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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Register the visualization with Pentaho Visualization API

Parent article
After defining the visualization, register the visualization with Pentaho's Visualization API. The Visualization API is only accessible from within Pentaho Analyzer.


  1. Register the visualization with the Visualization API. Include the following JavaScript at the beginning of the example.js file:

    // Utilize the required API for verifying that the VizController has been loaded before registration
    require(["common-ui/vizapi/VizController"], function(){ 
    // Register the visualization metadata with the Visualization API
        id: 'pentaho_sample_KPI',      // unique identifier 
        type: 'kpi',                   // generic type id 
        source: 'Example',             // id of the source library 
        name: 'Example KPI',           // visible name, this will come from a properties 
                                       // file eventually 
        'class': 'pentaho.sample.KPI', // type of the Javascript object to instantiate 
        args: {                        // arguments to provide to the Javascript object 
                                       // this allows a single class to act as multiple visualizations
        aggregate: 'AVG'
        propMap: [], 
        dataReqs: [                    // dataReqs describes the data requirements of 
                                       // this visualization 
            name: 'Default', 
            reqs : 
                  id: 'rows',               // ID of the data element 
                  dataType: 'string',       // data type - 'string', 'number', 'date', 
                                            // 'boolean', 'any' or a comma separated list 
                  dataStructure: 'column',  // 'column' or 'row' - only 'column' supported
                                            // so far 
                  caption: 'Level',         // visible name 
                  required: true,           // true or false 
                  allowMultiple: false, 
                  ui: { 
                    group: 'data' 
                  id: 'measures', 
                  dataType: 'number', 
                  dataStructure: 'column', 
                  caption: 'Measure', 
                  required: true, 
                  allowMultiple: false, 
                  ui: { 
                    group: "data" 
                  id: 'aggregate', 
                  dataType: 'string', 
                  values: ['MIN', 'MAX', 'AVG'], 
                  ui: { 
                    labels: ['Minimum', 'Maximum', 'Average'], 
                    group: 'options', 
                    type: 'combo',  // combo, checkbox, slider, textbox, gem, 
                                    // gemBar, and button are valid ui types
                    caption: 'Aggregation' 
            menuOrdinal: 10001,
            menuSeparator: true,
            maxValues: [1000, 2000, 3000]
  2. To enclose the required API call, you must define }); at the end of the example.js


All defined values are essential to registering the visualization with Pentaho's Visualization API.

The datareqs subcomponent is especially critical because it defines the data requirements for the visualization, which are used by Pentaho Analyzer to determine which fields are displayed in the field list.

Next steps

Use menuOrdinal to specify the location of the visualization in Analyzer’s chart drop-down menu. The default chart types such as bar chart start at menuOrdinal 100 and then increment by 100. If you want your visualization to appear last, use a value greater than 10000.

menuSeparator can be set to true to insert a menu separator before the visualization in the menu.

Use maxValues to increase the available list of maximum plot values. This setting appears in Chart Options Other Domain Limit. If your visualization supports a very large number of values, then you would increase the value so the data table provided in the draw method includes more rows or columns.