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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Pentaho installation

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The following three production installation methods are available:

  • Archive

    Choose this option if you want to run the Pentaho Server on the version of Tomcat which we supply.

  • Manual

    Choose this option if you want to deploy the Pentaho Server on your existing Tomcat or JBoss web app server.

  • Client Tools

    Choose this option if you want to install Business Analytics (BA) or Data Integration (DI) components only.

NoteIf you need to upgrade your current version of the BA or DI components to the newest version, see Pentaho Upgrade.

Archive installation of the Pentaho Server

This method installs the Pentaho Server, BA plugins, and DI plugins.

If you are installing Pentaho in a production environment, use this method to install the Pentaho Server on a server machine while installing design tools on separate client workstations. It requires that you download and install Pentaho installation files.

You must also choose the Pentaho Repositorydatabase that you want to use, but you must download and install it yourself.

By default, the Archive Installation of the Pentaho Suite installs:

  • BA plugins (such as Analyzer and Interactive Reports).
  • DI plugins (such as Big Data and Marketplace).

Learn how to setup the archive installation

Manual installation of the Pentaho Server

This method installs the Pentaho Server and BA plugins.

If you are installing Pentaho in a production environment, you would use this method to install the Pentaho Server on a server machine while installing design tools on separate client workstations. It requires that you download and install Pentaho installation files.

You must also choose the Pentaho Repository database that you want to use, but you must download and install it yourself.

Install Pentaho manually when you want to use your own web application server, particularly if you must comply with your company standard database platform or web application server, such as JBoss.

When you install the Pentaho Server using the manual method, you can choose which BA plugins you want to install (such as Analyzer and Interactive Reports).

Learn how to setup the manual installation

Installation of the Pentaho Design Tools

This method installs design tools only.

If you are installing Pentaho in a production environment, use this method to install design tools on client workstations while installing the Pentaho Server on a separate server machine. Data Integration (PDI) plugins, which are needed at design and runtime, should be installed on the server and on client workstations.

Learn how to install the design tools