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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Launching Data Catalog AMI in AWS

You can launch a new Data Catalog Amazon Machine Image (AMI) from the AWS Marketplace. To use the Data Catalog AMI, you must create a customized security group and select or create an SSH key pair during the launch configuration.

Find and configure the Data Catalog AMI

If you found us through the Marketplace Search Page, your flow and prompts will differ, but you can end up with the same result. When prompted, select Launch Via Ec2 to follow that flow.

Launch the Data Catalog AMI instance

Perform the following steps to launch an instance of the Data Catalog AMI from the EC2:AMI Catalog:


  1. Select the AMI Catalog from the EC2 menu and search the AWS Marketplace AMIs for the Data Catalog AMI.

  2. Select the AMI you want to launch.

  3. Review the product details and terms, then select the AMI you want to use, and press Continue.

  4. Click Launch Instance from AMI.

    The EC2 Launch screen opens.
  5. Name your new server.

  6. Select your instance type.

  7. In the Key pair (login) section of the Launch an instance page, select Choose an existing key pair if you already have a valid key pair, or select Create a new key pair to create a new one.

    • Choose an existing key pair: Select a key pair from the list of available key pairs.
    • Create a new key pair: Enter a name for the key pair and click Create. The private key file is downloaded automatically to your local computer. Be sure to store the private key file in a secure location, as you will need it to connect to the instance using SSH.
  8. For SSH access, use username pentaho and set port 22 for SSH access. Allow traffic from your desired IP addresses in the Network Settings Create security group option.

  9. Create a new rule or edit existing rules to allow traffic on port 443 from your desired IP addresses or IP ranges.

  10. Review the launch configuration and click Launch instance to start the instance.

Next steps

Once the instance is running, you can connect to it using HTTPS in the browser on port 443.

Administrator setup

Now that you have deployed an instance of Data Catalog, you must perform the following steps:


  1. Record the instance’s IP address or URL.

    You will use this to access Data Catalog in the browser.
  2. Open your browser and navigate to the address from the previous step.

    This will access Data Catalog over HTTPS. If your browser defaults to HTTP, try specifying https:// at the beginning of the address to force the browser to use HTTPS. You will see a warning about invalid SSL certificates.
  3. Ignore the warning and proceed.

    You can add your own certificates to Data Catalog later.You are redirected to the admin account registration page.
  4. Fill in the details and click Create Account to create the Data Catalog admin user.

    You are redirected to the Data Catalog home screen, logged in to the admin account.
  5. You can begin using Data Catalog or create accounts for other users in your organization.