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Develop a visualization in a sandbox

This walk-through tutorial guides you through the development of a simple bar chart visualization, using the Pentaho Visualization API 3.0 and the D3 graphics library.

The D3 bar chart sample project is provided as an example of a custom visualization. It uses a Model class and an IView class created from a third party (D3.js) chart. The complete code of this sample is available at pentaho/pentaho-engineering-samples.

Before you begin, you must have a basic understanding of JavaScript and D3 along with the npm package manager installed.

Perform the following steps of this walk-through tutorial to develop a visualization in a sandbox:

  1. Setting up the sandbox environment
  2. Creating the model
  3. Creating the view
  4. Styling the view
  5. Styling the model for applications
  6. Adding interactive elements to the view
  7. Adding a default configuration

Quick start

If you prefer, you can skip the walk-through tutorial for developing a visualization in a sandbox by getting and building the final Pentaho web project.


  1. Make sure that you have git and npm installed.

  2. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd pentaho-engineering-samples
    git checkout -b 9.5
  3. Navigate to the completed sample directory:

    cd Samples_for_Extending_Pentaho/javascript-apis/platform/visual-samples-bar-d3
  4. Install the dependencies:

    npm install

Next steps

After building the final Pentaho web project, create its package to prepare for deployment. See Create the Pentaho web package.

Setting up the sandbox environment

Perform the following steps to set up the sandbox environment for the tutorial:


  1. Create the package.json file:

    npm init
  2. Use @pentaho/visual-samples-bar-d3 as the package name.

  3. Accept the default for the other fields.

  4. Create a file named .npmrc with the Pentaho NPM registry configuration:

    echo '@pentaho:registry=' > .npmrc
  5. Add and install the Visualization API development dependency:

    npm install @pentaho/visual-sandbox@^3.0.0 --save-dev

    The runtime dependency is provided by the platform.

  6. Install the sandbox:

    npx init-sandbox
  7. Edit the just created package.json file and add the paths property to it, to define the root AMD/RequireJS module identifier as pentaho/visual/samples/barD3:

      "name": "@pentaho/visual-samples-bar-d3",
      "version": "0.0.1",
      "paths": {
        "pentaho/visual/samples/barD3": "/"
      "devDependencies": {
        "@pentaho/visual-sandbox": "^3.0.0"
    NoteThis tutorial assumes the name @pentaho/visual-samples-bar-d3 as your package name and the name pentaho/visual/samples/barD3 as the root AMD/RequireJS module identifier. If you want to use different names, you will have to take care to change all the references to the original names throughout the tutorial.


You should now also have the sandbox.html and sandbox-data.json files. These files form a minimal sandbox from which sandboxes for specific samples or experiments may be derived. As is, it simply displays the pentaho/visual/samples/calc visualization, the only visualization that comes bundled with Visualization API development dependency.

Next steps

Open each file and get acquainted with it.

Inspect your sandbox environment

Perform the following steps to inspect your sandbox environment:


  1. Open sandbox.html in a browser.

    You should see the result of the average operation: The result is 1002566.29. The page shows the simplest visualization, a calculator, which just displays the result of aggregating the values of one column of a dataset.
    NoteDirectly opening the file through the filesystem will not work when using Google Chrome (and possibly other browsers) because of security restrictions that disallow the loading of local resources using XHR, a functionality that is required by the Visualization API to load localization bundles and other resources.
  2. To overcome security restrictions, serve the project files through an HTTP server.

    The following possible solutions are available:
    • Node

      npm install -g node-static
      static -p 8000
    • PHP

      php -S localhost:8000
    • Python 2

      python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
    • Python 3

      python -m http.server 8000
    • Ruby

      ruby -run -e httpd . -p 8000
  3. Open http://localhost:8000/sandbox.html in the browser.

Creating the model

For this tutorial, the model consists of a simple bar chart, which shows the series of the following data pairs:

  • category, where each category can only occur in one of the pairs
  • measure

Each pair (each category for example) is represented by a bar visual element, and is assigned a section of the horizontal space and all of the vertical space, in which the height of the bar encodes the measure value.

The simplest bar chart has two main data-bound visual degrees of freedom, or, as the Visualization API calls them, visual roles of Category and Measure. The values of the fields mapped to visual roles are visually encoded using visual variables and properties such as position, size, orientation, or color.

Completing the model code

You must create model code that performs the following tasks:
  • Defines a visualization (model) whose ID is the file’s AMD module identifier (depending on how AMD is configured, it can be, for example: pentaho/visual/samples/barD3/Model).
  • Inherits directly from the base visualization model, pentaho/visual/Model.
  • Defines properties of three main types: general, visual roles, and color palettes.
  • Automatically applies the configuration of the module to the type by calling the configure method.

Perform the following steps to create the model with code developed for this tutorial:


  1. Create a file named Model.js.

  2. Add the following code to Model.js:

    ], function(module, BaseModel) {
      "use strict";
      // Create and return the Bar Model class
      return BaseModel.extend({
        $type: {
          // The label may show up in menus
          label: "D3 Bar Chart",
          // Properties
          props: [
            // General properties
              name: "barSize",
              valueType: "number",
              defaultValue: 30,
              isRequired: true
            // Visual role properties
              name: "category",
              base: "pentaho/visual/role/Property",
              fields: {isRequired: true}
              name: "measure",
              base: "pentaho/visual/role/Property",
              modes: [{dataType: "number"}],
              fields: {isRequired: true}
            // Palette property
              name: "palette",
              base: "pentaho/visual/color/PaletteProperty",
              levels: "nominal",
              isRequired: true

About the model properties

The bar chart model has the following properties:

  • barSize

    A general property which determines the constant width of bars. It has a valueType of number, it is required and has a defaultValue of 30.

    specification = {
      name: "barSize",
      valueType: "number",
      defaultValue: 30,
      isRequired: true
  • category

    Represents the Category visual role. The property is of a special type, a visual role property.

    The data property, which is inherited from the base visualization model, is given a dataset containing data for fields such as Product Family and Sales. The value of a visual role contains the names of the fields that are mapped to it, {fields: ["productFamily"]} for example. The value of a visual role is an object with a list property named fields.

    The modes attribute was not specified. It defaults to a single mode of the "string" data type. Thus, the visual role will accept being mapped to fields of type "string".

    Because the default data type is "string", the visual role can be mapped to at most one "string" field (for it to accept more than one "string" field, it would need to have the “list of strings” data type: ["string"]). However, it is optional by default. To make it required, the special fields attribute is configured.

    specification = {
      name: "category",
      base: "pentaho/visual/role/Property",
      fields: {isRequired: true}
  • measure

    Represents the Measure visual role. Having a single mode with the "number" data type, the visual role accepts a single field of data type "number".

    specification = {
      name: "measure",
      base: "pentaho/visual/role/Property",
      modes: [{dataType: "number"}],
      fields: {isRequired: true}
  • palette

    Represents a color palette. See pentaho/visual/color/PaletteProperty.

    The value of the property will default to the highest ranked system registered color palette that matches the level required by it.

    specification = {
      name: "palette",
      base: "pentaho/visual/color/PaletteProperty",
      levels: "nominal",
      isRequired: true

Registering the model

You must first register your visualization before displaying it in Pentaho applications like Analyzer and PDI. The visualization is registered when the visualization’s Model module is registered with pentaho/modules, as a subtype of pentaho/visual/Model.

Perform the following steps to register your model:


  1. Edit the package.json file.

  2. Add the config property, as shown in the following example:

      "name": "@pentaho/visual-samples-bar-d3",
      "version": "0.0.1",
      "paths": {
        "pentaho/visual/samples/barD3": "/"
      "config": {
        "pentaho/modules": {
          "pentaho/visual/samples/barD3/Model": {
            "base": "pentaho/visual/Model"
      "devDependencies": {
        "@pentaho/visual-sandbox": "^3.0.0"

Additional model metadata

You could enhance your model with additional model metadata, as with the following examples:

  • Providing localized labels/descriptions for the name of the visualization and that of its properties. See Localization.
  • Theming it for certain applications and Pentaho themes.

These modifications are beyond the scope of this tutorial and can be done at a later stage. To display your model on the screen, you must create its view.

Creating the view

Perform the following steps to create the view for your newly created model:


  1. Create a file named View.js and add the following code to it:

    ], function(module, BaseView, d3) {
      "use strict";
      // Create and return the Bar View class
      return BaseView.extend(, {
        _updateAll: function() {
"Hello World!");

    This code performs the following tasks:

    • Identifies the view module as pentaho/visual/samples/barD3/View, depending on how AMD/RequireJS is configured.
    • Inherits directly from the optional base view class, pentaho/visual/impl/View.
    • Renders the visualization with the _updateAll method. It will use D3 to output "Hello World!" in the view’s DOM element, domContainer.
  2. Install D3 by executing the following command:

    npm install d3 --save --save-bundle

    This command also sets D3 as a bundled dependency.

  3. Configure the view as the default by editing package.json and adding DefaultView annotation to the model type, like in (the "..." properties stand for omitted content):

      "name": "@pentaho/visual-samples-bar-d3",
      "...": "...",
      "config": {
        "pentaho/modules": {
          "pentaho/visual/samples/barD3/Model": {
            "base": "pentaho/visual/Model",
            "annotations": {
              "pentaho/visual/DefaultView": {
                "module": "./View"
      "...": "..."
  4. Adapt the HTML sandbox by editing the sandbox.html file and replacing the sandbox construction statement with the following code:

    var sandbox = new Sandbox({
      id: "pentaho/visual/samples/barD3/Model",
      spec: {
        "data": new Table(datasets.productSales),
        "category": {fields: ["productFamily"]},
        "measure": {fields: ["sales"]}
      container: "viz_div",
      messages: "msg_div"
    The visualization model pentaho/visual/samples/barD3/Model is now used. Your model contains visual role mappings for the category and measure visual roles.
  5. Refresh the sandbox.html page in the browser.

    You should read Hello World!.
  6. Implement the first part of render code by adapting the following D3 sections in the view’s _updateAll code:

    1. In View.js, add the pentaho/visual/scene/Base dependency to the module:

      ], function(module, BaseView, d3, Scene) {
        // ...
    2. Replace the code of the _updateAll method with the following text:

      // _updateAll:
      function() {
        // Part 1
        var model = this.model;
        var dataTable =;
        var scenes = Scene.buildScenesFlat(this).children;
        var container =;
        // ...
    The statement this.model gives you access to the visualization model object. The data in the data table needs to be converted into an “array of plain objects” form to directly consumed by D3. The pentaho.visual.scene.Base helper class is used to help with the conversion. The value of this.domContainer is the DOM element where rendering occurs.
  7. Implement the second part of render code in the view’s _updateAll code by adding the following D3 code adapted from, which is used by the community to share D3 examples:

    // View.js
    // _updateAll:
    function() {
      // Part 1
      // ...
      // Part 2
      var margin = {top: 50, right: 30, bottom: 30, left: 75};
      var width = model.width - margin.left - margin.right;
      var height = model.height - - margin.bottom;
      var x = d3.scaleBand().rangeRound([0, width]).padding(0.1);
      var y = d3.scaleLinear().rangeRound([height, 0]);
      x.domain( { return scene.vars.category.toString(); }));
      y.domain([0, d3.max(scenes, function(scene) { return scene.vars.measure.value; })]);
      var svg = container.append("svg")
        .attr("width", model.width)
        .attr("height", model.height);
      // Title
      var title = this.__getRoleLabel(model.measure) + " per " + this.__getRoleLabel(model.category);
        .attr("class", "title")
        .attr("y", / 2)
        .attr("x", model.width / 2)
        .attr("dy", "0.35em")
        .attr("text-anchor", "middle")
      // Content
      var g = svg.append("g")
        .attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")");
      // X axis
        .attr("class", "axis axis-x")
        .attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")")
      // Y axis
        .attr("class", "axis axis-y")
      // Bars
      var bandWidth = x.bandwidth();
      var barWidth = Math.min(model.barSize, bandWidth);
      var barOffset = bandWidth / 2 - barWidth / 2 + 0.5;
      var selectColor = function(scene) {
        return % model.palette.colors.count).value;
      var bar = g.selectAll(".bar")
        .attr("class", "bar")
        .attr("fill", selectColor)
        .attr("stroke", selectColor)
        .attr("x", function(scene) { return x(scene.vars.category.toString()) + barOffset; })
        .attr("y", function(scene) { return y(scene.vars.measure.value); })
        .attr("width", barWidth)
        .attr("height", function(scene) { return height - y(scene.vars.measure.value); });
    The model dimensions are now available through model.width and model.height. The dynamic chart title is built with the help of the __getRoleLabel method, which is introduced in the next step. The model’s barSize property is used to limit the width of bars. The scene objects, previously built by the pentaho.visual.scene.Base helper class, contain variables, one for each visual role. Each variable has a value and a formatted value, which is obtained by calling the variable’s toString method. Scene objects have an index property which is being used to cycle through and select each bar’s color from the palette property.
  8. Implement the final part of render code in the view’s __getRoleLabel by adding the __getRoleLabel property after _updateAll and inserting the following code:

    // View.js
    // __getRoleLabel: 
    function(mapping) {
      if(!mapping.hasFields) {
        return "";
      var data =;
      var columnLabels = {
        return data.getColumnLabel(fieldIndex);
      return columnLabels.join(", ");
    The visual role mapping object’s fieldIndexes property conveniently gives you the indexes of the fields mapped to a visual role. The label of a field is obtained from the data table’s getColumnLabel method.
  9. Refresh the sandbox.html page in the browser.

    You should see a bar chart.

Styling the view

You can add CSS classes to style elements with a view.

Perform the following steps to style the elements of the bar chart with CSS classes:


  1. Create the CSS file:

    1. Create a folder named css.

    2. In the new css folder, create a file named View.css.

    3. Add the following code to the new View.css file:

      ._pentaho-visual-samples-bar-d3-pentaho-visual-samples-bar-D3-View .bar {
        stroke-width: 2px;
      ._pentaho-visual-samples-bar-d3-pentaho-visual-samples-bar-D3-View .bar:hover {
        fill-opacity: 0.8;
      ._pentaho-visual-samples-bar-d3-pentaho-visual-samples-bar-D3-View .axis path,
      ._pentaho-visual-samples-bar-d3-pentaho-visual-samples-bar-D3-View .tick line {
        stroke: #cbdde8;
      ._pentaho-visual-samples-bar-d3-pentaho-visual-samples-bar-D3-View .tick text {
        font-family: OpenSansLight, Helvetica, Arial, Sans serif;
        fill: #26363d;
      ._pentaho-visual-samples-bar-d3-pentaho-visual-samples-bar-D3-View .title {
        font-family: OpenSansLight, Helvetica, Arial, Sans serif;
        font-size: 18px;
        font-style: normal;
        fill: #005f7d;
    The CSS rules are scoped with the visualization model’s automatically generated CSS class. The CSS class is composed by the hyphenated package name and AMD module identifier of the model type. See pentaho.visual.util.getCssClasses, for more information on the structure of the CSS class names.
  2. In the package.json file, declare the pentaho/visual/samples/barD3/View module.

    Its base class is not relevant.
  3. Add the ThemeAnnotation annotation to the package.json file, reference the just-created View.css file:

      "name": "@pentaho/visual-samples-bar-d3",
      "...": "...",
      "config": {
        "pentaho/modules": {
          "...": "...",
          "pentaho/visual/samples/barD3/View": {
            "base": null,
            "annotations": {
              "pentaho/theme/Theme": {
                "main": "css!./css/View"
      "...": "..."
    When a view supports CSS theming, it is its responsibility to automatically load any registered themes whenever the view module is loaded.
  4. In the package.json file, add the LoadThemeAnnotation annotation to the view module:

      "name": "@pentaho/visual-samples-bar-d3",
      "...": "...",
      "config": {
        "pentaho/modules": {
          "...": "...",
          "pentaho/visual/samples/barD3/View": {
            "base": null,
            "annotations": {
              "...": "...",
              "pentaho/theme/LoadTheme": {}
      "...": "..."
  5. Refresh the sandbox.html page in the browser.


You should see a better styled title and hover effects on the bars.

Styling the model for applications

When you see your visualization in Analyzer or PDI, it will be displayed with “generic visualization” icon:
  • In Analyzer

    The canvas displays a placeholder image of a generic sunburst visualization:Generic placeholder image in Analyzer for VisAPI         walk-through

  • In PDI

    Each tab has a visualization menu which displays a button icon, a larger two-states icon in the menu’s drop-down and a placeholder image displayed in the canvas. All of these display will be a generic visualization image:Generic placeholder image in the PDi client for VizAPI         walk-through

Visualization container applications document how visualizations can provide styled content to better integrate with them. You can use custom images for the Analyzer and PDI scenarios by creating and registering a single CSS stylesheet as a theme for the visualization model file. Container application loads any registered visualization model themes.

Perform the following steps to create and register a CSS stylesheet:


  1. In the css folder, create a file named Model.css.

  2. Add the following code to the new model CSS file:

    /* -- Analyzer -- */
    /* Canvas placeholder image */
    ._pentaho-visual-samples-bar-d3-pentaho-visual-samples-bar-D3-Model.component-icon-landscape {
      background-image: url("./images/analyzer-bar-d3-placeholder.png");
    /* -- PDI -- */
    /* Viz Type Selector - Selected Viz Button */
    ._pentaho-visual-samples-bar-d3-pentaho-visual-samples-bar-D3-Model.visualization-switcher-button-icon {
      background-image: url("./images/pdi-bar-d3-button.svg");
    /* Viz Type Selector - Drop-down icons */
    .visualization-selector ._pentaho-visual-samples-bar-d3-pentaho-visual-samples-bar-D3-Model.component-icon-sprite {
      background-image: url("./images/pdi-bar-d3-sprite.svg");
    /* Canvas placeholder image */
    ._pentaho-visual-samples-bar-d3-pentaho-visual-samples-bar-D3-Model .canvas.message .icon {
      background-image: url("images/pdi-bar-d3-placeholder.svg");
    The CSS rules are scoped with the visualization model’s automatically generated CSS class, similarly to how you styled the view.
  3. Copy the images provided in pentaho/pentaho-engineering-samples into an images folder, inside of the css folder.

  4. In the package.json file, in the pentaho/visual/samples/barD3/Model module declaration, add the ThemeAnnotation annotation, referencing the just-created Model.css file:

      "name": "@pentaho/visual-samples-bar-d3",
      "...": "...",
      "config": {
        "pentaho/modules": {
          "pentaho/visual/samples/barD3/Model": {
            "...": "...",
            "annotations": {
              "...": "...",
              "pentaho/theme/Theme": {
                "main": "css!./css/Model"
          "...": "...",
      "...": "..."

Next steps

You can test the CSS stylesheet later, when deploying the visualization to the Pentaho Server and to PDI.

Adding interactive elements to the view

You can add interactive elements to your visualization. The Visualization API 3.0 defines two standard types of actions: Execute and Select. Visualization API 3.0 data actions carry information that identifies the visual element with which the user interacted in terms of the subset of data that it visually represents. The interaction is conveyed in the dataFilter property.

In this tutorial, because each bar represents a category of the data, and the Category visual role is mapped to a single field, then each bar corresponds to a distinct value of the mapped field.

Implementing the Execute action

The Execute action is typically performed in response to a double-click event on the main visual elements, in this case, the bars.

Perform the following steps to to add the clickD3.js dependency and hande the dblclick event.


  1. Modify the AMD/RequireJS module declaration of the View.js file to the following:

    ], function(module, BaseView, d3, Scene, d3ClickController) {
      // ...
  2. Place the clickD3.js file from pentaho/pentaho-engineering-samples besides the View.js file.

    This file provides a click controller for D3 that handles the correct distinction between click and double-click events.
  3. Add the following code to the _updateAll method to handle the dblclick event of the bar elements:

    // View.js
    // _updateAll:
    function() {
      // Part 1 & 2
      // ...
      // Part 3
      var cc = d3ClickController();;
      cc.on("dblclick", function(event, scene) {
        // A filter that selects the data that the bar visually represents
        var filter = scene.createFilter();
        // Dispatch an "Execute" action through the model
        model.execute({dataFilter: filter});
    The scene object now knows how to create a filter for the data it represents (see createFilter for more information). The execute method creates and dispatches an execute action through the model, where action listeners can handle it.
  4. Refresh the sandbox.html page in the browser, and double-click a bar.

Implementing the Select action

The Select action is an auxiliary action. Its goal is to mark a subset of data on which a later, real action (such as drilling-down) is performed. The current set of selected data is stored in the model’s selectionFilter property. For each Select action that is performed, its dataFilter may be removed from, be added to, replace, or toggled in the model’s current selectionFilter according to the action’s selectionMode.

Visualizations typically highlight visual elements that represent data that is selected. Container applications typically expose actions to be performed on the currently selected subset of data. Bars are set up as selected by clicking on them.

Perform the following steps to implement the Select action.


  1. Add the following code to the _updateAll method to handle the click event of the bar elements:

    // View.js
    // _updateAll:
    function() {
      // Part 1 & 2 & 3
      // ...
      // Part 4
      cc.on("click", function(event, scene) {
        // A filter that selects the data that the bar visually represents
        var filter = scene.createFilter();
        // Dispatch a "Select" action through the model{
          dataFilter: filter,
          selectionMode: event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey ? "toggle" : "replace"
    Each time a bar is clicked, the current model’s selectionFilter is replaced with the data filter associated with the clicked bar, or toggled if the ctrl/cmd key is pressed.
  2. Refresh the sandbox.html page in the browser, and click a bar.

    You should see a text under the visualization showing the selected data’s filter.
  3. Edit the View.css file and append the following rules to it:

    ._pentaho-visual-samples-bar-d3-pentaho-visual-samples-bar-D3-View .bar.selected {
      stroke-opacity: 0.4;
      fill-opacity: 0.6;
    ._pentaho-visual-samples-bar-d3-pentaho-visual-samples-bar-D3-View .bar.selected:hover {
      stroke-opacity: 0.8;
  4. Add the following code to the _updateAll method to change the render code:

    // View.js
    // _updateAll:
    function() {
      // Part 1 & 2 & 3 & 4
      // ...
      // Part 5
      bar.classed("selected", function(scene) {
        var selectionFilter = model.selectionFilter;
        return !!selectionFilter && dataTable.filterMatchesRow(selectionFilter, scene.index);
  5. Refresh the sandbox.html page in the browser, and click a bar.

    You should see the selected bar exhibiting different colors.

Adding a default configuration

While all visualization container applications should be able to use any visualization, you may need configurations between a visualization and an application to improve their integration.

For example, when a visualization named V1 is developed, an application named A1 is already in use and has a custom feature that is not part of the standard container application interface, a developer may have to package V1 with a configuration module to better integrate with the out-of-the-box version of A1.

NoteIf you do not have any knowledge about JavaScript configuration in the Pentaho Platform, you might want to read Configuring a visualization before continuing.

Perform the following steps to create and add a default configuration file:


  1. Create a configuration file named config.js, and add the following content in it:

    define(function() {
      "use strict";
      return {
        rules: [
          // Sample rule
            priority: -1,
            select: {
              module: "./Model"
            apply: {
              props: {
                barSize: {defaultValue: 50}
    This configuration is applied to the bar visualization model type in any application, has a lower-than-default-priority, and changes the default value of the barSize property to 50 pixels. For now, this configuration only serves to prove that the configuration actually works. You will to verify that the configuration works in the sandbox environment.
  2. In the package.json file, declare the pentaho/visual/samples/barD3/config module as a ruleset module to register the configuration module with the configuration system:

      "name": "@pentaho/visual-samples-bar-d3",
      "...": "...",
      "config": {
        "pentaho/modules": {
          "...": "...",
          "pentaho/visual/samples/barD3/config": {
            "type": "pentaho/config/spec/IRuleSet"
      "...": "..."
  3. Refresh the sandbox.html page in the browser.

    You should see a bar chart with wider bars.
  4. Specify the keepLevelOnDrilldown configuration property to force replacing the parent field with the child field to allow drilling-down by adding a pentaho/analyzer/visual/OptionsAnnotation annotation to the visualization model, via a configuration rule:

    // config.js
    define(function() {
      // ...
      return {
        rules: [
          // ...
            priority: -1,
            select: {
              module: "./Model",
              annotation: "pentaho/analyzer/visual/Options",
              application: "pentaho/analyzer"
            apply: {
              keepLevelOnDrilldown: false
    NoteWhen drilling-down in Analyzer, the default behaviour is to add the child field to the visual role after the parent field. The Category visual role of the bar visualization you developed only accepts a single field being mapped to it, which results in Analyzer not allowing you to drill-down. You can configure the Analyzer-specific metadata property, keepLevelOnDrilldown, to force replacing the parent field with the child field to allow drilling-down.
    This rule has no effect when testing your visualization in the sandbox environment, but is important if you package your visualization for deployment.

Next steps

With the default configuration in place, you can now package your visualization in a Pentaho web package to prepare for deployment. See Create the Pentaho web package for further instructions.