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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Schedule perspective in the PDI client

When you are finished designing your PDI jobs and transformations and have saved them in the PDI Server, you can schedule them to run at specific times.

NoteYou can also create your own scheduler using cron on Linux, the Task Scheduler on Windows, or the at command on Windows. If you do this, you will need to call the scheduler using Pan or Kitchen commands.

Schedule a transformation or job

You can schedule transformations and jobs to run at specific times by performing the following steps:


  1. Connect to the Pentaho Repository.

  2. Open a job or transformation from the Pentaho Repository, then select Action Schedule. The Schedule window appears.

    Schedule window

  3. In the Start section, either click Now to schedule a transformation or job to run immediately, or click Date and enter a date and time to run it later.

  4. In the Repeat section, either select Run Once to run the transformation or job once or select Seconds, Minutes, Weekly, Hourly, Monthly, or Yearly to run it at regular intervals.

  5. In the End section, either click No end to indicate that the schedule will never expire, or click Date to enter a schedule expiration date.

  6. To run the scheduled transformation or job in safe mode, select the Enable Safe Mode checkbox.

    Safe mode checks every row that passes through the stream to ensure that all layouts are the same as the first row. If the layout differs, an error is generated and reported.
  7. Select the Log Level.

    Logging levels are addressed in detail in the Logging levels article.
  8. If you have specified parameters, variables, or arguments in a transformation or job, they appear in the bottom part of the window. Adjust values as needed.

  9. When done, click OK.

    NoteIf you want to access a Google Drive via your scheduled transformation, copy the StoredCredential token into the pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system/kettle/plugins/pentaho-googledrive-vfs/credentials directory on your Pentaho Server. See Access to a Google Drive for information on how to obtain a StoredCredential token.

Edit a scheduled run of a transformation or job

To edit a scheduled run of a transformation or job, perform the following steps:


  1. Select the Schedule perspective from the Perspectives menu in the Spoon toolbar.

    Schedule perspective

  2. Select the schedule, then click the Edit button.

Stop a schedule from running

To stop a scheduled run of a transformation or job, perform the following steps:


  1. Select the Schedule perspective from the Perspectives menu in the Spoon toolbar.

  2. Select the schedule that you want to stop, then click the Stop button.

Enable or disable a schedule from running

To enable or disable a scheduled run of a transformation or job, perform the following steps:


  1. Select the Schedule perspective from the Perspectives menu in the Spoon toolbar.

  2. Select the schedule you want to enable, then click the Enable button.

  3. If you want to disable the schedule, click the Disable button.

Delete a scheduled run of a transformation or job

To delete a scheduled run of a transformation or job, perform the following steps:


  1. Select the Schedule perspective from the Perspectives menu in the Spoon toolbar.

  2. Select the schedule you want to delete, then click the Delete button.

Refresh the schedule list

To refresh the scheduled transformation and jobs list, perform the following steps:


  1. Select the Schedule perspective from the Perspectives menu in the Spoon toolbar.

  2. Click the Refresh button to update the list.