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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Set up the Adaptive Execution Layer (AEL)

Parent article

Pentaho uses the Adaptive Execution Layer for running transformations on the Spark Distributive Compute Engine. AEL adapts steps from a transformation developed in PDI to Spark-native operators. The AEL daemon builds a transformation definition in Spark, which moves execution directly to the cluster.

Your installation of Pentaho includes the AEL daemon which you can set up for production to run on your clusters. After you configure the AEL daemon, the PDI client communicates with both your Spark cluster and the AEL daemon, which lives on a node of your cluster to launch and run transformations.

Before you can select the Spark engine through run configurations, you will need to configure AEL for your system and your workflow. Depending on your deployment, you may need to perform additional configuration tasks, such as setting up AEL in a secure cluster.

AEL runs PDI transformations in Spark-centric manner, which is documented for each step using the Spark engine.

Before you begin

You must meet the following requirements for using the AEL daemon and operating the Spark engine for transformations:

CautionSpark does not support having Hadoop 2.x JAR files and Hadoop 3.x JAR files on the same class path as your spark application. Do not mix and match Hadoop versions.
NoteThe dependency on Zookeeper was removed in Pentaho 8.0. If you installed AEL for Pentaho 7.1, you must delete the adaptive-execution folder and follow the Pentaho 8.0 or later Installation instructions to use AEL with Pentaho 8.0 or later.

Pentaho installation

When you install the Pentaho Server, the AEL daemon is installed in the folder data-integration/adaptive-execution. This folder will be referred to as PDI_AEL_DAEMON_HOME.

Spark client

The Spark client is required for the operation of the AEL daemon. There are two ways to use a Spark client with AEL:

Install a new instance of the Spark client

If you do not have a supported Spark client installed, you need to install your own instance. Perform the following steps:


  1. Download the Spark client from the following location to the machine where you will run the AEL daemon:

    As a best practice, use Apache Spark client 2.3 or 2.4. Version 2.3 is used in the following examples.

    For example, download spark-2.3.0-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz if you are using Spark 2.3 on Hadoop 2.7
  2. Extract the downloaded TGZ file to a designated folder where the Spark client will reside.

    For AEL installation, the folder name you designate is the target folder for the sparkHome= parameter.For example, this extraction command: tar zxf /your_path/spark-2.3.0-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz results in the following path:


    where: /your_path is the designated folder.

  3. Copy the path that was created to the file and the sparkHome= parameter as shown below.



    your_path: is the folder where you downloaded or unzipped the TGZ file.

    spark-x.x.x-bin-hadooop.x: is the version of the Spark client you are using.

    For example, if your folder is called spark230:


Use a Spark client already installed on a cluster

To use a Spark client that already resides on a cluster, specify the cluster path in the sparkHome= parameter in the file. For example:


where cluster_path is your specific path.

The Spark client is started as part of the AEL execution and does not require any manual startup. The following examples show common cluster configurations.

Cluster ConfigurationExample Entry
CDH 6.1sparkHome=/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-6.1.1-1.cdh6.1.1.p0.875250/lib/spark/
CDH 6.2sparkHome=/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-6.2.0-1.cdh6.2.0.p0.967373/lib/spark/
EMR 5.24sparkHome=/usr/lib/spark/
HDP 3.1sparkHome=/usr/hdp/current/spark2-client

Pentaho Spark application

The Pentaho Spark application is built upon PDI's Pentaho execution engine, which allows you to develop Spark applications with familiar Pentaho tools. Some third-party plugins, such as those plugins available in the Pentaho Marketplace, may not be included by default within the Pentaho Spark application. To address this issue, we include functionality in the Spark Application builder tool so you can customize the Pentaho Spark application by adding or removing components to fit your needs.

After running the Spark application builder tool, copy and unzip the resulting file to an edge node in your Hadoop cluster. The unpacked contents consist of the data-integration folder and the file, which includes only the required libraries needed by the Spark nodes themselves to execute a transformation when the AEL daemon is configured to run in YARN mode. Since the file needs to be accessible by all nodes in the cluster, it must be copied into HDFS. Spark distributes this ZIP file to other nodes and then automatically extracts it.

Perform the following steps to run the Spark application build tool and manage the resulting files:


  1. Ensure that you have configured your PDI client with all the plugins that you will use.

  2. Navigate to the design-tools/data-integration folder and locate the spark-app-builder.bat (Windows) or the (Linux).

  3. Execute the Spark application builder tool script.

    A console window will display and the file will be created in the data-integration folder (unless otherwise specified by the -outputLocation parameter described below).

    The following parameters can be used when running the script to build the

    –h or --helpDisplays the help.
    –e or --exclude-pluginsSpecifies plugins from the data-integration/plugins folder not to exclude from the assembly.
    –o or --outputLocationSpecifies the output location.

    The file contains a data-integration folder and file.

  4. Copy the data-integration folder to the edge node where you want to run the AEL daemon.

  5. Copy the file to the HDFS node where you will run Spark.

    This folder will be referred to as HDFS_SPARK_EXECUTOR_LOCATION.

Next steps

NoteFor the cluster nodes to use the functionality provided by PDI plugins when executing a transformation, they must be installed into the PDI client prior to generating the Pentaho Spark application. If you install other plugins later, you must regenerate the Pentaho Spark application.

Configure the AEL daemon for local mode

You can configure the AEL daemon to run in Spark local mode for development or demonstration purposes. In local mode, you can build and test a Spark application on your desktop with sample data, then reconfigure the application to run on your clusters.
NoteConfiguring the AEL daemon to run in Spark local mode is not supported, but can be useful for development and debugging.

To configure the AEL daemon for a local mode, complete the following steps:


  1. Navigate to the data-integration/adaptive-execution/config directory and open the file.

  2. Set the following properties for your environment:

    1. Set the sparkHome property to the Spark 2 filepath on your local machine.

    2. Set the sparkApp property to the data-integration directory.

    3. Set the hadoopConfDir property to the directory containing the *site.xml files.

  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Navigate to the data-integration/adaptive-execution folder and run the command from the command line interface.

Configure the AEL daemon for YARN mode

Typically, the AEL daemon is run in YARN mode for production purposes. In YARN mode, the driver application launches and delegates work to the YARN cluster. The pdi-spark-executor application must be installed on each of the YARN nodes.

The script is only supported in UNIX-based environments.

NoteBecause of limitations for Cloudera Distribution Spark (CDS) Powered by Apache Spark in Cloudera Distribution Hadoop (CDH) 6.x, AEL does not support Hive or Impala in YARN mode. If you would like specific information, see the Cloudera documentation.

To configure the AEL daemon for a YARN production environment, complete the following steps.


  1. Navigate to the data-integration/adaptive-execution/config directory and open the file.

  2. Set the following properties for your environment:

    websocketURLThe fully-qualified domain name of the node where the AEL daemon is installed. The following command is an example of how to obtain the fully qualified name:
    [devuser@hito31-n2 ~]$ hostname -f

    An example of a fully qualified name is websocketURL=ws://localhost:${ael.unencrypted.port}.

    sparkHomeThe path to the Spark client folder on your cluster
    sparkAppThe data-integration directory
    hadoopConfDirThe directory containing the *site.xml files. This property value tells Spark which Hadoop/YARN cluster to use. You can download the directory containing the *site.xml files using the cluster management tool, or you can set the hadoopConfDir property to the location in the cluster.
    hadoopUserThe user ID the Spark application will use. This user must have permissions to access the file in the Hadoop file system.
    hbaseConfDirThe directory containing the hbase-site.xml file. This property value tells Spark how HBase is configured for your cluster. You can download the directory containing the *site.xml files using the cluster management tool, or you can set the hadoopConfDir property to the location in the cluster.
    NoteYARN-cluster deployment mode in YARN is not supported by AEL
  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Copy the file to your HDFS cluster, as shown in the following example:

    $ hdfs dfs put /opt/pentaho/
  5. Perform the following steps to start the AEL daemon.

    You can start the AEL daemon by running the script. By default, this startup script is installed in the data-integration/adaptive-execution folder, which is referred to as the variable PDI_AEL_DAEMON_HOME.
    1. Navigate to the data-integration/adaptive-execution directory.

    2. Run the script.

      The script supports the following commands:
      daemon.shStarts the daemon as a foreground process. startStarts the daemon as a background process. Logs are written to the PDI_AEL_DAEMON_HOME/daemon.log file. stopStops the daemon. statusReports the status of the daemon.

Configure event logging

Spark events can be captured in an event log that can be viewed with the Spark History Server. The Spark History Server is a web browser-based user interface to the event log. You can view either running or completed Spark transformations using the Spark History Server. Before you can use the Spark History Server, you must configure AEL to log the events.

Perform the following tasks to configure AEL to log events:


  1. Have your cluster administrator enable the Spark History Server on your cluster and give you the location of the Spark event log directory.

  2. Navigate to the data-integration/adaptive-execution/config directory and open the file.

  3. Set the sparkEventLogEnabled property to true.

    If this field is missing or set to false, Spark does not log events.
  4. Set the sparkEventLogDir property to a directory where you want to store the log.

    This location can either be a file system directory (for example, file:///users/home/spark-events), or an HDFS directory (for example, hdfs:/usrs/home/spark-events).
  5. Set the spark.history.fs.logDirectory property to point to the same event log directory you configured in the previous step.


You can now view Spark-specific information for your PDI transformations using the Spark History Server.

Next steps

Vendor-supplied clients

Additional configuration steps may be required when using AEL with a vendor’s version of the Spark client.


If your Cloudera Spark client does not contain the Hadoop libraries, you must add the Hadoop libraries to the classpath using the SPARK_DIST_CLASSPATH environment variable, as shown in the following example command:

export SPARK_DIST_CLASSPATH=$(hadoop classpath)

NoteBecause of limitations for CDS Powered by Apache Spark in CDH 6.x, AEL does not support Hive or Impala in YARN mode. If you would like specific information, see the Cloudera documentation.


You can use multiple vendor versions of the Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) with the PDI client. To use the vendor’s version of the Spark client with Hive Warehouse Connector (HWC) on HDP 3.x platforms, you must configure the AEL daemon for the Hive Warehouse Connector.

To use HBase with AEL and HDP, you must add copies of HBase JAR files to your PDI distribution.

Use HBase with AEL and HDP

To use HBase with AEL and HDP, you must add the HBase JAR files to PDI.

Perform the following steps to add the HBase JAR files:


  1. Copy the following files for your version of HDP from the /usr/hdp/current/hbase/lib/ directory of your cluster.

    • hbase-client-<x.x.x>.jar
    • hbase-common-<x.x.x>.jar
    • hbase-hadoop-compat-<x.x.x>.jar
    • hbase-mapreduce-<x.x.x>.jar
    • hbase-protocol-<x.x.x>.jar
    • hbase-protocol-shaded-<x.x.x>.jar
    • hbase-server-<x.x.x>.jar
    • hbase-shaded-miscellaneous-<x.x.x>.jar
    • hbase-shaded-netty-<x.x.x>.jar
    • hbase-shaded-protobuf-<x.x.x>.jar
  2. Follow the instructions in Set up the vendor-specified JARs to install the files.

Amazon EMR

If you plan to use AEL with Amazon EMR, note the following conditions:

  • To use Amazon EMR with AEL, you must install the Linux LZO compression library. See LZO support for more information.
  • To use Amazon EMR with AEL and Hive, you must Configure the AEL daemon for a Hive service.
  • To use the HBase Input and HBase Output steps with AEL and Amazon EMR, see Using HBase steps with Amazon EMR 5.21.
  • Because of limitations in Amazon EMR 4.0 and later, Impala is not supported on Spark.
    NoteImpala is not available as a download on the EMR Cluster configuration menu.

LZO support

LZO is a compression format supported by Amazon EMR. It is required for running AEL on EMR. To configure for LZO compression, you will need to add several properties.


  1. Follow the instructions available here to install the Linux LZO compression library from the command line:

  2. Navigate to the data-integration/adaptive-execution/config/ directory and open the file.

  3. Add the following properties:

    • spark.executor.extraClassPath= /usr/lib/hadoop-lzo/lib/hadoop-lzo.jar
    • spark.driver.extraClassPath = /usr/lib/hadoop-lzo/lib/hadoop-lzo.jar
  4. Append the following properties to include -Djava.library.path=/usr/lib/hadoop-lzo/lib/native at the end of each line:

    • sparkExecutorExtraJavaOptions
    • sparkDriverExtraJavaOptions
  5. Save and close the file.

Use HBase with AEL and Amazon EMR

To use HBase with AEL and Amazon EMR, you must add the HBase libraries to the classpath.

Perform the following steps to add the HBase libraries:


  1. Stop the AEL daemon.

  2. From a command prompt (terminal window) on the cluster, run the following command:

    add SPARK_DIST_CLASSPATH=$(hbase classpath)
  3. Start the AEL daemon.


To achieve the best performance using Hive, ensure that you have optimized your AEL environment as described in About Spark tuning in PDI. After tuning Spark, you can make additional improvements to Hive performance with the following tuning techniques:

  • Setup Hive partitioning on the tables for more efficient queries and use bucketing for manageable dataset parts. For more information, see hive-partitioning-vs-bucketing.
  • Use the parameter to reduce query times.
  • Use the parameter to save cluster space.
  • Enable parallel execution to improve cluster utilization.
  • For better pipeline and cache usage, enable vectorization to batch process rows and perform operations on column vectors.
  • Configure the Live Long and Processed (LLAP) queue capacity to maximize the YARN resources for LLAP without wasting cluster space.

For more information about these methods, see hive-best-practices. Refer to your vendor-specific documentation for implementation.

Lastly, you might consider the differences between the Amazon's Elastic Map Reduce (EMR) and other Hive environments, specifically how formats are handled differently. EMR uses the Parquet storage format, instead of ORC with compression, to provide better performance. EMR, however, does not support LLAP. For more information on other exceptions, see emr-hive-differences.

The following sections show you how to use Spark on AEL with Hive. Pentaho supports Hive access from Spark for Amazon's Elastic MapReduce 5.24 and Hortonworks Data Platform 3.x.

Supported data types

Pre-existing Hive tables that use the Varchar data type are converted to strings when you select the Truncate Table option in the Table Output step. Pentaho limits support for binary types and does not recommend using Hive binary types with AEL.

The following table lists the supported Hive data types:

Spark data typeHive data typePentaho supportPentaho data type
StringTypeString, Char, VarcharSupported, except Varchar with lengthString
BinaryTypeBinaryNot supportedN/A
TimestampTypeTimestampNot supported, yet converted to StringString
ArrayTypeArrayNot SupportedN/A
StructTypeStructNot SupportedN/A

Configure the AEL daemon for a Hive service

You must configure the file of the AEL daemon if you want to:
  • Use Hive tables on a secure supported HDP cluster.
  • Use Hive managed and unmanaged tables in an ORC or Parquet format on your Amazon EMR cluster.
  • Use Hive managed and unmanaged tables in an ORC or Parquet format on your Google Dataproc cluster.

To configure the properties file, perform the following steps.


  1. Navigate to the data-integration/adaptive-execution/config directory and open the file with any text editor.

  2. Set the values for your environment as shown in the following table.

    enableHiveConnectionEnables AEL access to Hive tables. Set this value to true.
    spark.driver.extraClassPathSpecifies the path to the directory containing the hive-site.xml file on the driver node. It loads the hive-site.xml file as a resource in the driver. This resource defines the Hive endpoints and security setting required by AEL to access the Hive subsystem.
    spark.executor.extraClassPathSpecifies the path to the directory containing the hive-site.xml on the executor nodes. It loads the hive-site.xml file as a resource on each executor. This resource defines the Hive endpoints and security setting required by AEL to access the Hive subsystem.
    The following lines of code show sample values for these parameters:
    # AEL Spark Hive Property Settings
  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Restart the AEL daemon.

  5. Stop, then start the Pentaho Server.


You can now use PDI with a Hadoop Hive 2/3 database connection.

Configuring the AEL daemon for the Hive Warehouse Connector on your Hortonworks cluster

You can use PDI with the Hive Warehouse Connector (HWC) to access Hive managed tables in an ORC format or large unmanaged tables in Hive on secure supported HDP clusters. You can set the access controls and the LLAP queue by configuring the file of the AEL daemon.

NoteAs a best practice, enable LLAP on HDP and follow the instructions outlined in Apache Hive Performance Tuning.
Before you begin

Before you begin, you will need to perform the following tasks.

  1. Download and install Apache Ambari from to obtain the Hive connection information.
  2. Determine LLAP sizing and setup needed for your Hive LLAP daemon. See and for instructions.
  3. Set up the Hive LLAP queue on your HDP cluster. See for instructions.
Configure the AEL daemon for the Hive Warehouse Connector
You need to set up the AEL daemon for the Hive Warehouse Connector (HWC).
NoteAEL allows you to configure either the Hive Warehouse Connector (HWC) or the JDBC driver option for cluster management. The JDBC driver option is the default configuration.

Perform the following steps.


  1. Navigate to the data-integration/adaptive-execution/config directory and open the file with any text editor.

  2. Set the values for your environment as shown in the following table.

    enableHiveConnectionEnables AEL access to Hive tables. Set this value to true.
    hiveMetastoreUrisIdentifies the location of Hive metastore. Set this value to thrift://<fully qualified hostname>:9083.
    spark.sql.hive.hiveserver2.jdbc.urlIdentifies the location of the interactive service. Use the value found at Ambari Services > Hive > Summary > HIVESERVER2 INTERACTIVE JDBC URL.
    spark.datasource.hive.warehouse.metastoreUriIdentifies the location of the Hive metastore. Use the value found at Ambari Services > Hive > CONFIGS > ADVANCED > General > hive.metastore.uris.
    spark.datasource.hive.warehouse.load.staging.dirDetermines the HDFS temporary directory used for batch writing to Hive. Set this value to /tmp.
    NoteEnsure that your HWC users have permissions for this directory.
    spark.hadoop.hive.llap.daemon.service.hostsSpecifies the name of the LLAP queue. Use the value found at Ambari Services > Hive > CONFIGS > ADVANCED > Advanced hive-interactive-site > hive.llap.daemon.service.hosts.
    spark.hadoop.hive.zookeeper.quorumProvides the Hive endpoint to access the Hive tables. Use the value found at Ambari Services > Hive > CONFIGS > ADVANCED > Advanced hive-site > hive.zookeeper.quorum.
    spark.driver.extraClassPathSpecifies the path to the directory containing the hive-site.xml file on the driver node. It causes the hive-site.xml file to be loaded as a resource in the driver. This resource defines the Hive endpoints and security setting required by AEL to access the Hive subsystem.
    spark.executor.extraClassPathSpecifies the path to the directory containing the hive-site.xml on the executor nodes. It causes the hive-site.xml file to be loaded as a resource on each executor. This resource defines the Hive endpoints and security setting required by AEL to access the Hive subsystem.
    The following lines of code show sample values for these parameters:
    # AEL Spark Hive Property Settings
  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Create a symbolic link to the HWC JAR file in the /data-integration/adaptive-execution/extra directory. For example, if you are in the extra directory, the following command creates this link:

    ln -s /usr/hdp/current/hivewarehouseconnector/hive-warehouse-connector-assembly-<user_name>/data-integration/adaptive-execution/extra/
  5. Save and close the file.

  6. Restart the AEL daemon.

  7. Stop, then start the Pentaho Server.


You can use PDI with a Hive Warehouse Connector database connnection.

Google Cloud Storage

This configuration task is intended for Pentaho administrators and Hadoop cluster administrators who want to set up access to Google Cloud Storage (GCS) for PDI transformations running on Spark.

This task assumes that you have obtained the settings for your site's Google Cloud Storage (GCS) configuration from your Hadoop cluster administrator.

Perform the following steps to set up Hadoop cluster access to GCS:


  1. Log on to the cluster and stop the AEL daemon by running the shutdown script, stop, from the command line interface.

  2. Download the GCS Hadoop Connector JAR file and save it in a location where you can access it. You can use the following UNIX command to download the GCS Hadoop Connector Jar:

  3. Use the following command to add the GCS Hadoop Connector JAR file to the SPARK_DIST_CLASSPATH where /full/path/to is the location where you stored the JAR file:

    export SPARK_DIST_CLASSPATH=$(hadoop classpath):/full/path/to/gcs-connector-hadoop2-latest.jar
  4. Configure your clusters with the GCS connector with Hadoop/Spark using the instructions located in the Google Cloud Platform interoperability GitHub repository:

  5. Configure AEL to use the GCS Hadoop Connector. Possible ways of configuring AEL include on of the following.

    • Adding the GCS properties to the /etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml file.
    • Adding JSON keyfile parameters for GCS to the AEL daemon file. Follow the instructions in Step 6.
      NoteThe JSON keyfile for GCS must be present on all the nodes in the cluster.
  6. (Optional) If you choose to add a JSON keyfile to the file, follow these steps.

    1. Navigate to the data-integration/adaptive-execution/config/ directory and open the file with any text editor.

    2. Add the following lines of code:

    3. Save the file and close it.

  7. Restart the AEL daemon by running the startup script,, from the command line interface.

Google Dataproc

To use Google Dataproc with AEL, you must first complete the AEL setup, including the steps in the Configure the AEL daemon for a Hive service topic. You do not have to use any vendor-specific Spark client with Dataproc, or install the Linux LZO compression library.

Perform the following steps to use the AEL engine with Hive on a GDP cluster:


  1. Navigate to the etc/hive/conf directory on the master node of the Pentaho instance on the GDP cluster.

  2. Open the hive-site.xml with any text editor.

  3. Locate the hive.execution.engine property and change the tez default value to spark.

  4. Save and close the file.


Hive is now set up to run on GDP

Microsoft Azure HDInsight

You must perform the following tasks before using either Windows Azure Storage Blobs (WASB) or Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) with AEL.

Use WASB with AEL

Perform the following steps to use WASB with AEL:


  1. Log into Ambari.

  2. Select the ADVANCED tab under HDFS CONFIGS.

  3. Edit Custom Core-site (CCs) for your instance of HDI.

  4. Add or update the following properties under the core-site.xml section:



You can now use WASB with AEL for your instance of HDI.

Use ADLS with AEL

You need to delete, add, and modify specific properties in Amabari to use ADLS wih AEL.


  1. Log in to Ambari.

  2. Delete the following properties from Ambari:

  3. Add the following properties for accessing the storage account.

  4. Update the property to false.


You can now use ADLS with AEL for your instance of HDI.

Advanced topics

The following topics help to extend your knowledge of the Adaptive Execution Layer beyond basic setup and use:

  • Spark Tuning

    You can customize PDI transformation and step parameters to improve the performance of running your PDI transformations on Spark. These parameters affect memory, cores, and instances used by the Spark engine. These Spark parameters include both application parameters and Spark tuning parameters.

  • Configuring AEL with Spark in a secure cluster

    If your AEL daemon server and your cluster machines are in a secure environment like a data center, you may only want to configure a secure connection between the PDI client and the AEL daemon server.


See our list of common problems and resolutions.