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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Switch to Memcached

You can switch from the default Infinispan cache framework your own Memcached instance.

In order to complete this procedure, you must have your own pre-configured Memcached instance. You should have also installed the Analysis Enterprise Edition package to your Pentaho Server or standalone Mondrian engine.

Switch from the Infinispan cache framework

If you already use the Memcached cache framework in your organization and would like to hook it up to the Pentaho Analyzer OLAP engine, follow the directions below to switch from the default Infinispan cache framework configuration.

NotePentaho and Mondrian developers recommend against using Memcached. You are almost certain to have better performance with Infinispan.

Perform the following steps to switch from Infinispan to Memcached:


  1. If the Pentaho Server or standalone Mondrian engine are running, shut them down now.

  2. Verify the required JARs are present in the /WEB-INF/lib/ directory inside of your deployed pentaho.war or Mondrian engine.

    If you performed a default install of the Pentaho Analysis Enterprise Edition package, then you should have all of the required JARs installed to the Pentaho or Mondrian Server. If you are not sure, the required JARs are:

    • pentaho-analysis-ee
    • commons-lang
    • commons-io
    • commons-codec
    • pentaho-ee-dsc-core
    • memcached
  3. Edit the pentaho-analysis-config.xml in the /WEB-INF/classes/ directory inside the deployed pentaho.war or Mondrian engine, and change the value of SEGMENT_CACHE_IMPL to match the class name referenced below:

    <entry key="SEGMENT_CACHE_IMPL">com.pentaho.​analysis.segmentcache.​impl.memcached.​MemcachedSegmentCache</entry>
  4. Edit the memcached-config.xml in the /WEB-INF/classes/ directory inside the deployed pentaho.war or Mondrian engine, and change the values of SALT, SERVERS, and WEIGHT to match your preference:

    <entry key="SALT">YOUR SECRET SALT VALUE HERE</entry>
    <entry key="SERVERS">,</entry>
    <entry key="WEIGHTS">1,1</entry>


Your Pentaho Analysis Enterprise Edition instance is now configured to use Memcached for OLAP segment caching.