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pentaho.action. IObserver

The IObserver interface represents an action observer and allows specifying event listener functions for each of an action's phases.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/action/IObserver.jsdoc, line 17

See also: pentaho.action.Base



Name Description
do : pentaho.lang.EventListenerAsync.<pentaho.action.Base>

The asynchronous listener for the action's do phase.

finally : pentaho.lang.EventListener.<pentaho.action.Base>

The listener for the action's finally phase.

init : pentaho.lang.EventListener.<pentaho.action.Base>

The listener for the action's initialize phase.

will : pentaho.lang.EventListener.<pentaho.action.Base>

The listener for the action's will phase.

Members Details

do: pentaho.lang.EventListenerAsync.<pentaho.action.Base>

The asynchronous listener for the action's do phase.

The do phase, which follows a successful will phase, allows actual execution of the action. The action cannot be canceled from within this phase, but it can, however, fail.

When the action is asynchronous, the listener function may return a promise that is resolved upon the listener's completion. If the promise is rejected, the action is rejected with the rejection reason. However, if the promise is fulfilled, its value is always ignored.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/action/IObserver.jsdoc, line 52

finally: pentaho.lang.EventListener.<pentaho.action.Base>

The listener for the action's finally phase.

The finally phase, follows either a do phase, or rejected init and will phases.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/action/IObserver.jsdoc, line 70

init: pentaho.lang.EventListener.<pentaho.action.Base>

The listener for the action's initialize phase.

The initialize phase allows modification of an action's properties as well as cancellation (or failure) of the action. After this phase, the action's general properties are frozen, and only its state-related properties may change.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/action/IObserver.jsdoc, line 28

will: pentaho.lang.EventListener.<pentaho.action.Base>

The listener for the action's will phase.

The will phase, which follows a successful initialize phase, allows cancellation (or failure) of the action.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/action/IObserver.jsdoc, line 41