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pentaho.type SpecificationScope

A class that manages the ambient specification context.

AMD Module

require(["pentaho/type/SpecificationScope"], function(SpecificationScope) { /* code goes here */ });



Name Description
new SpecificationScope(context)

Creates a SpecificationScope.


Name Description
specContext : pentaho.type.SpecificationContext

Gets the associated specification context.


Name Description

Disposes of the specification scope.

Constructor Details

new SpecificationScope(context)

Creates a SpecificationScope.

If a specification context is given, it is used and set as the ambient specification context. Otherwise, if an ambient specification context exists, that context is used. Otherwise, a new specification context is created and set as the ambient specification context. In this case, when the scope is disposed, the created context is disposed as well.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/SpecificationScope.js, line 48

Name Default Value Summary
context : pentaho.type.SpecificationContext

A specification context to use.

Members Details

specContext: pentaho.type.SpecificationContext

Gets the associated specification context.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/SpecificationScope.js, line 68

Methods Details


Disposes of the specification scope.

If this scope created its specification context, it disposes of it, as well.

If there was a previous specification context before this one, it is restored.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/SpecificationScope.js, line 80