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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Pentaho, big data, and Hadoop

The term big data applies to very large, complex, or dynamic datasets that need to be stored and managed over a long time. To derive benefits from big data, you need the ability to access, process, and analyze data as it is being created. However, the size and structure of big data makes it very inefficient to maintain and process it using traditional relational databases.

Big data solutions re-engineer the components of traditional databases, such as data storage, retrieval, query, processing, and massively scales them.

Big data overview

Pentaho increases speed-of-thought analysis against even the largest of big data stores by focusing on the features that deliver performance.

  • Instant access: Pentaho provides visual tools to make it easy to define the sets of data that are important to you for interactive analysis. These data sets and associated analytics can be easily shared with others, and as new business questions arise, new views of data can be defined for interactive analysis.
  • High performance platform: Pentaho is built on a modern, lightweight, high performance platform. This platform fully leverages 64-bit, multi-core processors and large memory spaces to efficiently leverage the power of contemporary hardware.
  • Extreme-scale, in-memory caching: Pentaho is unique in leveraging external data grid technologies, such as Infinispan and Memcached to load vast amounts of data into memory so that it is instantly available for speed-of-thought analysis.
  • Federated data integration: Data can be extracted from multiple sources, including big data and traditional data stores, integrated together and then flowed directly into reports, without needing an enterprise data warehouse or data mart.