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Discover metadata from a text file

Use the Discover metadata from a Text file step to determine the structure and metadata of delimited text files for which you have limited knowledge of the structure. Enter a list of possible delimiters, enclosures, and escape characters to determine the configuration that produces the most consistent match of data in the file. Consistency is determined by the count of fields in the rows. For example, when testing a semi-colon as the delimiter, the count of fields in the first three rows is 3, 8, and 4, which means the field count is inconsistent; therefore, the semi-colon is not the correct delimiter. When testing a comma delimiter on those rows produces a field count of 6, 6, and 6, this is considered a consistent delimiter and is an acceptable candidate for use.

You can use this step to generate data to send to the ETL Metadata Injection step. The ETL Metadata Injection step can then set up the metadata in the Text File Input step for use in your transformations or jobs.

The Discover metadata from a Text file step also determines the field names from the header row and predicts the data types for the list of fields.

NoteThis step opens and reads the file 4 times to gather all the required information. On very large files, this may take a long time if you do not specify a row limit using the Limit scanned rows option on the Input tab.


Enter the following information in the transformation step field.

  • Step Name: Specifies the unique name of the Discover metadata from a text file step on the canvas. You can customize the name or leave it as the default.


The Discover metadata from a text file step consists of four tabs: Input, Delimiter candidates, Enclosure candidates, and Escape candidates. Each tab is described below.

Input tab

PDI_Discover metadata from a text file Input tab

Use the following options in the Input tab to specify details for the input text file:

File nameSelect the delimited file you want to evaluate. The file location can be any location supported by a VFS connection. See Connecting to Virtual File Systems
Trim fieldsSelect this option to identify the field as an integer. Clear the option to indicate that the field is a string.
Header column name detection strategySelect the strategy you want to use to determine the column names in the file. Once a header row has been determined, any rows of data above that are ignored, the following rows are counted as data. The following strategies are available:
  • First possible line containing only strings

    Selects the first line that contains only string values as the header row. For example, if the data has 5 fields per row, and you set the Maximum number of header rows field to 6, the step searches the first 6 rows in the file for a row containing 5 string fields. The first row encountered with the 5 string fields is selected as the field name header. Any rows after the selected header row are considered as data, even if they are within the 6 header rows specified.

  • First possible line containing any data type

    Selects the first line that contains a consistent number of fields as the header row. For example, if the file rows contain 5 fields, the first line containing 5 fields is selected as the header row within the Maximum number of header rows field, regardless of the data types in the rows.

  • Last possible line containing only strings

    Selects the last line that contains only string values as the header row. For example, if the data has 5 fields per row, and you set the Maximum number of header rows field to 6, the step searches the first 6 rows in the file for a row containing 5 string fields. The last row encountered with the 5 string fields is selected as the field name header.

  • Last possible line containing any data type

    Selects the last line that contains a consistent number of fields as the header row. For example, if the file rows contain 5 fields, the last line containing 5 fields is selected as the header row within the Maximum number of header rows field, regardless of the data types in the rows.

Maximum number of header rowsEnter the maximum number of rows that can be a header. If the file does not have a header row, set this to 0. Only one row can be a header.
Maximum number of footer rowsEnter the maximum number of rows that can be a footer. If the file does not have a footer row, set this to 0.
NoteThe number of footer rows can only be determined if the entire file is scanned.
Fallback charsetSelect the character set of the file. If the step is unable to determine a character set for the file, it defaults to the ISO-8859-1 character set. If an x86 platform is used, the file uses an ASCII character set.
Limit scanned rowsEnter the number of rows to scan in the file before determining the valid set of delimiters and enclosures used in the file. To scan the entire file, enter 0 (zero).

Delimiter candidates tab

Discover metadata from a text file Input tab

Enter the delimiter candidates you want to use in the file scan in the Delimiter candidates field of the Delimiter candidates tab. The delimiter candidates can be one or more characters. The step tests each candidate and all combinations of the candidates to find the most accurate match. For example, you may receive a file from two sources where the first source uses a comma delimiter and the second source uses a semi-colon delimiter. The step can determine the data structure of both files.

Enclosure candidates tab

Discover metadata from a text file Enclosure candidates tab

You can enter characters you want to use for enclosures on the Enclosure candidates tab. The available options are listed in the following table:

Enclosure character requiredSelect to require that all fields must be enclosed with enclosure characters. When this field is not selected, enclosure characters are optional.
Ignore enclosure errorsSelect to ignore enclosure errors when a row is parsed that contains a different number of fields. Clear the option to generate enclosure errors which stops the step from continuing.
Enclosure candidatesEnter the enclosure characters you want to use for the file scanning. Enclosure candidates can be one or more characters.

Escape candidates tab

Discover metadata from a text file Escape candidates tab

Use the Escape candidates tab to require and define escape characters. The available options are listed in the following table:

Escape character requiredCheck to require an escape character. When cleared, the step does not consider any characters as an escape character.
Escape candidatesEnter a character to use for an escape character. Escape candidates can be one or more characters.

Delimiter and data type detection rules

Because there are many different variations of delimited files, this step may not be able to detect the structure of every type of delimited file. The following rules are used to evaluate fields:

  • The step uses a left outer cartesian join of the delimiter, enclosure, and escape candidate options.
    • The step performs inner joins when the Enclosure character required or Escape is required options are enabled. This means that a null enclosure or a null escape is not allowed.
    • The delimiter character cannot be the same as the enclosure or escape characters. For example, using double quotes (“) for both your enclosure and escape characters. The step will not fail when this happens, but it will ignore that candidate combination.
  • If the enclosure character and escape characters are the same, the delimiter can not be escaped. Only the enclosure character can be escaped.
  • If any enclosure errors are found such as an unclosed enclosure or an unescaped enclosure character, the enclosure will not be considered valid. If the enclosure errors are valid, select the Ignore Enclosure errors option.
  • A header row is defined as any row within the Maximum number of header rows value with a number of fields consistent with the number of fields in the data. The row after the last inconsistent row may also be considered a header row if the:
    • Header row strategy is first strings and the first row that only contains string values is the next row after the last inconsistent row.
    • Header row strategy is first any data type and there are no rows with a consistent number of fields prior to the last inconsistent row.
    • Header row strategy is last strings and the next row after the last inconsistent row is all strings.
    • Header row strategy is last any data type.
  • A footer row is defined as the first row with an inconsistent number of fields and any following rows. When the Limit scanned rows option prevents the entire file from being read, the file is not evaluated for footer rows.
  • If multiple delimiters, enclosures, or escape characters appear to match the file, the step is unable to determine the format.
  • Multiple character enclosures or escapes may result in incorrect data type results.
  • Ignoring enclosure errors may result in incorrect data type results.
  • The field length is determined by the length of the longest field detected during the scan. Note that if the Limit scanned rows option is set, then only that many rows of data will be checked.


Your Pentaho distribution includes several sample transformations and datasets in the design-tools/data-integration/samples/transformations/discover-metadata-from-textfile directory.

The following code is a portion of the Sample1.txt file found in the directory:

710400,CLAY COUNTY,0,0,-81.71624
703001,CLAY COUNTY,0,0,-81.706865
352792,CLAY COUNTY,0,0,-81.718452
717603,CLAY COUNTY,0,0,-81.718452
937659,SUWANNEE COUNTY,0,0,-82.926659
294022,SUWANNEE COUNTY,0,0,-82.926659
410500,SUWANNEE COUNTY,0,0,-82.926659
524433,SUWANNEE COUNTY,218475,0,-82.926155
972562,SUWANNEE COUNTY,0,0,-82.933777

When the step is run, the file is scanned to determine a consistent number of fields using the tab character, then the semi-colon, then the comma (default). When the Header column name detection strategy is set to First possible line containing only strings, the step identifies the first row as the header row. The following table shows the column names and data types.

column namedata type
If any of the fields in the first row are numbers or dates, the row is considered data, which means there is no header row in this example.

Data lineage

This step includes a data lineage analyzer. See Data lineage

Metadata injection support

All fields of this step support metadata injection. You can use this step with ETL metadata injection to pass metadata to your transformation at runtime.