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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Create advanced filters in Interactive Reports

You can create filters on multiple groups of fields, or on a single group of fields. Filters on multiple groups are called advanced filters. To create an advanced filter, drag the fields into the Filter Panel. You can place items into multiple groups by moving them up or down. You can create a hierarchy by indenting the fields.

Apply a summary function

You can assign a function that performs summary calculations on numeric values in columns, groups, or in the entire report. Perform the following steps to apply a summary function:


  1. Click the down arrow next to a report column containing numeric values.

  2. Select Summary from the menu, then choose the summary type. These types are described in the following table:

    Summary TypeDescription
    NoneNo summary function assigned.
    AverageCalculates the average value in a given column.
    CountCounts the items in a group or report, but does not require a numeric value.
    Count DistinctCounts the distinct occurrences of a certain value in a column; does not require a numeric value.
    MaximumIdentifies the highest or largest value in a column.
    MinimumIdentifies the lowest or smallest value in a column.
    SumCalculates a total sum of the group or report (group level, and running total in the report footer).
  3. Save the report.

Apply an aggregate function

You can assign an aggregate function to columns that contain numeric and non-numeric values in your report. Aggregate functions return a single value calculated from the values in a column.


  1. Click the Down Arrow next to a report column that contains numeric values.

  2. Select Aggregation from the menu, then choose the aggregation type. These types are described in the following table:

    Function NameDescription
    NoneNo aggregate function assigned
    AverageCalculates the average value in a given column
    CountCounts the items in a column; does not require a numeric value
    Count DistinctCounts the distinct occurrences of a certain value in a column; does not require a numeric value
    MaximumIdentifies the highest or largest value in a column
    MinimumIdentifies the lowest or smallest value in a column
    SumCalculates a running total sum of the specified column
  3. Save the report.