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cdf.dashboard. Utils


A collection of utility functions.

AMD Module

require(["cdf/dashboard/Utils"], function(Utils) { /* code goes here */ });

Source: dashboard/Utils.js, line 24


Name Description

Adds the URL parameters to a local object.

Utils.clone(obj) : object

Deep clones an object.

Utils.configLanguage(langCode, config)

Configure a language.

Utils.dateFormat(date, mask, langCode) : string

Formats a date.

Utils.dateParse(date, mask) : Date

Parses a date with a given mask.

Utils.doCsvQuoting(value, separator, alwaysEscape) : string

Quote CSV values in a way that is compatible with CSVTokenizer.

Utils.eachValuesArray(values, opts, f, x) : boolean

Traverses each value, label, and id triple of a values array.

Utils.equalValues(a, b) : boolean

Determines if two values are considered equal.

Utils.escapeHtml(input) : string

Escapes a string as an HTML safe string.

Utils.ev(o) : object

Evaluates the argument.

Utils.getArgValue(key) : object | undefined

Gets an argument value that was previously set by calling addArgs.

Utils.getLocationSearchString() : string

Returns the query string part of the URL.

Utils.getPathParameter(url) : string | undefined

Gets the path from the URL.

Utils.getQueryParameter(parameterName) : string

Returns the value of a query string parameter.

Utils.getURLParameters(sURL) : Array.<Array.<String>>

Gets the parameters from a URL.

Utils.hsvToRgb(h, s, v) : string

Converts an HSV to an RGB color value.

Utils.isArray(value) : boolean

Determines if a value is considered an array.

Utils.isFunction(value) : boolean

Determines if a value is considered a function.

Utils.isNumber(value) : boolean

Determines if a value is considered a number.

Utils.isString(value) : boolean

Determines if a value is considered a string.

Utils.normalizeValue(value) : object

Normalizes a value.

Utils.numberFormat(value, mask, langCode) : string

Formats a number.

Utils.objectToPropertiesArray(obj) : Array.<Array.<Object>> | undefined

Converts an object to an array.

Utils.parseMultipleValues(value) : array | object

Given a parameter value obtains an equivalent values array., obj)

Performs a post to the server.

Utils.propertiesArrayToObject(pArray) : object | undefined

Converts an array to an object.

Utils.sanitizeHtml(html) : string

Sanitizes input HTML.

Methods Details


Adds the URL parameters to a local args object.

Source: dashboard/Utils.js, line 469

Name Default Value Summary
url : string

The URL from which to extract the parameters.

Utils.clone(obj) : object

Deep clones an object. This method is deprecated, use jQuery.extend.

Source: dashboard/Utils.js, line 431

Name Default Value Summary
obj : object

The object to clone.

Name Description

The cloned object.

Utils.configLanguage(langCode, config)

Configure a new or existing language by specifying the language code and a configuration object.

Source: dashboard/Utils.js, line 179

Name Default Value Summary
langCode : string

Language code to be used.

config : object

Object with the language configuration.

Name Default Value Summary
number : object

Number format language configuration.

dateLocale : object

Date format language configuration.

Utils.dateFormat(date, mask, langCode) : string

Formats a date with a given mask using the dashboard language, the one that the user specified if it exists, or the default language 'en-US'.

Source: dashboard/Utils.js, line 201

Name Default Value Summary
date : Date

Date object to be formatted.

mask : string

Mask with format for the date.

langCode : string

Language to use in format.

Name Description

The formatted date.

Utils.dateParse(date, mask) : Date

Parses a date with a given mask.

Source: dashboard/Utils.js, line 229

Name Default Value Summary
date : string

The date to be parsed.

mask : string

The mask with the format for the date.

Name Description

The parsed date as a Date object.

Utils.doCsvQuoting(value, separator, alwaysEscape) : string

Quote CSV values in a way that is compatible with CSVTokenizer.

Source: dashboard/Utils.js, line 363

Name Default Value Summary
value : string

Value quote.

separator : string

Separator to use when quoting.

alwaysEscape : boolean

Flag that indicates if the value should always be escaped or just when needed.

Name Description
string | null

The escaped value or null.

Utils.eachValuesArray(values, opts, f, x) : boolean

Traverses each value, label and id triple of a values array.

Source: dashboard/Utils.js, line 535

Name Default Value Summary
values : Array.<Array.<string>>

The values array - an array of arrays.

Each second-level array is a value specification and contains a value and, optionally, a label and an id. It may have the following forms:

  • `[valueAndLabel]`: when having length one
  • `[value, label,...]`: when having length two or more and `opts.valueAsId` is falsy
  • `[id, valueAndLabel,..]`: when having length two or more and `opts.valueAsId` is truthy
opts : object

An object with options.

Name Default Value Summary
valueAsId : boolean

Indicates if the first element of the value specification array is the id, instead of the value.

f : function

The traversal function that is to be called with each value-label-id triple and with the JS context x. The function is called with arguments: value, label, id, and index.

When the function returns the value `false`, traversal is stopped, and `false` is returned.

x : object

The JS context object on which f is to be called.

Name Description

true if the traversal was complete, false if explicitly stopped by the traversal function.

Utils.equalValues(a, b) : boolean

Determines if two values are considered equal.

Source: dashboard/Utils.js, line 677

Name Default Value Summary
a : object

The first value.

b : object

The second value.

Name Description

true if equal, false otherwise.

Utils.escapeHtml(input) : string

Escapes a string as an HTML safe string. It assumes that, if there is an escaped char in the input, then the input is fully escaped.

Source: dashboard/Utils.js, line 62

Name Default Value Summary
input : string

The string to be escaped.

Name Description

The escaped string or an empty string if it receives anything other than a string.

Utils.ev(o) : object

Evaluates the argument. If it is a function, calls the function, otherwise returns the argument.

Source: dashboard/Utils.js, line 391

Name Default Value Summary
o : object

The object to try and evaluate as a function.

Name Description

The value of o if it isn't a function. Otherwise, the result of invoking o.

Utils.getArgValue(key) : object | undefined

Gets an argument value that was previously set by calling addArgs. This is deprecated, so use getQueryParameter or dashboard.context.params.

Source: dashboard/Utils.js, line 489

Name Default Value Summary
key : string

The argument name.

Name Description
object | undefined

The argument value or undefined.

Utils.getLocationSearchString() : string

Returns the query string part of the URL.

Source: dashboard/Utils.js, line 121

Name Description

The query string.

Utils.getPathParameter(url) : string | undefined

Given a URL containing an encoded Pentaho path, e.g. :home:admin:Test.wcdf, returns the encoded path.

Source: dashboard/Utils.js, line 102

Name Default Value Summary
url : string

The URL to encode.

Name Description
string | undefined

The encoded URL or undefined if not available.

Utils.getQueryParameter(parameterName) : string

Returns the value of a query string parameter.

Source: dashboard/Utils.js, line 133

Name Default Value Summary
parameterName : string

The name of the parameter.

Name Description

The value of the query parameter or an empty string.

Utils.getURLParameters(sURL) : Array.<Array.<String>>

Gets the parameters from a URL. CDF URL parameters are defined as those that are present in the query string with names starting with the string param. So, for a query string like ?paramfoo=bar, you would get a parameter foo with value bar.

Source: dashboard/Utils.js, line 310

Name Default Value Summary
sURL : string

URL with the query string to be parsed.

Name Description

Array with the parsed parameters. Each element is an array with two positions, the first being the parameter name and the second the value. For example, .

Utils.hsvToRgb(h, s, v) : string

Converts an HSV to an RGB color value. Based on the algorithm described at

Source: dashboard/Utils.js, line 706

Name Default Value Summary
h : number

Hue as a value between 0 - 360 (degrees).

s : number

Saturation as a value between 0 - 100 (%).

v : number

Value as a value between 0 - 100 (%).

Name Description

A RGB color string (e.g. "rgb(1,2,3)").

Utils.isArray(value) : boolean

Determines if a value is considered an array.

Returns true if value is an array, or an array-like object (object containing the methods join and length).

Source: dashboard/Utils.js, line 619

Name Default Value Summary
value : object

The value.

Name Description

true if it is an array or an array-like object, false otherwise.

Utils.isFunction(value) : boolean

Determines if a value is considered a function.

Source: dashboard/Utils.js, line 635

Name Default Value Summary
value : any

The value to be tested.

Name Description

true if is a function; false otherwise.

Utils.isNumber(value) : boolean

Determines if a value is considered a number.

Source: dashboard/Utils.js, line 663

Name Default Value Summary
value : any

The value to be tested.

Name Description

true if is a string; false otherwise.

Utils.isString(value) : boolean

Determines if a value is considered a string.

Source: dashboard/Utils.js, line 649

Name Default Value Summary
value : any

The value to be tested.

Name Description

true if is a string; false otherwise.

Utils.normalizeValue(value) : object

Normalizes a value so that undefined, empty string, and empty array are all translated to null.

Source: dashboard/Utils.js, line 601

Name Default Value Summary
value : object

The value to normalize.

Name Description
object | null

The normalized value or null.

Utils.numberFormat(value, mask, langCode) : string

Formats a number with a given mask using the dashboard language, the one that the user specified if it exists, or the default language 'en-US'.

Source: dashboard/Utils.js, line 153

Name Default Value Summary
value : number

Number value to be formatted.

mask : string

Mask with format for the value.

langCode : string

Language to use in format.

Name Description

The formatted number.

Utils.objectToPropertiesArray(obj) : Array.<Array.<Object>> | undefined

Converts an object to an array.

Source: dashboard/Utils.js, line 293

Name Default Value Summary
obj : object

The object to be converted into an array.

Name Description
Array.<Array.<Object>> | undefined

An array of key-value pairs (array) or undefined if the argument is not an object, e. g., .

Utils.parseMultipleValues(value) : array | object

Given a parameter value obtains an equivalent values array.

The parameter value may encode multiple values in a string format.

A nully (i.e. null or undefined) input value or an empty string results in null, so the result of this method is normalized.

A string value may contain multiple values separated by the character |.

An array or array-like object is returned without modification.

Any other value type returns null.

Source: dashboard/Utils.js, line 581

Name Default Value Summary
value : object

A parameter value, as returned by getParameterValue.

Name Description
array | object

An array, an array-like object, or null., obj)

Performs a post to the server.

Source: dashboard/Utils.js, line 403

Name Default Value Summary
url : string

The URL where to post.

obj : object

Parameter object.

Utils.propertiesArrayToObject(pArray) : object | undefined

Converts an array to an object.

Source: dashboard/Utils.js, line 278

Name Default Value Summary
pArray : Array.<Array.<Object>>

An array of key-value pairs (array) to be converted, e.g.,.

Name Description
object | undefined /p
Utils.sanitizeHtml(html) : string

Uses Strips unsafe tags and attributes from html.

Source: dashboard/Utils.js, line 86

Name Default Value Summary
html : string

The HTML to be sanitized.

Name Description

safe HTML based on input.