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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

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The author(s) of this document have used their best efforts in preparing the content and the programs contained in it. These efforts include the development, research, and testing of the theories and programs to determine their effectiveness. However, Hitachi Vantara provides such information on an “as is” basis and disclaims any and all associated warranties, whether express or implied. You assume the risk related to use of this information by You and/or Your customers and Hitachi Vantara will not be liable to You or any other person for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special or exemplary loss or damage resulting from the downloading, performance or use of the programs or documents or any links contained therein or the use or misuse of the any information contained in these programs, documents and links. You are responsible to license the software required to download the documents and to conduct such virus scanning and other checks as may be necessary to ensure that the downloaded documents do not corrupt Your or any third party’s data or systems. Hitachi Vantara and its licensors reserve all proprietary rights in the associated information and materials contained in the programs and documents and, other than the limited rights stated herein, You obtain no right, title or interest whatsoever, including any intellectual property rights, in such items. Without limiting Your obligations under other applicable Hitachi Vantara policies, You will continue to be bound by the term in force at the time associated with Your access to, and use of the Hitachi Vantara website including the Acceptable Use Policy at


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Third-party open source software

For a listing of open source software used by each Pentaho component, navigate to the folder that contains the Pentaho component. Within that folder, locate a folder named licenses. The licenses folder contains .HTML files that list the names of open source software, their licenses, and required attributions.

About the documentation

This version of the Pentaho Documentation Center supports the Pentaho Business Analytics Suite, version 5.0 GA and Pentaho Data Integration, version GA. The revision date is December 3, 2018, © 2018, Hitachi Vantara LLC. No part of the Hitachi Vantara documentation may be reprinted without written permission from Hitachi Vantara LLC.