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pentaho.visual.scene. util

AMD Module

require(["pentaho/visual/scene/util"], function(util) { /* code goes here */ });

The util namespace contains functions for common tasks around dealing with visual scenes.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/visual/scene/util.js, line 23


Name Description
createFilterFromVars(varsMap, model) :

Creates a data filter that represents the values of the specified visual role variables.

invertVars(varsMap, model, keyArgs) : Object.<>

Creates a data cells map corresponding to the values of the specified visual role variables.

Methods Details

createFilterFromVars(varsMap, model) :

Creates a data filter that represents the values of the specified visual role variables.

The types and must have been loaded already.

If the given variables map entails no distinguishing fields (in the sense of being effective keys, as defined in isColumnKeyEffective) of the associated data table, then the returned filter will be null.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/visual/scene/util.js, line 55

Name Default Value Summary
varsMap : Object.

A map of visual role names to corresponding variables. All variables, even those from inherited keys are considered.

Map keys which are not the name of a mapper visual role property of model are ignored. Map values can be any value that supports the JavaScript's valueOf method.

model : pentaho.visual.Model

The associated visual model. Must be valid.

Name Description | null

The filter, if one can be created; null, otherwise

See also:

invertVars(varsMap, model, keyArgs) : Object.<>

Creates a data cells map corresponding to the values of the specified visual role variables.

By default, only data cells for fields which are effective keys are considered, as defined in isColumnKeyEffective. Specify keyArgs.includeMeasureFields as true to include all fields.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/visual/scene/util.js, line 85

Name Default Value Summary
varsMap : Object.<, >

A map of visual role names to corresponding variables. All variables, even those from inherited keys are considered.

Map keys which are not the name of a mapper visual role property of model are ignored.

model : pentaho.visual.Model

The associated visual model. Must be valid.

keyArgs : object

The keyword arguments object.

Name Default Value Summary
includeMeasureFields : boolean

Indicates that measure fields should also be included. In practice, indicates that all fields should be included.

Name Description

A data cells map, possibly empty.

See also: