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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Apache Atlas integration

Parent article

Lumada Data Catalog provides an integration package to share metadata with Apache® Atlas. For a given resource in Data Catalog, this integration allows users to:

  • Push business terms to Atlas
  • Pull lineage information from Atlas

Configure Atlas integration

Follow the steps below to configure the Atlas integration for your environment.


  1. Download the adapter package.

    The package is available through the Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Support Portal at for supported customers. If you are not a supported customer, contact your Hitachi Vantara sales representative.
  2. As the Data Catalog service user, navigate to where you want to extract the adapter.

    For example, you can extract it in the Data Catalog Agent installation location.

    $ su ldcuser  
    $ cd <LDC Agent Dir>  
    $ tar xvf <path to downloaded package>
    A new folder is created under <LDC Agent Dir>/adapters/atlas.
  3. Modify the configuration properties in to match your environment.

    <LDC Agent Dir>$ vi adapters/atlas/conf/

    Modify the following properties:

    PropertyDescriptionExample Value including the host and port for the Atlas service.
    atlas.userAtlas user with the appropriate permissions to perform the import and export operations.admin
    atlas.passwordPassword corresponding to atlas.user.admin

    NoteThis password needs to be in clear text. Data Catalog stores it encrypted and decrypts it when connecting to Atlas.
    atlas.cluster.nameName of the cluster where Atlas resides.CL1
  4. Create an external source using the Data Catalog execution script found under the agent component.

    <AGENT-HOME>$ bin/ldc createExternalSource -name <Atlas external source>  
                                                        -type Atlas  
                                                        -configFile adapters/atlas/conf/
    • To delete the external source use the Data Catalog execution script:

      <AGENT-HOME>$ bin/ldc deleteExternalSource -name <Atlas external source>  
                                                          -type Atlas  
                                                          -configFile adapters/atlas/conf/
  5. Encrypt the password for Data Catalog user using the following command:

    $ <AGENT-HOME> bin/ldc-util encrypt
  6. At the Please enter your password prompt, enter your password.

    Sample output may look like below:

    Atlas encrypted password

    The screen will display its encrypted version. Save this encrypted password for use in the next steps.
    NoteBe sure to use the entire encrypted password string, including enc(...).
  7. Copy the descriptor file <AGENT-HOME>/adapters/atlas/resources/atlas-plugin-descriptor.json to the <App-Server Dir>/ext directory and update the following in the atlas-plugin-descriptor.json file.

    • Import configuration

      Import Atlas configuration

      Under import_operationsarguments:

      • -ldcUser is the Data Catalog service user created during installation.
      • -ldcPassword is the encrypted password obtained in step 6.
      • -ldcURL is the Apache instance URL.
      • -externalSource is created in step 4.
    • Export configuration

      Export Atlas configuration

      Under export_associationsarguments:

      • -ldcUser is the waterlinesvc (Data Catalog service user created during installation).
      • -ldcPassword is the encrypted password obtained in step 6.
      • -ldcURL is the Apache instance URL.
      • -externalSource is created in step 4.
  8. Update the following new properties in the atlas-plugin-descriptor.json file as and when required.

    • intentExecutorComponent: This property decided the plugin execution component.

      Atlas intentExecutorComponent

    • agent.timeout: This value determines the response time (In seconds) to wait for the UI side response.

      Atlas agent.timeout

      When intentExecutorComponent is set to Agent, the user can provide dataSourceIds and virtualFolderIds to allow this functionality enabled in UI for a specific dataSource and virtualFolder.

    • dataSourceIds: This is a String array,which expects dataSource key(s).
    • virtualFolderIds: This is a String array, which expects virtualFolder key(s).
  9. Restart the application server using the following command:

    $ <LDC App-Server Dir> bin/app-server restart


NoteOnce the external source has been created, it is safe from a security standpoint to delete the file.
CautionAny changes in the file require that you recreate the external source.

When there is any change in the user credentials or cluster information in the file, you must create a new external source to reflect the permission levels for the new user.

Importing Atlas lineage

You can import Atlas lineage programmatically using a command on the Data Catalog node.

Use the following command to import Atlas lineage for a Hive table (on one line):

<AGENT-HOME>$ adapters/atlas/bin/importOperations -externalSource <Atlas external source>
                                                     -wdURL http://<ldc host>:8082                                       
                                                     -wdUser <ldc user>                                 
                                                     -ldcPassword <password>                           
                                                    [-virtualFolder <Hive source name>                                                    
                                                    [-path /<database>.<tablename>]]

For a lineage relationship to be imported, the parent and child tables must exist in the Data Catalog.

If the data source and table names are not specified, lineage is imported for all the tables in the Data Catalog.

This can take a long time depending on the number of tables in the repository.

If the table name is provided, the data source name is required. If there is a data source name, and no table name, lineage for all the tables in the data source is imported.

ImportantThe Data Catalog password wdPassword passed to the command must be encrypted with the following command:

$ <AGENT-HOME> bin/ldc encrypt

Exporting Lumada Data Catalog terms to Atlas

To export Data Catalog term associations to Atlas, use the following command on the Data Catalog node.

<AGENT-HOME>$ adapters/atlas/bin/exportTagAssociations -externalSource <Atlas external source>
                                                          -wdURL http://<ldc host>:8082                                              
                                                          -wdUser <ldc user>                                  
                                                          -ldcPassword <password>                      
                                                         [-virtualFolder <Hive source name>                                                          
                                                         [-path /<database>.<tablename>]]
NoteOnly terms on Hive tables are exported.

If the data source and table names are not specified, term associations are exported for all the tables in the Data Catalog repository.

This can take a long time depending on the number of tables in the repository.

If the table name is provided, the data source name is required. If there is a data source name and no table name, term associations for all the tables in the data source are exported.

ImportantThe Data Catalog password wdPassword passed to the command must be encrypted with the following command:

<AGENT-HOME>$ bin/ldc encrypt

Exporting Lumada Data Catalog HDFS_PATH terms to Atlas

To export Data Catalog HDFS_PATH terms to Atlas from Data Catalog UI, user has to add resourceTypes as HDFS_FILE in atlas-plugin-descriptor.json for export_associations placed at /app-server/ext/ to allow Data Catalog UI to show appropriate action.

Atlas HDFS_PATH tags

User can use following command to export HDFS_PATH terms from command line.

<AGENT-HOME>$ adapters/atlas/bin/exportTagAssociations -externalSource <Atlas external source>
                                                          -wdURL http://<ldc host>:8082
                                                          -wdUser <ldc user>                                                           
                                                          -ldcPassword <password>         
                                                         [-virtualFolder <HDFS source name> 
                                                         [-path /<HDFS Resource path>]]

Exporting Lumada Data Catalog HIVE DB level terms to Atlas

To export Data Catalog HIVE database level terms to Atlas from Data Catalog UI, user has to add resourceTypes as HIVE_DATABASE in atlas-plugin-descriptor.json for export_associations placed at /app-server/ext/ to allow Data Catalog UI to show appropriate action.

Atlas HIVE_DB tags

User can use following command to export HIVE DB level terms from command line.

<AGENT-HOME>$ adapters/atlas/bin/exportTagAssociations -externalSource <Atlas external source>
                                                          -wdURL http://<ldc host>:8082
                                                          -wdUser <ldc user>                                                        
                                                          -ldcPassword <password>               
                                                         [-virtualFolder <Hive source name>                                                          
                                                         [-path /<database>]]