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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Manage agents

Parent article

This article explains Data Catalog agent creation, configuration, and management options.

Create an agent

To create an agent, your Data Catalog license requires agent entitlement. You may install and configure as many agents as your license specifies.

Follow these steps to create an agent.


  1. Click Manage from the main Data Catalog navigation menu, then click the Agents tile.

    The list of currently installed agents shows their connection success or failure status using green and red signals. Connected agents also include a remote address.
  2. Click Create Agent.

    Creating an Agent
  3. Enter the details in the Create Agent dialog box.

  4. Click Add.

Manage agents

Once you have created an agent, you can update, register, or delete that agent. You can also view and download the jobs or agent logs. Follow these steps to access the agent management options.


  1. Click Manage from the main Data Catalog navigation menu, then click the Agents tile.

    The list of currently installed agents shows their connection Success/Failure status using green and red signals. Connected agents also include a Remote Address.Agents menu
  2. Select an agent and then select the drop-down menu from the menu bar for the selected agent(s).

  3. Select an action for the agent to open the corresponding dialog box. See "Agent management options" below for more details.

Agent management options

The following agent management options are available:

  • Update Agent

    Click this option to change the Name and Description of the selected agent.

  • Register Agent

    Click this option to display the agent's registration information. You can also copy this information for use with the command line agent script to install and register an agent.

  • Delete Agent

    Click this option to delete the selected agent.

  • View/Download Agent log

    Click this option to view and download agent logs for diagnosing agent connectivity issues.

  • View/Download Jobs log

    Click this option to view and download Data Catalog jobs log for diagnostic purposes.

Configure an agent

Agents are typically installed under the /opt/ldc/agent/ directories on the edge nodes of the cluster.

To configure an agent, you must edit the following files in the <AGENT-HOME\>conf/ directory:

  • application.yml
  • metadata-client-conf.json
  • configuration.json

Agent scripts

There are three scripts available under the agent installation:

  • agent

    The agent script includes operational and maintenance aspects of the agent. Use the --help option, as shown below, to list all commands supported by the agent script.

    Agent Install$ bin/agent --help
    Usage: ./agent [command] [options]
              start : start the application
               stop : stop the application
            restart : restart the application
             status : prints the status of the application (running/stopped)
                log : print the last 200 lines of the application log.
                      Use with -f or --follow to follow
           jobs-log : print the last 200 lines of the jobs log.
                      Use with -f or --follow to follow
           register : register the agent with app-server
                      Use with --endpoint <endpoint> 
                               --agent-id <agent-id> 
                               --agent-token <token> and 
                               --cert-fingerprint <ssl SHA256 fingerprint of secure endpoint
         -h, --help : displays this help
      -v, --version : prints product version information
       -f, --follow : for log or jobs-log command, follows the log file
            --debug : for start or restart commands, starts the agent in debug mode
          --suspend : when used with --debug, suspends the JVM until the debugger is attached
  • ldc-util

    The ldc-util script includes utility jobs that supplement Data Catalog. Use the --help option, as shown below, to list all commands supported by the agent script.

    <AGENT-HOME>$ bin/ldc-util --help
    Usage: ./ldc-util [command] [options]
                      encrypt : encrypt plain text password for use in configuration files
         restore_builtin_tags : recreate built-in tags and related discovery cache
                    reencrypt : re-encrypt passwords that are encrypted with old key.
            seedRolesAndUsers : seed roles and users.
         -h, --help : displays this help
            ./ldc-util encrypt
            ./ldc-util restore_builtin_tags
            ./ldc-util reencrypt
            ./ldc-util seedRolesAndUsers
  • ldc

    The ldc script offers legacy, functional Data Catalog jobs on the agent side. The --help option will list all the commands supported in the agent script.