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Use Command Line Tools to Run Transformations and Jobs

Pentaho Data Integration command line tools execute PDI content from outside of the PDI Client (Spoon). Typically you would use these tools in the context of creating a script or a cron job to run the job or transformation based on some condition outside of the realm of Pentaho software.

Pan is the PDI command line tool for executing transformations.

Kitchen is the PDI command line tool for executing jobs.

Both of these programs are explained in detail below.

Startup script options

Pan and Kitchen recognize the command line options in the scripts that start the PDI client: Spoon.bat on Windows or on Linux. To use the following options with Pan or Kitchen, modify your startup script to include these options.

NoteThe startup script default directory is design-tools/data-integration. See Modify the PDI client startup script for more information,

The following table describes the command line options:

FILTER_GTK_WARNINGSOption to suppress GTK warnings from the output of the and scripts. You can:
  • Set to true to suppress warnings.
  • Leave this option empty to view warnings.
SKIP_WEBKITGTK_CHECKOption to suppress warnings that the libwebkitgtk file is not installed when launching the PDI client. You can:
  • Set to true to suppress warnings.
  • Leave this option empty to view warnings.
KETTLE_HOMEOption identifying the user's home directory. The directory contains configuration files, which vary depending on the user who is logged on. You can use the KETTLE_HOME variable to change the location of the files normally in the <user home>.kettle directory or to specify the home directory for all users on a machine.
KETTLE_LOG_SIZE_LIMITOption to limit the log size of transformations and jobs that do not have the log size limit property.
KETTLE_JNDI_ROOTOption used to change the Simple JNDI path, which is the directory that contains the file.
KETTLE_DIRThe directory where the PDI client is installed.
KETTLE_REPOSITORYThe repository that Kettle connects to when it starts.
LIBPATHValue that is passed as the -Djava.library.path Java parameter.
PENTAHO_DI_JAVA_OPTIONSOption to pass additional Java arguments when running Kettle. For example, you can set an option to Increase the PDI client memory limit.

Pan Options and Syntax

Pan runs transformations, either from a PDI repository (database or enterprise), or from a local file. The syntax for the batch file and shell script are shown below. All Pan options are the same for both.

NoteWindows systems use syntax with the forward slash (“/”) and colon (“:”). If spaces are present in the option values, use single quotes (“) and double quotes (“”) to keep spaces together, for example, "-param:MASTER_HOST=" "-param:MASTER_PORT=8181" -option=value arg1 arg2
pan.bat /option: value arg1 arg2
repEnterprise or database repository name, if you are using one
userRepository username
passRepository password
transThe name of the transformation (as it appears in the repository) to launch
dirThe repository directory that contains the transformation, including the leading slash
fileIf you are calling a local KTR file, this is the filename, including the path if it is not in the local directory
levelThe logging level (Basic, Detailed, Debug, Rowlevel, Error, Nothing)
logfileA local filename to write log output to
listdirLists the directories in the specified repository
listtransLists the transformations in the specified repository directory
listrepLists the available repositories
exprepExports all repository objects to one XML file
norepPrevents Pan from logging into a repository. If you have set the KETTLE_REPOSITORY, KETTLE_USER, and KETTLE_PASSWORD environment variables, then this option will enable you to prevent Pan from logging into the specified repository, assuming you would like to execute a local KTR file instead.
safemodeRuns in safe mode, which enables extra checking
versionShows the version, revision, and build date
paramSet a named parameter in a name=value format. For example: -param:FOO=bar
listparamList information about the defined named parameters in the specified transformation.
maxloglinesThe maximum number of log lines that are kept internally by PDI. Set to 0 to keep all rows (default)
maxlogtimeoutThe maximum age (in minutes) of a log line while being kept internally by PDI. Set to 0 to keep all rows indefinitely (default)

sh -rep=initech_pdi_repo -user=pgibbons -pass=lumburghsux -trans=TPS_reports_2011
pan.bat /rep:initech_pdi_repo /user:pgibbons /pass:lumburghsux /trans:TPS_reports_2011

Pan Status Codes

When you run Pan, there are seven possible return codes that indicate the result of the operation. All of them are defined below.

Status CodeDefinition
0The transformation ran without a problem.
1Errors occurred during processing
2An unexpected error occurred during loading / running of the transformation
3Unable to prepare and initialize this transformation
7The transformation couldn't be loaded from XML or the Repository
8Error loading steps or plugins (error in loading one of the plugins mostly)
9Command line usage printing

Kitchen Options and Syntax

Kitchen runs jobs, either from a PDI repository (database or enterprise), or from a local file. The syntax for the batch file and shell script are shown below. All Kitchen options are the same for both.

NoteWindows systems use syntax with the forward slash (“/”) and colon (“:”). If spaces are present in the option values, use single quotes (“) and double quotes (“”) to keep spaces together, for example, "-param:MASTER_HOST=" "-param:MASTER_PORT=8181" -option=value arg1 arg2 
kitchen.bat /option: value arg1 arg2 
repEnterprise or database repository name, if you are using one
userRepository username
passRepository password
jobThe name of the job (as it appears in the repository) to launch
dirThe repository directory that contains the job, including the leading slash
fileIf you are calling a local KJB file, this is the filename, including the path if it is not in the local directory
levelThe logging level (Basic, Detailed, Debug, Rowlevel, Error, Nothing)
logfileA local filename to write log output to
listdirLists the sub-directories within the specified repository directory
listjobLists the jobs in the specified repository directory
listrepLists the available repositories
exportExports all linked resources of the specified job. The argument is the name of a ZIP file.
norepPrevents Kitchen from logging into a repository. If you have set the KETTLE_REPOSITORY, KETTLE_USER, and KETTLE_PASSWORD environment variables, then this option will enable you to prevent Kitchen from logging into the specified repository, assuming you would like to execute a local KTR file instead.
versionShows the version, revision, and build date
paramSet a named parameter in a name=value format. For example: -param:FOO=bar
listparamList information about the defined named parameters in the specified job.
maxloglinesThe maximum number of log lines that are kept internally by PDI. Set to 0 to keep all rows (default)
maxlogtimeoutThe maximum age (in minutes) of a log line while being kept internally by PDI. Set to 0 to keep all rows indefinitely (default)
sh -rep=initech_pdi_repo -user=pgibbons -pass=lumburghsux -job=TPS_reports_2011
kitchen.bat /rep:initech_pdi_repo /user:pgibbons /pass:lumburghsux /job:TPS_reports_2011

Kitchen Status Codes

When you run Kitchen, there are seven possible return codes that indicate the result of the operation. All of them are defined below.

Status CodeDefinition
0The job ran without a problem.
1Errors occurred during processing
2An unexpected error occurred during loading or running of the job
7The job couldn't be loaded from XML or the Repository
8Error loading steps or plugins (error in loading one of the plugins mostly)
9Command line usage printing

Import KJB or KTR Files From a Zip Archive

Both Pan and Kitchen can pull PDI content files from out of Zip files. To do this, use the ! switch, as in this example:

Kitchen.bat /file:"zip:file:///C:/Pentaho/PDI Examples/Sandbox/!Hourly_Stats_Job_Unix.kjb"

If you are using Linux or Solaris, the ! must be escaped:

./ -file:"zip:file:////home/user/pentaho/pdi-ee/my_package/\!Hourly_Stats_Job_Unix.kjb"

Connect to a Repository with Command-Line Tools

To export repository objects into XML format using command-line tools instead of exporting repository configurations from within the PDI client, use named parameters and command-line options when calling Kitchen or Pan from a command-line prompt.

The following is an example command-line entry to execute an export job using Kitchen:

    call kitchen.bat /file:C:\Pentaho_samples\repository\repository_export.kjb
    "/param:rep_name=PDI2000" "/param:rep_user=admin" "/param:rep_password=password"
rep_folderRepository Folder
rep_nameRepository Name
rep_passwordRepository Password
rep_userRepository Username
target_filenameTarget Filename
NoteIt is also possible to use obfuscated passwords with Encr a command line tool for encrypting strings for storage or use by PDI.

The following is an example command-line entry to execute a complete command-line call for the export in addition to checking for errors:

@echo off
ECHO This an example of a batch file calling the repository_export.kjb

cd C:\Pentaho\pdi-ee-<filepath>--check--</filepath>10.0.0>\data-integration

call kitchen.bat /file:C:\Pentaho_samples\repository\repository_export.kjb "/param:rep_name=PDI2000"
"/param:rep_user=admin" "/param:rep_password=password" "/param:rep_folder=/public/dev"

if errorlevel 1 goto error
echo Export finished successfull.
goto finished

echo ERROR: An error occured during repository export.
REM Allow the user to read the message when testing, so having a pause

Export Content from Repositories with Command-Line Tools

To export repository objects into XML format, using command-line tools instead of exporting repository configurations from within the PDI client, use named parameters and command-line options when calling Kitchen or Pan from a command-line prompt.

The following is an example command-line entry to execute an export job using Kitchen:

call kitchen.bat /file:C:\Pentaho_samples\repository\repository_export.kjb
"/param:rep_name=PDI2000" "/param:rep_user=admin" "/param:rep_password=password"
rep_folderRepository Folder
rep_nameRepository Name
rep_passwordRepository Password
rep_userRepository Username
target_filenameTarget Filename

It is also possible to use obfuscated passwords with Encr, the command line tool for encrypting strings for storage/use by PDI. The following is an example command-line entry to execute a complete command-line call for the export in addition to checking for errors:

@echo off
ECHO This an example of a batch file calling the repository_export.kjb

cd C:\Pentaho\pdi-ee-<filepath>--check--</filepath>10.0.0>\data-integration

call kitchen.bat /file:C:\Pentaho_samples\repository\repository_export.kjb "/param:rep_name=PDI2000"
"/param:rep_user=admin" "/param:rep_password=password" "/param:rep_folder=/public/dev"

if errorlevel 1 goto error
echo Export finished successful.
goto finished

echo ERROR: An error occurred during repository export.
REM Allow the user to read the message when testing, so having a pause