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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Uploading Seed JDBC JARs

Parent article

This section covers two different ways to add your seed JDBC jars to different types of agent:

  • Local agent via S3 bucket: If you have set an S3 bucket to pull jars from in your custom-values.yml, you will need upload and then kill your agent pod on the terminal.
  • Remote Agent: This involves copying your jars to your configuration location and restarting the agent.

Upload on S3 or MinIO

For this example, a PostgreSQL jar pulled from the official PostgreSQL JDBC Driver site will be uploaded to a MinIO bucket (via MinIO UI) and then pulled from local agent.

If you have already obtained the necessary jar files for your organization’s data sources, go to your object store and navigate to your jar upload location. Upload your jar files into the path.


  1. Open a terminal to your Kubernetes host. Using kubectl, get the full pod name of local agent:

    kubectl get pod -n <namespace> | grep agent

    Where <namespace> is the name space specified during helm installation.

  2. Kill the local agent pod:

    kubectl delete pod <agent name> -n <namespace>

    This will terminate your agent, and then create a new one. To view the progress of the new agent, run:

    kubectl get pod -n <namespace> | grep agent
  3. Once the new agent is running, grab the name of the new agent pod and check that the jar file exists in the /ext/jdbc path.

    kubectl exec -it <new agent name> -n <namespace> -- ls /opt/ldc/agent/ext/jdbc

    This should return the list of jars that were uploaded to your object store.

Upload JDBC JARs on remote agent

For Remote agents, adding additional JDBC jars must be done manually.


  1. Copy the additional JDBC jars into the server hosting your remote agent.

  2. Open a terminal to the server and switch to the service user specified during your remote agent setup.

    sudo su – <service user>
  3. Copy the JDBC jar files into your agent install location, under the ext/jdbc folder (you may have the create the jdbc folder if this does not already exist in the ext folder):

    cp <path to jar file> <install location for remote agent>/ldc/agent/ext/jdbc/<jar file name>
  4. Restart the remote agent:

    cd <install location>/ldc/agent
    bin/agent restart

    You can check the logs of your remote agent by running:

    bin/agent logs -f