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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Mondrian Input


This step reads data from a Mondrian cube using a About Multidimensional Expression Language (MDX) query and a Mondrian schema description (Catalog). You can create Mondrian schemas using the Pentaho Schema Workbench. The Mondrian Configuration article contains information on configuring the file. You must place this file in the data-integration/lib directory or a location in your classpath.

Mondrian input dialog



The following fields are general to this transformation step:

Field Description
Step name Specify the unique name of the Mondrian input step on the canvas. You can customize the name or leave it as the default.
Connection Specify the connection to a database you want to query. Click Edit to modify an existing database connection, New to set up a new database connection, or Wizard to open the Database Connection dialog box.
MDX Query Specify an MDX query to define a result set and retrieve data. An example query displays in the MDX Query area. The cursor position displays immediately below the MDX Query area.
Replace variable in script? Select to replace variables in the MDX query before sending the query to the database.
Catalog location Specify the path to the Mondrian schema file. Click Browse to select the Catalog location.

Specify a role to use for access control. You can specify multiple role names separated by commas. If a role name contains a comma, escape the comma using an extra comma.

When using multiple roles, the queries in the connection execute with the sum of the privileges of all the roles.