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pentaho.environment. IEnvironment

The IEnvironment interface allows access to environmental information of the Pentaho Platform. For example, it allows access to user, theme, locale, application and server.

Not all information is always available, or sometimes it is not fixed, and so some of these can be null. Check the documentation of each property and sub-property.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/environment/IEnvironment.jsdoc, line 17


Name Description
application : nonEmptyString

Gets the identifier of the client application.

locale : nonEmptyString

Gets the identifier of the locale.

reservedChars : nonEmptyString

Gets the reserved characters for file names, all concatenated in a single string.

server : pentaho.environment.IServer

Gets information about the server web application.

theme : nonEmptyString

Gets the identifier of the theme.

user : pentaho.environment.IUser

Gets information about the user.


Name Description
createChild(childSpec) : pentaho.environment.IEnvironment

Creates a child environment of this one given its specification. Any unspecified information is inherited from this environment.

toJSON() : pentaho.environment.spec.IEnvironment

Serializes this environment to JSON.

toSpec() : pentaho.environment.spec.IEnvironment

Creates a specification with the information of this environment.

Members Details

application: nonEmptyString

Gets the identifier of the client application.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/environment/IEnvironment.jsdoc, line 34

locale: nonEmptyString

Gets the identifier of the locale.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/environment/IEnvironment.jsdoc, line 70

reservedChars: nonEmptyString

Gets the reserved characters for file names, all concatenated in a single string.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/environment/IEnvironment.jsdoc, line 79

server: pentaho.environment.IServer

Gets information about the server web application.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/environment/IEnvironment.jsdoc, line 52

theme: nonEmptyString

Gets the identifier of the theme.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/environment/IEnvironment.jsdoc, line 61

user: pentaho.environment.IUser

Gets information about the user.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/environment/IEnvironment.jsdoc, line 43

Methods Details

createChild(childSpec) : pentaho.environment.IEnvironment

Creates a child environment of this one given its specification. Any unspecified information is inherited from this environment.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/environment/IEnvironment.jsdoc, line 88

Name Default Value Summary
childSpec : pentaho.environment.spec.IEnvironment

The child environment specification.

Name Description

The child environment.

toJSON() : pentaho.environment.spec.IEnvironment

Serializes this environment to JSON.

This method is an alias of [toSpec]{pentaho.environment.IEnvironment#toSpec}.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/environment/IEnvironment.jsdoc, line 109

Name Description

The environment specification.

See also: pentaho.environment.IEnvironment#toSpec

toSpec() : pentaho.environment.spec.IEnvironment

Creates a specification with the information of this environment.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/environment/IEnvironment.jsdoc, line 99

Name Description

The environment specification.

See also: pentaho.environment.IEnvironment#toJSON