <!-- be sure to escape ampersands -->
      <bean id="ldapProviderName_allAuthoritiesSearch"
        <constructor-arg index="0" ref="ldapProviderName_contextSource" />
        <constructor-arg index="1">
            <constructor-arg index="0" value="${ldapProviderName.allAuthoritiesSearch.searchBase}" />
            <constructor-arg index="1"
                             value="${ldapProviderName.allAuthoritiesSearch.searchFilter}" />
        <constructor-arg index="2">
            <constructor-arg index="0">
                  <constructor-arg index="0" value="${ldapProviderName.allAuthoritiesSearch.roleAttribute}" />
                  <property name="rolePrefix" value="${ldapProviderName.populator.rolePrefix}" />
                  <property name="convertToUpperCase" value="${ldapProviderName.populator.convertToUpperCase}" />
      <!-- not currently used -->
      <bean id="ldapProviderName_usernamesInRoleSearch"
      <bean id="ldapProviderName_ldapUserRoleListService"
        <constructor-arg index="0" >
          <bean class="" />
        <constructor-arg index="1" >
          <bean class="" />
        <constructor-arg index="2">
          <ref bean="ldapProviderName_ldapRoleMapper" />
        <property name="allAuthoritiesSearch">
          <ref bean="ldapProviderName_allAuthoritiesSearch" />
        <property name="allUsernamesSearch">
          <ref bean="ldapProviderName_allUsernamesSearch" />
        <property name="userDetailsService">
        	<pen:bean class=""/>
        <property name="usernamesInRoleSearch">
          <ref bean="ldapProviderName_usernamesInRoleSearch" />
        <property name="roleNameUtils" >
          <ref bean="tenantedRoleNameUtils" />
        <property name="userNameUtils">
          <ref bean="tenantedUserNameUtils" />
        <property name="systemRoles" >
          <ref bean="singleTenantSystemAuthorities" />
        <property name="extraRoles" ref="extraRoles" />
        <pen:publish as-type="INTERFACES">
            <pen:attr key="providerName" value="ldapProviderName"/>
  2. Save the file as applicationContext-pentaho-security-<ldapProviderName>.xml in the pentaho-solutions/system directory where ldapProviderName is your providerName.

Step 5: Create a properties file for the ldapProvider

Perform the following steps to create an ldapProvider properties file:


  1. Copy the following example code into any text editor and save it in the server/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system directory as the applicationContext-security-<ldapProviderName>.properties file where ldapProviderName is your providerName.

    allAuthoritiesSearch.searchFilter= (objectClass\=group)
  2. Modify any variables that pertain to your environment.

  3. Save and close the file.

Step 6: Apply your new files

Perform the following steps to apply the newly created files:


  1. Navigate to the server/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system directory.

  2. Open the pentaho-spring-beans.xml file with any text editor.

  3. Search for the <import resource="applicationContext-pentaho-security-ldap.xml" /> element and add the following lines after it:

    <import resource="applicationContext-spring-security-ldapProviderName.xml" />  
    <import resource="applicationContext-pentaho-security-<ldapProviderName>.xml" />
  4. Save and close the file.

Step 7: Complete the configuration process

Perform the following step to complete the configuration process:


  1. Delete the server/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system/jackrabbit/repository directory.

  2. Delete the server/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system/karaf/caches directory.

  3. Restart the server.

    CautionDo not delete the repository.xml file in the server/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system/jackrabbit directory.

Next steps

If you want to configure another LDAP configuration, repeat all the steps using a different providerName.

Use nested roles

It is possible to nest user roles such that one role includes all of the users of another role. Doing this external to the core LDAP structure prevents recursive directory queries to find all parents of a given child role. Follow the directions below to modify the Pentaho Server to support nested roles for LDAP and MSAD authentication types.


  1. Stop the Pentaho Server or service.

    sh /usr/local/pentaho/server/pentaho-server/
  2. Open the /pentaho/server/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system/applicationContext-spring-security-ldap.xml file with a text editor.

  3. In the populator bean definition, replace DefaultLdapAuthoritiesPopulator with: NestedLdapAuthoritiesPopulator

    <bean id="populator" class="">
  4. Save the file, then edit /pentaho/server/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system/applicationContext-pentaho-security-ldap.xml.

    This and the next step are only necessary if the roles that serve as "parents" to nested roles cannot be returned by a traditional all authorities search.
  5. Add an extraRoles bean to the list of transformers in the ChainedTransformers bean, and set properties for each parent role (represented by example_role below).

    <bean id="allAuthoritiesSearch" class="​">
        <!-- omitted -->
        <constructor-arg index="2">
            <bean class="org.apache.commons.collections.functors.ChainedTransformer">
                <constructor-arg index="0">
                        <bean class="​userrole.ldap.transform.SearchResultToAttrValueList">
                            <!-- omitted -->
                        <bean class="​ldap.transform.ExtraRoles">
                            <property name="extraRoles">
                        <bean class="​userrole.ldap.transform.StringToGrantedAuthority">
                            <!-- omitted -->
  6. Save the file, close your text editor, and start the Pentaho Server.

    sh /usr/local/pentaho/server/pentaho-server/


The Pentaho Server can now handle nested roles with LDAP or Active Directory authentication.

LDAP properties

You can configure LDAP values by editing the /pentaho-solutions/system/ file in your Pentaho Server folder.

Connection information (context)

These entries define connections involving LDAP users (typically administrators) that can execute folder searches.
LDAP PropertyPurposeExample
context.Source.providerUrlLDAP connection URLcontextSource.providerUrl=ldap://holly:389/DC=Valyant,DC=local
contextSource.userDnDistinguished name of a user with read access to directorycontextSource.userDn=CN= Administrator, CN=Users,DC=Valyant,DC=local
contextSource.passwordPassword for the specified usercontextSource.password=secret


These options control how the LDAP server is searched for user names that are entered in the Pentaho login dialog box.
NoteThe {0} token will be replaced by the user name from the login dialog box.
NoteThe example above defines DC=Valyant,DC=local in contextSource.providerURL. Given that definition, you would not need to repeat that in userSearch.searchBase below because it will be appended automatically to the defined value here.
LDAP PropertyPurposeExample
userSearch.searchBaseBase (by user name) for user searchesuserSearch.searchBase=CN=Users
userSearch.searchFilterFilter (by user name) for user searches. The attribute you specify here must contain the value that you want your users to log into Pentaho with. Active Directory user names are represented by sAMAccountName; full names are represented by displayName.userSearch.searchFilter=(sAMAccountName={0})


The populator matches fully distinguished user names from userSearch to distinguished role names for roles those users belong to.
NoteThe {0} token will be replaced with the user DN found during a user search; the {1} token is replaced with the user name entered in the login screen.
LDAP PropertyPurposeExample
populator.convertToUpperCaseIndicates whether or not retrieved role names are converted to uppercasepopulator.convertToUpperCase=false
populator.groupRoleAttributeThe attribute to get role names frompopulator.groupRoleAttribute=cn
populator.groupSearchBaseBase (by user DN or user name) for role searches.populator.groupSearchBase=ou= Pentaho
populator.groupSearchFilterThe special nested group filter for Active Directory is shown in the example; this will not work with non-MSAD directory servers.populator.groupSearchFilter= (memberof:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941: =({0}))
populator.rolePrefixA prefix to add to the beginning of the role name found in the group role attribute; the value can be an empty string.populator.rolePrefix=
populator.searchSubtreeIndicates whether or not the search must include the current object and all children. If set to false, the search must include the current object only.populator.searchSubtree=true

All authorities search

These entries populate the Pentaho Server Access Control List (ACL) roles. These should be similar or identical to the populator entries.
LDAP PropertyPurposeExample
allAuthoritiesSearch.roleAttributeThe attribute used for role valuesallAuthoritiesSearch.roleAttribute=cn
allAuthoritiesSearch.searchBaseBase for "all roles" searchesallAuthoritiesSearch.searchBase=ou= Pentaho
allAuthoritiesSearch.searchFilterFilter for "all roles" searches. Active Directory requires that the objectClass value be set to group.allAuthoritiesSearch.searchFilter= (objectClass=group)

All user name search

These entries populate the Pentaho Server ACL users.
LDAP PropertyPurposeExample
allUsernamesSearch.username AttributeThe attribute used for user valuesallUsernamesSearch.username Attribute= sAMAccountName
allUsernamesSearch.searchBaseBase for "all users" searchesallUsernamesSearch.searchBase= CN=users
allUsernamesSearch.searchFilterFilter for "all users" searchesallUsernamesSearch.searchFilter= objectClass=person