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pentaho. i18n

The i18n namespace contains the types of the Pentaho Localization API.


The Pentaho Localization API is constituted by an AMD/RequireJS loader plugin, pentaho.i18n.IService, and a couple of helper types which allow you to load message bundles for use in JavaScript components.

Message bundles are exposed as instances of pentaho.i18n.MessageBundle.

The main localization service, and AMD/RequireJS loader plugin, is pentaho.i18n.main.

Source: doc-js/pentaho/i18n/_namespace.jsdoc, line 17


Name Summary

The MessageBundle class is a container of localized messages.


Name Summary

The interface of localization AMD/RequireJS loader plugins.


Name Description
defaultService :  pentaho.i18n.IService

The localization service that resolves message bundles by directly loading .properties files. The locale is simply ignored.

serverService :  pentaho.i18n.IService

The localization service that resolves message bundles using the Pentaho /i18n service.

Members Details

defaultService:  pentaho.i18n.IService

The localization service that resolves message bundles by directly loading .properties files. The locale is simply ignored.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/i18n/defaultService.js, line 17

serverService:  pentaho.i18n.IService

The localization service that resolves message bundles using the Pentaho /i18n service.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/i18n/serverService.js, line 17