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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

What's new in Pentaho 9.4


The Pentaho 9.4 Enterprise Edition delivers a variety of new features and enhancements, including:

  • Thin Kettle engine
  • Pentaho User Experience improvements
  • Pentaho Analyzer visualization configurations
  • Business analytics server performance improvements
  • Mongo DB plugin improvements
Pentaho 9.4 also continues to enhance the Pentaho business analytics experience.
Thin Kettle engine

Pentaho has embarked on a cloud journey to make Pentaho Server runtime (Kettle engine) more light weight from an installation and deployment perspective for you to run your transformations and jobs with quicker start and stop times. For more information on the related updated interfaces, see the following articles:

Pentaho user experience improvements

You can now take advantage of metadata discovery to improve your Pentaho experience. For more information, see Read metadata from Copybook and the new Query metadata from a database transformation step.

Reduced Pentaho design tools installation download size and improved startup time

The download size of the Pentaho design tools installation is reduced by almost half, leading to a smaller footprint and quicker download time. For more information, see Install the BA design tools and Install the PDI tools and plugins.

Pentaho's start time is also significantly improved now that only your specific drivers are loaded at startup instead of the entire set. See Adding a driver for instructions on downloading and adding your specific drivers.

Pentaho Analyzer visualization configurations

You can now use improved configurations for visualization view, reports, and charts. You can also now restrict the content edit permissions for the Analyzer reports. For more information, see Chart Options for Analyzer reports and Customize Pentaho Analyzer.

Pentaho business analytics server performance improvements

Pentaho Server performance improvements include added a better way to handle the data source loading and caching when loading the home page, creating the new data source, updating the existing data source, and deleting the data source.

Mongo DB plugin improvements

With the new MongoDB Execute transformation step in Pentaho EE 9.4, you can connect to a MongoDB cluster and can execute Mongo shell style like commands that can be statically defined and secured via security providers (for example LDAP, Kerberos X509, etc.) for various CRUD operations. For more information, see MongoDB Execute.