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Spark Submit

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Apache Spark is an open-source cluster computing framework.

Use the Spark Submit job entry to submit Spark jobs to any of the following Hadoop clusters:

  • CDH 5.9 and later
  • HDP 2.4 and later
  • Azure HDI 3.5 and later
  • EMR 4.6 and later
  • MapR 5.1 and later

You can submit Spark jobs written in either Java, Scala, or Python.

Before you begin

Before you install Spark, we strongly recommend that you review the following Spark documentation, release notes, and known issues first:

You may also want to reference the instructions on how to submit jobs for Spark.

If planning to use a MapR Spark client, you will first need to install and configure it before configuring Spark to work withPDI. If you are not using a MapR Spark client, proceed to Install and configure Spark client for PDI use.

Install and configure the MapR Spark client

The MapR Spark client is an Apache Spark client with a few adjustments to work in a MapR cluster. Perform the following steps to install and configure the MapR Spark client:


  1. Follow the instructions in to set up your MapR packages, repositories, and MapR client for your version of MapR.

  2. Copy the hive-site.xml file from the /opt/mapr/spark/your version of spark/conf folder on the MapR cluster to the MapR configuration folder on your client machines.

  3. Install the MapR Spark client using the following command:

    • sudo apt-get install mapr-spark
  4. Follow the instructions in to configure the hadoop-yarn-server-web-proxy JAR file to run Spark applications on Yarn.

  5. Navigate to <SPARK_HOME>/conf folder and create the spark-defaults.conf file using the instructions in

  6. Find the spark-assembly.jar file on a cluster node that has its own Spark client as shown in the following example:

    • sudo find/ -name spark-assembly*
  7. Copy the spark-assembly.jar file from your local machine to the cluster as shown in the following example:

    • hadoop fs -put /Local Path To spark-assembly.jar /Path To Location On Cluster
  8. Edit the spark-defaults.conf file to add the following code using your MAPRFS name and spark-assembly.jar file path from Step 7:

    • spark.yarn.jar maprfs:///Path To Location On MAPRFS To Your spark-assembly file.jar


You are now ready to install and configure your Spark client for use with PDI.

Install and configure Spark client for PDI use

You will need to install and configure the Spark client to work with the cluster on every machine you will want to run Spark jobs through PDI. How you configure these clients depends on your version of Spark.

Spark version 1.x.x

Complete the following steps to configure the Spark client for Spark version 1.x.x:


  1. On the client, download the Spark distribution of the same version as the one used on the cluster.

  2. Set the HADOOP_CONF_DIR environment variable to a folder containing cluster configuration files as shown in the following sample for an already configured shim:

    • pentaho-big-data-plugin/hadoop-configurations/shim directory
  3. Navigate to <SPARK_HOME>/conf and create the spark-defaults.conf file using the instructions outlined in

  4. Find the spark-assembly.jar file on a cluster node that has its own Spark client as shown in the following example:

    • sudo find/ -name spark-assembly
  5. Copy the spark-assembly.jar file from your local machine to the cluster as shown in the following example:

    hadoop fs -put /Local Path To spark-assembly.jar/Path To Location On Cluster
  6. Edit the spark-defaults.conf file to set the spark.yarn.archive property to the location of your spark-assembly.jar file on the cluster as shown in the following examples:

    • spark.yarn.archive hdfs://NameNode hostname:8020/user/spark/lib/spark-assembly.jar
  7. Create home folders with write permissions for each user who will be running the Spark job as shown in the following examples:

    • hadoop fs -mkdir /user/user name
    • hadoop fs -chown <user name>/user/<user name>
  8. If you are connecting to an HDP cluster, add the following lines in the spark-defaults.conf file:

    • spark.driver.extraJavaOptions -Dhdp.version=
    • -Dhdp.version=
    NoteThe Hadoop version should be the same as Hadoop version used on the cluster.
  9. If you are connecting to an HDP cluster, also create a text file named java-opts in the <SPARK_HOME>/conf folder and add your HDP version to it as shown in the following example:

    • -Dhdp.version=
    NoteRun the hdp-select status Hadoop client command to determine your version of HDP.
  10. If you are connecting to a supported version of the HDP or CDH cluster, open the core-site.xml file, then comment out the net.topology.script.file property as shown in the following code block:


Spark version 2.x.x

Complete the following steps to configure the Spark client for Spark version 2.x.x:


  1. On the client, download the Spark distribution of the same or higher version as the one used on the cluster.

  2. Set the HADOOP_CONF_DIR environment variable to a folder containing cluster configuration files as shown in the following sample for an already-configured shim:

    • pentaho-big-data-plugin/hadoop-configurations/shim directory
  3. Navigate to <SPARK_HOME>/conf and create the spark-defaults.conf file using the instructions outlined in

  4. Create a ZIP archive containing all the JAR files in the SPARK_HOME/jars directory.

  5. Copy the ZIP file from the local file system to a world-readable location on the cluster.

  6. Edit the spark-defaults.conf file to set the spark.yarn.archive property to the world-readable location of your ZIP file on the cluster as shown in the following examples:

    • spark.yarn.archive hdfs://NameNode hostname:8020/user/spark/lib/your ZIP file
  7. Also add the following line of code to the spark-defaults.conf file:

    • spark.hadoop.yarn.timeline-service.enabled false
  8. If you are connecting to an HDP cluster, add the following lines in the spark-defaults.conf file:

    • spark.driver.extraJavaOptions -Dhdp.version=
    • -Dhdp.version=
    NoteThe -Dhdp version should be the same as Hadoop version used on the cluster.
  9. If you are connecting to an HDP cluster, also create a text file named java-opts in the <SPARK_HOME>/conf folder and add your HDP version to it as shown in the following example:

    • -Dhdp.version=
    NoteRun the hdp-select status Hadoop client command to determine your version of HDP.
  10. If you are connecting to a supported version of the HDP or CDH cluster, open the core-site.xml file, then comment out the net.topology.script.file property as shown in the following code block:


Troubleshooting your configuration

Errors may occur when trying to connect CDH 5.7 or later with Spark 1.6.x or while running a Spark job from a Windows machine.

Connecting CDH 5.7 or later with Spark 1.6.x

If you are connecting to the CDH 5.7 (or later) cluster when using Apache Spark 1.6.x on your client node, an error may occur while trying to run a job containing a Spark Submit entry in yarn-client mode. This error will be similar to the following message:

  • Caused by: org.apache.spark.rdd.MapPartitionsRDD; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = -1059539896677275380, local class serialVersionUID = 6732270565076291202

Perform one of the following tasks to resolve this error:

  • Install and configure CDH 5.7 (or later) Spark on the client machine where Pentaho is running instead of Apache Spark 1.6.x. See Cloudera documentation for Spark installation instructions.
  • If you want to use Apache Spark 1.6.x on a client machine, then upload spark-assembly.jar from the client machine to your cluster in HDFS, and point the spark.yarn.jar property in the spark-defaults.conf file to this uploaded spark-assembly.jar file on the cluster.

Running a Spark job from a Windows machine

The following errors may occur when running a Spark Submit job from a Windows machine:

  • ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: Uncaught exception: org.apache.spark.SparkException: Failed to connect to driver! - JobTracker's log
  • Stack trace: ExitCodeException exitCode=10 - Spoon log

To resolve these errors, create a new rule in the Windows firewall settings to enable inbound connections from the cluster.


The following table describes the fields for setting up which Spark job to submit:

Entry NameSpecify name of the entry. You can customize or leave it as the default.
Spark Submit UtilitySpecify the script that launches the spark job.
Master URLSelect the master URL for the cluster. The following two master URLs are supported:
  • Yarn-Cluster: Runs the driver program as a thread of the yarn application master (one of the node managers in the cluster). This option is similar to the way MapReduce works.
  • Yarn-Client: Runs the driver program on the yarn client. Tasks are still executing in the node managers of the YARN cluster.
TypeSelect the file type of your Spark job to be submitted. Your job can be written in Java, Scala, or Python. The fields displayed in the Files tab depend on what language option you select.

Python support on Windows requires Spark version 1.5.2 or higher.

Enable BlockingSelect blocking to have the Spark Submit entry wait until the Spark job finishes running. If this option is not selected, the Spark Submit entry proceeds with its execution once the Spark job is submitted for execution. Blocking is enabled by default.

We support the yarn-cluster and yarn-client modes. Descriptions of the modes can be found in the following site:

NoteIf you have configured your Hadoop Cluster and Spark for Kerberos, a valid Kerberos ticket must already be in the ticket cache area on your client machine before you launch and submit the Spark Submit job.


The Spark Submit entry features several tabs with fields. Each tab is described below.

Files tab

The fields of this tab depend on whether you set the Spark job Type to Java or Scala or Python.

Files tab, Java or Scala, Spark Submit

Files tab, Python, Spark Submit

Java or Scala

If you select Java or Scala as the file Type, the Files tab will contain the following options:

ClassOptionally, specify the entry point for your application.
Application JarSpecify the main file of the Spark job you are submitting. It is a path to a bundled jar including your application and all dependencies. The URL must be globally visible inside of your cluster, for instance, an hdfs:// path or a file:// path that is present on all nodes.
DependenciesSpecify the Environment and Path of other packages, bundles, or libraries used as a part of your Spark job. Environment defines whether these dependencies are Local to your machine or Static on the cluster or the web.


If you select Python as the file Type, the Files tab will contain the following options:

Py FileSpecify the main Python file of the Spark job you are submitting.
DependenciesSpecify the Environment and Path of other packages, bundles, or libraries used as a part of your Spark job. Environment defines whether these dependencies are Local to your machine or Static on the cluster or the web.

Arguments tab

Arguments tab, Spark Submit

Enter the following information to pass arguments to the Spark job:

ArgumentsSpecify and arguments passed to your main Java class, Scala class, or Python Py file through the text box provided.

Options tab

Options tab, Spark Submit

Enter the following information to adjust the amount of memory used or define optional parameters:

Executor MemorySpecify the amount of memory to use per executor process. Use the JVM format (for example, 512m or 2g).
Driver MemorySpecify the amount of memory to use per driver. Use the JVM format (for example, 512m or 2g).
Utility ParametersSpecify the Name and Value of optional Spark configuration parameters associated with the spark-defaults.conf file.