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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

MapReduce Input


This step defines the key/value pairs for Hadoop input, and indicates the injection point of the transformation that receives input from the MapReduce framework. The rest of the transformation operates on the fields that came from this step.



Enter the following information in the transformation step fields.

Option Description
Step name Specifies the unique name of the MapReduce Input step on the canvas. A MapReduce Input step can be placed on the canvas several times; however, it represents the same MapReduce Input step. You can customize the name or leave it as the default.
Key field The Hadoop input field and data type that represents the key in MapReduce.
Value field The Hadoop input field and data type that represents the value in MapReduce.

Metadata injection support


All fields of this step support metadata injection. You can use this step with ETL metadata injection to pass metadata to your transformation at runtime.