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pentaho.type.action. TransactionScope

The TransactionScope class manages a transaction.



Name Description
new TransactionScope(transaction)

Creates a TransactionScope.


Name Description
canCommit : boolean

Gets a value that indicates if this scope can commit the ambient transaction.

isCurrent : boolean

Gets a value that indicates if this scope is the current scope.

isInside : boolean

Gets a value that indicates if this scope has not been exited.

isRoot : boolean

Indicates if this scope is the ambient transaction's root/outermost scope.

transaction : pentaho.type.action.Transaction

Gets the associated transaction, if any, or null.


Name Description

Throws an error if the scope has been exited from or is not the current scope.

accept() : pentaho.type.action.AbstractTransactionScope

Accepts the scope.

acceptWill() : pentaho.action.Execution

Previews the result of committing the transaction by performing its init and will phases.


Exits the scope, without any warnings in case it is not inside or is not the current scope.

exit(keyArgs) : pentaho.type.action.AbstractTransactionScope

Exits the scope.


Rejects the associated transaction, exits the scope and throws an error containing the provided rejected reason.

using(fun, ctx) : *

Calls a given function within the scope and safely rejects the scope in the case where an error occurs and exits the scope otherwise.

Constructor Details

new TransactionScope(transaction)

Creates a TransactionScope.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/TransactionScope.js, line 25

Name Default Value Summary
transaction : pentaho.type.action.Transaction

The associated transaction.

Members Details

canCommit: boolean

Gets a value that indicates if this scope can commit the ambient transaction.

A scope can commit its transaction if:

  1. it is the root and current scope
  2. the transaction is in the proposed state.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/TransactionScope.js, line 51

isCurrent: boolean

Gets a value that indicates if this scope is the current scope.

The current scope is the innermost scope.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/AbstractTransactionScope.js, line 136

Inherited From: pentaho.type.action.AbstractTransactionScope#isCurrent

isInside: boolean

Gets a value that indicates if this scope has not been exited.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/AbstractTransactionScope.js, line 124

Inherited From: pentaho.type.action.AbstractTransactionScope#isInside

isRoot: boolean

Indicates if this scope is the ambient transaction's root/outermost scope.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/AbstractTransactionScope.js, line 59

transaction: pentaho.type.action.Transaction

Gets the associated transaction, if any, or null.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/AbstractTransactionScope.js, line 49

Inherited From: pentaho.type.action.AbstractTransactionScope#transaction

Methods Details


Throws an error if the scope has been exited from or is not the current scope.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/AbstractTransactionScope.js, line 91

Inherited From: pentaho.type.action.AbstractTransactionScope#_assertInsideAndCurrent

Name Description

When the scope has been exited from or it is not the current scope.

accept() : pentaho.type.action.AbstractTransactionScope

Accepts the scope.

When the scope can commit its transaction, as determined by canCommit, accepting the scope attempts to commit its transaction and exits from the scope. If committing the transaction fails, the rejection error is thrown.

Otherwise, if the scope cannot commit its transaction, accepting the scope simply exits from it.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/TransactionScope.js, line 94

Name Description

This scope.

Name Description

When the transaction scope has already been exited.


When the transaction scope is not the current scope.


When attempting to commit the transaction fails.

acceptWill() : pentaho.action.Execution

Previews the result of committing the transaction by performing its init and will phases.

Call this method to determine if an operation would be valid when there's no a priori intention of committing it, in case it is valid. If the previewing returns a fulfilled result, the transaction can still be committed later, if desired.

In any case, no more changes can be performed in this transaction, after acceptWill has been called; the transaction becomes read-only.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/TransactionScope.js, line 72

Name Description

The transaction.

Name Description

When the transaction scope has already been exited from.


When the transaction scope is not the current scope.


Exits the scope, without any warnings in case it is not inside or is not the current scope.

This method is equivalent to calling exit with keyArgs.sloppy with value true.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/AbstractTransactionScope.js, line 229

Inherited From: pentaho.type.action.AbstractTransactionScope#dispose

exit(keyArgs) : pentaho.type.action.AbstractTransactionScope

Exits the scope.

After this operation, the scope cannot be operated on anymore. However, properties like transaction remain available for reading.

If this method is called and the the scope has already been exited from, or is not the current scope, a warning is logged, unless keyArgs.sloppy is true.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/AbstractTransactionScope.js, line 181

Inherited From: pentaho.type.action.AbstractTransactionScope#exit

Name Default Value Summary
keyArgs : object

The keyword arguments.

Name Default Value Summary
sloppy : boolean

Indicates that no warning should be logged if this method is called when the scope has already been exited from or is not the current scope.

Name Description

This scope.


Rejects the associated transaction, exits the scope and throws an error containing the provided rejected reason.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/TransactionScope.js, line 122

Name Default Value Summary
reason : string | Error | pentaho.lang.UserError

The reason for rejecting the transaction.

Name Description

When the transaction scope has already been exited from.


When the transaction scope is not the current scope.


The rejection error.

using(fun, ctx) : *

Calls a given function within the scope and safely rejects the scope in the case where an error occurs and exits the scope otherwise.

If the transaction has been rejected somehow, its rejection error is thrown back to the caller.

In any case, the scope will have been exited from when this method returns.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/action/TransactionScope.js, line 151

Overrides: pentaho.type.action.AbstractTransactionScope#using

Name Default Value Summary
fun : function

The function to call within the scope. The function is called with the this context specified in argument ctx. The return value of fun is returned back from this method.

ctx : object

The this context in which to call fun. When unspecified, the function will have a null this.

Name Description

The value returned by fun.

Name Description

When the transaction is rejected, the rejection error.