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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Metadata properties reference

Parent article

This section contains the metadata properties reference.

Out-of-the-box properties

The table below shows the properties that are provided with Pentaho Metadata Editor. Localized properties are indicated with an asterisk ( * ) character.

Name*This property describes the display name for the business object.GeneralAlphanumeric
Description*A descriptive text entry describing the business object.GeneralAlphanumeric
Comments*Additional comments regarding the business object.GeneralAlphanumeric
Security InformationSecurity rules for granting/restricting access to the business object.GeneralDetermined by security widget; see Metadata security.
FontThe font properties to apply to this business object.FormattingDetermined by selections in the font dialog box.
Color of TextThe foreground or text color for the business object.FormattingDetermined by selections in the color dialog box.
Text AlignmentThe text alignment for the business object.FormattingLeft, Right, Centered, Justified
Color of BackgroundThe background color for the business object.FormattingDetermined by selections in the color dialog box
Relative SizeThis property is normally associated with business tables and is used to calculate join paths. The sum of all table relative sizes in a path are calculated when deciding on a multi-table join and the multi-table join with the smallest summed value is used for the join path.FormattingNumeric
Aggregation RuleDetermines the method of aggregating the data from this business object.Model DescriptorsNone, Sum, Count, Distinct Count, Minimum, Maximum
Data TypeData type for this business object.Model DescriptorsUnknown, String, Date, Boolean, Numeric, Binary, Image, URL, and Length andPrecision (Integers)
Field TypeThe type or relationship purpose this field serves.Model DescriptorsOther, Dimension ,Fact, Key, Attribute
Table TypeTable type is used to automatically determine relationship types with other tables. For instance, if a Fact table is joined with a Dimension table, this is normally an N to 1 relationship.Model DescriptorsOther, Dimension, Fact
FormulaThis property allows you to create a calculation defining the business object. See Pentaho metadata formulas for more information. CalculationAlphanumeric
Is the Formula Exact?

Determines whether the formula entered in the Value field in the Formula section is parsed by the Metadata Editor or if it is sent exactly as entered to the database:

  • When this check box is selected, then the formula is sent to the database exactly as entered for processing.
  • When this check box is cleared, then the formula is parsed as a metadata formula.
Column WidthThe width of the column as represented for display.MiscellaneousPixels, Percent of Page Width, Inches, Centimeters, Points, and Integer
Hidden For the User?Hides the object from being displayed in the Business View of the model.MiscellaneousBoolean
Mask for Number or DateThe format mask to use when the data for this object is displayed. For dates, the format follows the date/time patterns for a Java SimpleDateFormat format mask. For numbers, the pattern should follow the Java DecimalFormat format mask.MiscellaneousAlphanumeric
Target SchemaDefines the database schema to use when querying the business object.MiscellaneousAlphanumeric
Target TableDefines the physical database table from which the business object is defined.MiscellaneousAlphanumeric

Custom properties

You can define any number of custom properties. You must give your property an ID to set its type.

  • String
  • Date
  • Numeric Value
  • Color
  • Font
  • Type of Field
  • Type of Aggregation
  • Boolean
  • Field Data Type
  • Localized String
  • Type of Table
  • URL
  • Metadata Security
  • Text Alignment
  • Column Width
  • Data Constraints
  • Optional Aggregations

Custom table joins

You can also use a custom property to create table joins in Metadata Editor. To do this, you must define the custom property as path_build_method with a valid value. The following table defines the valid values for custom table joins:

ALLUse all tables and joins.
ANY_RELEVANTUse all joins that lead to any used table even if there is more than one path.
CLASSICUse the old generation method.
FIRST_SHORTReturns the first path that only contains no duplicate joins between tables.
LOWEST_SCOREReturns a path that chooses all joins that will create the smallest score based on the estimated size of a table.
SHORTEST(Default) Returns a path connecting every required table with the smallest number of joins.

The generator defaults to SHORTEST if the property is not found in the model.

If this is determined to be too risky, then a Boolean value can be toggled in SqlGenerator or SQLGenerator to preferClassicShortestPath when set to true. Both classes will use CLASSIC if no setting is found in the model.

Required properties per business object

The table below contains the required properties for given business objects. Required properties cannot be deleted.

IDPhysical TablePhysical ColumnBusiness CategoryBusiness Model
Security InformationNot requiredNot requiredRequiredRequired
Table TypeRequiredNot requiredNot requiredNot required
Relative SizeRequiredNot requiredNot requiredNot required
FormulaNot requiredRequiredNot requiredNot required
Field TypeNot requiredRequiredNot requiredNot required
Data TypeNot requiredRequiredNot requiredNot required
Aggregation RuleNot requiredRequiredNot requiredNot required
Is the Formula Exact?Not requiredRequiredNot requiredNot required
Hidden for the User?Not requiredRequiredNot requiredNot required
FontNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot required
Mask for Number or DateNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot required
Color of TextNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot required
Color of BackgroundNot requiredNot requiredNot requiredNot required