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pentaho. lang

The lang namespace contains classes and interfaces used as type system building blocks to form other classes and interfaces of the Pentaho Platform JavaScript APIs.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/lang/_namespace.jsdoc, line 17

Child Namespaces

Name Summary

The specifications sub-namespace of the pentaho.lang namespace.


Name Summary

The ArgumentError class is the base class of error objects associated with a function argument.


The ArgumentInvalidError class is the class of errors for a function's argument that has been specified, although with an invalid value.


The ArgumentInvalidTypeError class is the class of errors for a function's argument that has been specified, although with a value of an unsupported type, according to the documented contract.


The ArgumentRangeError class is the class of errors for a function's argument that was specified with a value of one of the expected types, albeit not within the expected range.


The ArgumentRequiredError class is the class of errors for a function's argument that was required but was not specified, or was specified but with a nully or empty value.


Base Class for JavaScript Inheritance.


The Collection class is an abstract base class for typed, ordered maps.


The EventSource class is an implementation IEventSource that can be used as mixin class for classes that emit events.


The List class is an abstract base class for typed arrays.


The NotImplementedError class is the class of errors that signals that a method that is either abstract and has not been overridden, or is not abstract but has not been implemented, and is being called.


The OperationInvalidError class is the class of errors that signals that performing an operation is considered invalid.


The RuntimeError class represents a runtime error that is, nonetheless, handled and whose message can be shown to the user.


The SortedList class is an abstract base class for ordered arrays.


The UserError class is the base class of error objects associated with the logic of a given operation.


Name Summary

The IAnnotatable interface represents the class of objects whose instances can be freely augmented with annotations.


The ICollectionElement interface describes the minimum requirements of elements of a pentaho.lang.Collection.


The IConfigurable interface represents the class of objects that can be configured.


The IDisposable interface represents a resource that can be explicitly and deterministically disposed.


An IEventObserver contains properties named after event phase names and whose values are event listeners.


The IEventRegistrationHandle interface represents an event registration and provides a means to explicitly unregister from the event.


The IEventSource interface represents objects that emit events.


The IListElement interface describes the minimum requirements of elements of a pentaho.lang.List.


The ISpecifiable interface represents the class of objects that can be described by a specification.


The IWithKey interface describes an object for which a key exists, valid under some implied domain, and is made available.

Type Definitions


An event phase listener function.

The event listener function is called with a this context being the object where the listener registered for the event.

This type can be used generically by specifying the type of event in angle brackets: pentaho.lang.EventListener<MyEvent>.

Usually, the event payload is of type pentaho.lang.Event, but other object types are acceptable.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/lang/EventListener.jsdoc, line 17

Name Default Value Summary
event : object

The event payload.

See also: pentaho.lang.IEventObserver , pentaho.lang.EventListenerAsync

EventListenerAsync(event) : Promise

An event phase listener asynchronous function.

The event listener function is called with a this context being the object where the listener registered for the event.

This type can be used generically by specifying the type of event in angle brackets: pentaho.lang.EventListenerAsync<MyEvent>.

Usually, the event payload is of type pentaho.lang.Event, but other object types are acceptable.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/lang/EventListenerAsync.jsdoc, line 17

Name Default Value Summary
event : object

The event payload.

Name Description
Promise | null

A promise for the listener's completion.

The actual meaning of the promise's result and rejected reason is specific to each event.

See also: pentaho.lang.IEventObserver , pentaho.lang.EventListener