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JDBC security

You must have existing security tables in a relational database in order to proceed with this task.

Switch to JDBC security

Follow the instructions below to switch from Pentaho default security to JDBC security, which will allow you to use your own security tables.

If you want to use encrypted passwords for JDBC security as explained in the Use password encryption with Pentaho article, use the encrypted password for all password values.

If you are using the Pentaho Server and choose to switch to a JDBC security shared object, you will no longer be able to use the role and user administration settings in the Administration portion of the User Console.


  1. Stop the Pentaho Server.

  2. Open /pentaho-solutions/system/ with a text editor.

  3. Change the value of the provide property to jdbc.

  4. Set up the connection to the database that holds the users and authorities:

    1. Open the /pentaho-solutions/system/ file with a text editor. Find the following two lines and change the jdbcDriver and URL to the appropriate values.

    2. Change the user name and password by editing the following two items:

      \datasource.username=sa, datasource.password=
    3. Set the validation.query by editing its row. Examples of different validation queries are shown in the file.

      datasource.validation.query=SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SYSTEM_USERS
    4. Set the wait timeout, max pool, and max idle by editing the following three items to change the defaults.

      datasource.pool.max.wait=-1,, datasource.max.idle=4
    5. Save the file and close the editor.

  5. If needed, modify the user queries that pull information about users and authorities:

    1. Open /pentaho-solutions/system/applicationContext-spring-security-jdbc.xml with a text editor.

    2. Find the following line and change the SQL query returning the user and roles for which the user is a member to the appropriate statement:

          <[SELECT username, authority FROM GRANTED_AUTHORITIES WHERE username = ? ORDER BY authority]>
    3. Find the following line and change the SQL query that determines the user, password, and whether they can log in to the appropriate statement:

          <[SELECT username, password, enabled FROM USERS WHERE username = ? ORDER BY username]>
  6. If needed, modify the following role queries that pull information about users and authorities.

    1. Open the /pentaho-solutions/system/applicationContext-pentaho-security-jdbc.xml file with a text editor.

    2. Find the following line and change the SQL query showing the roles for security on objects to the appropriate statement:

          <[SELECT distinct(authority) as authority FROM AUTHORITIES ORDER BY authority]>
    3. Find the following line and change the SQL query that returns all users in a specific role to the appropriate statement:

          <[SELECT distinct(username) as username FROM GRANTED_AUTHORITIES where authority = ? ORDER BY username]>
    4. Find the following line and change the SQL query that returns all users by order to the appropriate statement:

          <[SELECT distinct(username) as username FROM USERS ORDER BY username]>
    5. Save the file and close the editor.

  7. Update the default Pentaho admin user on the system to map to your JDBC admin user:

    1. Open the /pentaho-solutions/system/ file with a text editor.

    2. Find the following lines and change the default value from <admin> to map to your <admin username> in your JDBC system:

      singleTenantAdminUserName=<Admin User>
    3. Save the file and close the editor.

  8. To fully map the JDBC's admin role to other configuration files, specify the name of the administrator role for your JDBC authentication database in the applicationContext-pentaho-security-jdbc.xml file.

    1. Open the /pentaho-solutions/system/applicationContext-pentaho-security-jdbc.xml file with a text editor.

    2. Find the following lines and change the entry key to the key assigned to the administrator role in your JDBC authentication database:

      <!-- map ldap role to pentaho security role -->
      <util:map id="jdbcRoleMap">
         <entry key="Admin" value="Administrator"/>
    3. Save and close the file.

  9. Start the Pentaho Server.

    The server is configured to authenticate users against the specified database.

Manual LDAP/JDBC hybrid configuration

You might need to create a hybrid between an LDAP security solution and a JDBC security table for role definitions. This is common in situations where LDAP roles can't be redefined for Pentaho Server use. These instructions help you switch the Pentaho Server's authentication back-end from the Pentaho data access object to an LDAP/JDBC hybrid.

Before you begin configuring LDAP and JDBC for the Pentaho Server, you will need to verify a couple of things.

Verify Successful Default Pentaho Security DeploymentMake sure your Pentaho Server has been successfully deployed using default Pentaho Security (Jackrabbit authentication).
Configure Pentaho for LDAP AuthenticationVerify that your Pentaho system is configured for LDAP authentication.
Verify Database with User RolesVerify that you have a database populated with your user roles.

After you finish the prerequisite tasks above, there are a few things that you need to do in order set up a hybrid LDAP/JDBC configuration successfully. The table structure described here is for example purposes.

These sections will guide you through the remaining steps of this process:

  • Step 1: Create user/authorities database tables
  • Step 2: Set up inserts for tables
  • Step 3: Update JDBC security queries
  • Step 4: Enable JDBC authorization beans
  • Step 5: Verify LDAP/JDBC configuration

Step 1: Create user/authorities database tables

You will need to create a few database tables in order to get LDAP and JDBC to work together.


  1. Create a table called USERS and populate it with the following values:

    Column NameColumn TypeColumn Description
    usernameVARCHAR(50)The User name.
    passwordVARCHAR(50)This column value is not considered in a hybrid LDAP/JDBC solution.
    enablesVARCHAR(100)Set to true if user is enables; false if not enabled.
  2. Create a table called AUTHORITIES and populate it with the following values:

    Column NameColumn TypeColumn Description
    authorityVARCHAR(50)The Pentaho role, such as Administrator, Report Author, etc.
  3. Create a table called GRANTED_AUTHORITIES and populate it with the following values:

    Column NameColumn TypeColumn Description
    usernameVARCHAR(50)The User name.
    authorityVARCHAR(5)Associated Pentaho role.

Step 2: Update user and role values for tables

Next, you will need to perform a series of updates for the tables you just created. Users will be authenticated using their Active Directory password.
NoteSome syntax examples are provided here for you to customize with your own values.


  1. Update usernames and passwords in the USERS table as shown:

    INSERT INTO USERS VALUES('username','Password1','1',NULL)
  2. Update roles in the AUTHORITIES table as shown:

    INSERT INTO AUTHORITIES VALUES('DBPentFinance','Finance Users')
    INSERT INTO AUTHORITIES VALUES('DBPentUsers','User has not logged in')
  3. Update users with their associated roles in the GRANTED_AUTHORITIES table as shown:


Step 3: Update JDBC security queries

You might have different names for your created tables than are provided in these examples. If so, after you have updated your user and role values in your tables, you need to update a couple of queries and other items to match your system names.


  1. Locate the /pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system directory and update these two files with the noted information.

    1. applicationContext-pentaho-security-jdbc.xml

    2. applicationContext-spring-security-jdbc.xml

  2. Update the query, as well as field names such as username, password, and enabled that are expected by spring framework security. Be sure to use an alias if you are using different field names.

    SELECT userid as username, 'password' as password, 'enabled' as enabled FROM USERS_ROLES WHERE userid= ? ORDER BY userid
  3. Stop the Pentaho Server.

  4. Copy your respective database JDBC driver to the tomcat/lib directory.

Step 4: Enable JDBC Authorization beans

Last, you will need to enable some JDBC Authorization beans.

Update security properties file

Perform the following steps to update the file:


  1. Stop the Pentaho Server.

  2. Locate the pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system directory.

  3. Open the file with any text editor.

    1. Locate the LDAP property bean and add the role provider as shown here:

  4. Save and close the file.

Update spring security-jdbc properties file

Perform the following steps to update the file:


  1. Open the file.

  2. Add or update this database information with your system values.

    Database SettingDescription
    datasource.driver.classnameFully-qualified Java class name of the JDBC driver you are using.
    datasource.urlConnection URL to be passed to your JDBC driver to establish a connection.
    datasource.usernameConnection username to be passed to our JDBC driver to establish a connection
    datasource.passwordConnection password to be passed to our JDBC driver to establish a connection
    datasource.validation.querySQL query that is used to validate connections from this pool before returning them to the caller. This query must be a SELECT statement that returns at least one row.
    datasource.pool.max.waitMaximum number of milliseconds that the pool will wait when there are no available connections. For a connection to be returned before throwing an exception, or <= 0, to wait indefinitely. Default is -1.
    datasource.pool.max.activeMaximum number of active connections that can be allocated from this pool at the same time, or negative for no limit. Default value is 8.
    datasource.max.idleMaximum number of connections that can remain idle in the pool, without extra ones being destroyed, or negative for no limit. Default value is 8.
    datasource.min.idleMinimum number of active connections that can remain idle in the pool, without extra ones being created when the evictor runs, or 0 to create none. Default value is 0.
  3. Save and close the file.

Update the pentaho-security-jdbc file

Perform the following steps to update the applicationContext-pentaho-security-jdbc.xml file:


  1. Open the applicationContext-pentaho-security-jdbc.xml file.

  2. Change the entry key to show your admin role for your database.

    <util:map id="jdbcRoleMap">
    <entry key="Admin" value="Administrator"/>
    <util:map id="jdbcRoleMap">
    <entry key="DBPentAdmins" value="Administrator"/>
  3. Save and close the file.

Update the pentahoObjects spring file

Perform the following steps to update the pentahoObjects.spring.xml file:


  1. Open the pentahoObjects.spring.xml file.

  2. Change these beans as shown, then save and close the file.

    <pen:bean id="activeUserRoleListService" class="org.pentaho.platform.api.engine.IUserRoleListService">
    <pen:attr key="providerName" value="${security.provider}"/>
    <pen:bean id="activeUserRoleListService" class="org.pentaho.platform.api.engine.IUserRoleListService">
    <pen:attr key="providerName" value="jdbc"/>

Update spring security-ldap file

Perform the following steps to update the applicationContext-spring-security-ldap.xml file:


  1. Open the applicationContext-spring-security-ldap.xml file.

  2. Remove the bean for and replace it with this one:

    <bean id="populator" class="">
    <constructor-arg ref="jdbcUserDetailsService" />
  3. Save and close the file.

Update the repository spring properties file

Perform the following steps to update the file:


  1. Open the file.

  2. Locate the value for the singleTenantAdminUserName and make sure that it points to the correct admin user for your system.

  3. Restart the Pentaho Server.

Step 5: Verify LDAP/JDBC Configuration

Pentaho should now be successfully configured with hybrid authentication. Users are authenticated through LDAP, and the roles are authorized through JDBC. You can verify this by logging into PUC as an admin and checking in the Users & Roles tab in the Administration perspective.