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pentaho.module.spec. IMeta

The spec.IMeta interface contains the metadata of a module.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/module/spec/IMeta.jsdoc, line 17

See also: pentaho.module.IMeta , pentaho.module.spec.ITypeMeta , pentaho.module.spec.IInstanceMeta


Name Description
alias : nonEmptyString

The alias of the module.

annotations : Object.<string, (null | object | boolean)>

The map of global module annotations' configurations.

config : object

The module's global configuration object.

isVirtual : boolean

Indicates if the module is virtual.

ranking : number

The ranking of the module.

value : * | function

The value of the module or a function that creates it.

Members Details

alias: nonEmptyString

The alias of the module.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/module/spec/IMeta.jsdoc, line 30

annotations: Object.<string, (null | object | boolean)>

The map of global module annotations' configurations.

A map whose keys are annotation module identifiers and whose values are global annotation configurations.

Annotations can be further configured, conditionally, using the configuration rules' annotation selector property.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/module/spec/IMeta.jsdoc, line 75

config: object

The module's global configuration object.

Modules can be further configured, conditionally, using the configuration rules' module selector property.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/module/spec/IMeta.jsdoc, line 90

isVirtual: boolean

Indicates if the module is virtual.

A virtual module does not have a corresponding file or implementation.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/module/spec/IMeta.jsdoc, line 49

Default Value: false

ranking: number

The ranking of the module.

The ranking determines the order of the module amongst other modules.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/module/spec/IMeta.jsdoc, line 38

Default Value: 0

value: * | function

The value of the module or a function that creates it.

When specified, an AMD/RequireJS module with this module's id is dynamically defined.

Only considered specified when different from undefined. When a function, whatever its return value is taken as the value of the module. When a function, it is called with the module metadata object, having its configuration already loaded.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/module/spec/IMeta.jsdoc, line 60