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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Starting the Pentaho Server after an archive installation

The Pentaho Server is located on the Pentaho-provided Tomcat web application server. How you start the Pentaho Server depends on your operating system, Windows or Linux.
Perform the following steps to start the Pentaho Server.


  1. Run the startup script for the Tomcat web application server by launching the appropriate file for your environment:

  2. From a workstation, open a web browser and enter the URL: http://localhost:8080/pentaho to access the Pentaho User Console. If your server has a different hostname or port, replace 'localhost' and '8080' with your specific values.

  3. Enter your user name and password and click Login to open the Pentaho User Console (PUC).

  4. The first time you log on, PUC will prompt you to install a license.

    • Click the Add button (Plus Sign) and then browse to the license files that you want to install. Typically, the license files are unpacked in the /pentaho/serverdirectory.
    • Double-click the license to install it.
    • Continue to add licenses until all needed licenses are installed.


Additional license installation methods and instructions are located in Manage Pentaho licenses.

If you are having problems starting the Pentaho Server, visit our Troubleshooting Guide for help.