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pentaho.type. Property

The class of properties of complex values.

AMD Module

require(["pentaho/type/Property"], function(Property) { /* code goes here */ });

See also: pentaho.type.Complex



Name Description
new Property()

This class was not designed to be constructed directly.


Name Description
$type :  pentaho.type.Type

Gets the type of this instance.


Name Description
toJSON() : JsonValue

Creates a top-level JSON specification that describes this instance.

toSpec(keyArgs) : *

Creates a top-level specification that describes this instance.

toSpecInContext(keyArgs) : *

Creates a specification that describes this instance.

Constructor Details

new Property()

This class was not designed to be constructed directly.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Property.js, line 63

See also: pentaho.type.Complex

Members Details

$type:  pentaho.type.Type

Gets the type of this instance.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Instance.js, line 116

Overrides: pentaho.type.mixins.DiscreteDomain#$type

See also: pentaho.type.Instance.type , pentaho.type.Type#instance

Methods Details

toJSON() : JsonValue

Creates a top-level JSON specification that describes this instance.

Attributes which do not have a JSON-compatible specification are omitted. Specifically, for inline types, attributes with a function value are not supported.

This method simply calls pentaho.type.Instance#toSpec with argument keyArgs.isJson as true and exists for seamless integration with JavaScript's JSON.stringify method.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Instance.js, line 198

Overrides: pentaho.type.mixins.DiscreteDomain#toJSON

Name Description
JsonValue | null

A JSON-compatible specification.

See also: pentaho.type.Instance#toSpec

toSpec(keyArgs) : *

Creates a top-level specification that describes this instance.

If an ambient specification context currently exists, it is used to manage the serialization process. Otherwise, one is created and set as current. Then, the actual work is delegated to pentaho.type.Instance#toSpecInContext.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Instance.js, line 160

Overrides: pentaho.type.mixins.DiscreteDomain#toSpec

Name Default Value Summary
keyArgs : object

The keyword arguments' object. Passed to every instance and type serialized within this scope.

Please see the documentation of subclasses for information on additional, supported keyword arguments.

Name Default Value Summary
isJson : boolean

Generates a JSON-compatible specification. Attributes that do not have a JSON-compatible specification are omitted.

declaredType : pentaho.type.Type

The base type of this value's storage location. If the value does not have this exact type, its inline type property must be included in the specification. Otherwise, it can be omitted. When unspecified, the inline type property is only included if forceType is true.

forceType : boolean

In the specification, forces inclusion of the inline type property: _.

Name Description

A specification of this instance.

toSpecInContext(keyArgs) : *

Creates a specification that describes this instance.

Source: javascript/web/pentaho/type/Instance.js, line 178

Overrides: pentaho.type.mixins.DiscreteDomain#toSpecInContext

Name Default Value Summary
keyArgs : object

The keyword arguments' object. Passed to every instance and type serialized within this scope.

Please see the documentation of subclasses for information on additional, supported keyword arguments.

Name Description

A specification of this instance.

See also: pentaho.type.Instance#toSpec