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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Manage workflows

Use Lumada Data Catalog workflows to automate and ensure commitment to your business process. With workflows, you can predefine steps and streamline responsibilities for users with specific roles. It also means that a single user cannot make changes without appropriate review, and it acts as a check and balance between different roles in an organization. It allows you to audit the changes, where you can go back in time and see what changes were made.

You can deploy workflows for a business glossary. Workflows are divided into two types: a two-step workflow and a three-step workflow. The two-step workflow involves the author and approver, while a three step workflow involves the author, reviewer, and approver.

NoteWorkflows will not apply to updates on business terms made using a REST API.

Workflows involve the following roles and permissions:

Author: A user with permission to manage business term can create a workflow.

Reviewer: Analyst with Review Workflow permission that can review a workflow. There can be only one reviewer per workflow.

Approver: Analyst with Approve Workflow permission that can approve a workflow. There can be only one approver per workflow.

Create a workflow

Add the workflow type to initiate the business process for a specific business glossary. You can choose which glossary you want to use to create the workflow. For example, if you have ten different business glossaries, you can choose to create workflows for three out of the ten glossaries.

NoteTo add a workflow type, you need to be assigned Configure Workflows role permissions.

Perform the following steps to add a new workflow type:


  1. Click Go to Management in the Welcome page or Management in the left toolbar of the navigation pane.

    The Manage Your Environment page opens.
  2. Click Define workflow Types Here.

    The Create Workflow Type page opens.
  3. Enter the following details in the Create Workflow page.

    Workflow nameSpecify the name of your workflow. The workflow name can include alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores.
    Workflow StepsSelect the workflow step. Workflows are divided into two types: a two-step workflow and a three-step workflow.

    • Two-step workflow:

      Process includes author and approver.

      • Author:

        Creates, edits, updates, or removes business terms.

      • Approver:

        Another person with applicable permissions to approve the changes made by the author.

    • Three-step workflow:

      Process includes author, reviewer, and approver.

      • Author:

        Creates, edits, updates, or removes business terms.

      • Reviewer:

        Verifies the changes are correct. The reviewer either sends the reviewed changes back to author if further correction is needed or send it to an approver if no further correction is needed.

      • Approver:

        Another person with applicable permissions to approve the changes made by the author.

    Asset TypesSelect the Business Glossary for which you want to initiate the workflow.
    Reviewer and Approver RolesSpecify the reviewers and approvers roles for your workflow.

Initiate the workflow

After you created your workflow, initiate the process of reviews and approvals of the related business term.

Perform the following steps to initiate the workflow:


  1. Navigate to the Business Glossary.

  2. Select the existing term, edit it, create a new term, or delete a term to initiate the workflow.

    After you edit or add a new term, the page displays the Unsaved Draft option below Actions.
  3. Click Save Draft.

    The status changes to Draft below Actions.The author of the workflow can delete the workflow while it is in Draft using the Discard Workflow option.
  4. Select Send for Review or click Initiate Workflow.

    The New Workflow Item window opens.
  5. Enter the description and assign Approver and Reviewer or Approver. You see the Approver and Reviewer or Approver option, depending on your selected Workflow Steps, while creating the Workflow Type.

  6. Click Create.

    The status of the term changes to In Review or To Approve. Notification is sent to the Reviewer or Approver.
    NoteIf you make any changes to the existing term after initiating the workflow, then you must follow the workflow process. During the workflow process, if the approver rejects the new changes, then the previous value is restored.

Review workflows

As a reviewer, you are responsible for reviewing the changes and ensuring they are correct. You then send these reviewed changes back to the author if further correction is needed or to a designated approver to approve the changes.

Perform the following steps to review the workflow:


  1. A notification is generated for the reviewer whenever an author submits the business term for review. Click the Notification icon to view a list of your notifications.

  2. To navigate to the business term, perform one of the following actions:

    • Click the notification. It will take you to the asset.
    • Navigate to the Workflow Items, select Assigned To Me, and then click more actions and select View Workflow Details or Go to Asset.
  3. Review the changes and perform the required action: Accept, Reject, or Send back. You can perform these actions in the following ways:

    • On the Workflow Items page, select View Workflow Details.
    • On the Business Glossary page, click Accept, Reject, or Send back.
    • Click In Review option below the Actions.
    • On the Business Glossary page, in the Workflow section, click View Workflow Details or View Changes.

Approve workflows

As an approver, you are responsible for making sure that the changes are correct and for approving the changes.

Perform the following steps to approve the workflow:


  1. A notification is generated for the reviewer whenever an author or reviewer submits the business term for approval. Click the Notification icon to view a list of your notifications.

  2. To navigate to the business term, perform one of the following:

    • Click the notification. It will take you to the asset.
    • Navigate to the Workflow Items, select Assigned To Me, and then click more actions and select View Workflow Details or Go to Asset.
  3. Review the changes and perform the required action: Accept, Reject, or Send back. You can perform these actions in the following ways:

    • On the Workflow Items page, select View Workflow Details.
    • On the Business Glossary page, click Accept, Reject, or Send back.
    • Click In Review option below the Actions.
    • On the Business Glossary page, in the Workflow section, click View Workflow Details or View Changes.

Update a workflow

Perform the following step to update a workflow:


  1. Click Go to Management in the Welcome page or Management in the left toolbar of the navigation pane.

    The Manage Your Environment page opens.
  2. Click Define Workflow Types Here and navigate to the workflow that you want to edit.

  3. Click the workflow name link or View Details.

    The Update Workflow Type window opens.
  4. Update the desired information, and then click Save.

    NoteYou can only edit the Workflow Name field if the workflow is active.

Delete a workflow

Perform the following step to delete the workflow:


  1. Click Go to Management in the Welcome page or Management in the left toolbar of the navigation pane.

    The Manage Your Environment page opens.
  2. Click Define Workflow Types Here and navigate to the workflow that you want to delete.

  3. Select multiple or individual workflow and click Remove.

    The Delete Workflow window opens.
  4. Enter Yes in the input field, and the click Confirm.