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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation



Name Description

revert the width of a column


Constructor for creating Evented object

emit(event, eventObj) : boolean | JSON

Executes a sequence of registered event listeners by the custom event string

on(event, listener) : object

Registers listeners via custom event strings which can be executed in order of registration

testAddKnownFieldKinds(report, vizModel, roleName) : analyzer.visual.ICanAddFieldInfo

Tests the addition of each of the known field kinds to a visual role.

Methods Details


revert the width of a column

Source: javascript/scripts/ResizeHandle.js, line 72


Constructor for creating Evented object

Source: javascript/scripts/AnalyzerEvented.js, line 41

Name Default Value Summary
config : JSON

A JSON used for configuring the evented object

Name Default Value Summary
onPropagationStopped : function

used to execute code once propagation has been stopped

onListenerExecuted : function

used to execute code when a listener has been executed

emit(event, eventObj) : boolean | JSON

Executes a sequence of registered event listeners by the custom event string

Source: javascript/scripts/AnalyzerEvented.js, line 118

Name Default Value Summary
event : string

The custom name for event listeners being executed

eventObj : JSON

The json object which has the configuration for event emitting { bubbles: true, cancelable: true }

Name Description
boolean | JSON

false if the the default action has been prevented or the event object otherwise

on(event, listener) : object

Registers listeners via custom event strings which can be executed in order of registration

Source: javascript/scripts/AnalyzerEvented.js, line 100

Name Default Value Summary
event : string

The custom name for event listeners being executed

listener : function

The function which is to be executed when the emit event is called

Name Description

A dojo object which can be used to remove the listener from being executed by calling obj.remove()

testAddKnownFieldKinds(report, vizModel, roleName) : analyzer.visual.ICanAddFieldInfo

Tests the addition of each of the known field kinds to a visual role.

Source: javascript/scripts/visual/utils.js, line 94

Name Default Value Summary
report : cv.Report

The Analyzer report.

vizModel : pentaho.visual.base.AbstractModel

The visualization model.

roleName : string

The name of the visual role.

Name Description

The test result.