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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

What's New in Data Catalog

Lumada Data Catalog 7.2 provides the following feature updates:

Public REST APIs

This release adds a REST server to support the use of new public APIs. The new APIs are:

  • Data source API
  • Data entity API
  • Glossary API
  • Virtual folder API
  • Job management API
  • Business term API
  • Lineage API
See Lumada Data Catalog REST API documentation for more information.

You can now add a workflow to a business glossary to ensure adherence to a business process for managing terms. With a workflow in place, you can predefine steps and streamline responsibilities for users with specific roles, and a single user cannot make changes without a review required by the workflow. The workflow acts as an auditing mechanism between different roles in an organization. See Manage workflows for more information.

Business rules

This release provides improved business rule authoring with the ability to save blocks of code for reuse to reduce mistakes, provide for greater consistency, and enable less experienced rule developers to author rules. You can also set threshold levels in a rule and schedule rules. See Managing rules for more information.

Data quality

This release provides wider visibility into data quality, through the addition of accuracy and timeliness quality dimensions, and an aggregated data quality score for fields and resources. See Create a rule for more information.

Support for unstructured data and additional data source types

Data Catalog 7.2 includes support for the following data source types:

  • Unstructured data can now be scanned, profiled, and tagged with business terms. The following unstructured data types are supported:
    • Microsoft Word files (.doc and .docx formats)
    • PDF files (.pdf)
  • MongoDB
  • HCP
Business glossary enhancements

Data Catalog 7.2 includes the following business glossary enhancements:

  • Business term relationships

    Business term relationships are added for use in describing associations between business terms to provide clarity on related data. For example, data tagged with the term National ID can be set as a synonym of a US Social Security Number (SSN) term. The new relationships are:

    • Is a Type of...[inverse is: Includes…]
    • Has a…[inverse is: Belongs to…]
    • Is Referenced By…[inverse is: References…]
    • Is Impacted By…[inverse is: Impacts…]
    • Is a Synonym Of…[inverse is: Is a Synonym Of…]
    • Is Governed By…[inverse is: Governs…]
    • Is Classified By…[inverse is: Classifies…]
    The inverse of each relationship is also supported. For example, if the term Apple is set with a Is a Type of relationship to the term Fruits, the relationship of the term Fruits to the term Apple is Includes. See Managing associations for more information.
  • Global search for business terms

    Users can now use a keyword search for business terms in the global Search field, using the search type Business Terms.