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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Utility APIs

cv.api. util


Name Description
new util()

Utility definition for cv.api class.


Name Description
parseMDXExpression(formula, escapeHTML) : string

Given an MDX formula, parseMDXExpression returns the last token in the formula. For example, [Product].[Trucks] would return 'Trucks'.

Constructor Details

new util()

Utility definition for cv.api class.

Source: javascript/scripts/cv_api_util.js, line 28

Methods Details

  • 5.4
parseMDXExpression(formula, escapeHTML) : string

Given an MDX formula, parseMDXExpression returns the last token in the formula. For example, [Product].[Trucks] would return 'Trucks'.

Source: javascript/scripts/cv_api_util.js, line 317

Name Default Value Summary
formula : string  

This is the MDX formula to be parsed by the function.

escapeHTML : boolean  

This is an optional parameter. If provided, the string parsed from the MDX expression will be returned with HTML reserved characters as escaped.

Name Description

This is the MDX formula parsed as a string.



 // Return Value: "Truck"