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pentaho.lang. List

The List class is an abstract base class for typed arrays.

Elements of a list must implement the pentaho.lang.IListElement interface.

AMD Module

require(["pentaho/lang/List"], function(List) { /* code goes here */ });



Name Description
new List(keyArgs)

Initializes a list instance.


Name Description
elemClass :  Class

Gets the constructor function of the elements held by this list.

length :  number

The length of the list.


Name Description
_getElemName() : string

Gets a common name for the elements held by this list.

add(elem, keyArgs) : pentaho.lang.IListElement

Appends an element to the list and returns it.

addMany(elems, keyArgs) : number

Appends elements to the list and returns its new length.

push(elems) : number

Appends elements to the list and returns its new length.

toSpec() : Array

Creates a specification of this list.

Constructor Details

new List(keyArgs)

Initializes a list instance.

Note that because a List is a sub-class of Array, the new operator cannot be used to create instances (at least up to ECMAScript version 5). Instead, instances of List are actually initial instances of Array whose prototype is then changed to be that of List. In other words, List is an "initialization" constructor (see pentaho.lang.ISpecifiable for more information on these concepts.

Concrete List sub-classes should provide a static to method to help in their construction.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/lang/List.js, line 25

Name Default Value Summary
keyArgs : object

The keyword arguments.

These are not used directly by the List class but are passed-through to the methods that handle the initialization of each list element.

Members Details

elemClass:  Class

Gets the constructor function of the elements held by this list.

This class must implement the pentaho.lang.IListElement interface.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/lang/List.js, line 82

length:  number

The length of the list.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/lang/List.js, line 98

Methods Details

_getElemName() : string

Gets a common name for the elements held by this list.

The default implementation returns the value of pentaho.lang.IListElement#elemName of pentaho.lang.List#elemClass.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/lang/List.js, line 94

Name Description

The common name of the elements.

add(elem, keyArgs) : pentaho.lang.IListElement

Appends an element to the list and returns it.

The value specified in argument elem is converted to the list elements' class before actually being added to it.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/lang/List.js, line 163

Name Default Value Summary
elem : *

An element or a value convertible to one.

keyArgs : object

The keyword arguments.

These are not used directly by the List class but are passed-through to the methods that handle the initialization of list elements.

Name Description

The added list element.

addMany(elems, keyArgs) : number

Appends elements to the list and returns its new length.

The values specified in elems are converted to the list elements' class before actually being added to it.

This method allows adding elements to the list using custom options (keyword arguments). Contrast with method pentaho.lang.List#push which adds elements using default options.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/lang/List.js, line 144

Name Default Value Summary
elems : Array

An array of elements to add to the list.

keyArgs : object

The keyword arguments.

These are not used directly by the List class but are passed-through to the methods that handle the initialization of each list element.

Name Description

The new length of the list.

push(elems) : number

Appends elements to the list and returns its new length.

The values specified in elems are converted to the list elements' class before actually being added to it.

This method adds elements to the list using default options. Use one of pentaho.lang.List#add or pentaho.lang.List#addMany to be able to specify non-default options (keyword arguments).

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/lang/List.js, line 121

Name Default Value Summary
elems : *

The elements to add to the list.

Name Description

The new length of the list.

toSpec() : Array

Creates a specification of this list.

A list specification is an array containing the specifications of each of its elements.

If the element's class does not implement pentaho.lang.ISpecifiable, each element is assumed to be its own specification.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/lang/List.js, line 249

Name Description

The list specification.