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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

Uninstalling Lumada Data Catalog

Parent article

To uninstall Lumada Data Catalog, you must uninstall each component separately in the reverse order of installation. Note that these components may be installed on different nodes. First uninstall the Agent, then the Metadata Server, and finally the Application Server.

Uninstalling an Agent

Perform the following steps to uninstall an Agent.


  1. Open a command line prompt on the node where the Agent is installed and log on with the service user account.

  2. Stop the Agent services using the following command:

    /opt/ldc/agent/bin/agent stop
  3. Remove the Agent files and log directories using the following commands:

    sudo rm -rf /opt/ldc/agent
    sudo rm -rf /var/log/ldc/ldc-agent.*
    sudo rm -rf /var/log/ldc/spark-jobs/
  4. If no additional Lumada Data Catalog components are installed on the node, you can remove all the installation directories using the following commands:

    sudo rm -rf /opt/ldc
    sudo rm -rf /var/log/ldc
  5. Delete the Agent's entry from the Lumada Data Catalog Application Server's user interface.

    1. Navigate to Manage and clickAgents.

    2. Select the check box of the agent you want to delete from the selection drop-down menu, and select Delete Agent.


The selected Agent is uninstalled.

Uninstalling the Metadata Server

Perform the following steps to uninstall the Metadata Server


  1. Open a command line prompt on the node where the Metadata Server is installed and log on with the service user account.

  2. Stop the Metadata Server services using the following command:

    /opt/ldc/metadata-server/bin/metadata-server stop
  3. Remove the files in the Metadata Server and log directories using the following commands:

    sudo rm -rf /opt/ldc/metadata-server
    sudo rm -rf /var/log/ldc/ldc-metadata-server.*
  4. If no additional Lumada Data Catalog components are installed on the node, you can remove all the installation directories using the following commands:

    sudo rm -rf /opt/ldc
    sudo rm -rf /var/log/ldc

Uninstalling the Application Server

Perform the following steps to uninstall the Application Server :


  1. Open a command line prompt on the node where the Application Server is installed and log on with the service user account.

  2. Stop the Application Server services using the following command:

    /opt/ldc/app-server/bin/app-server stop
  3. If you do not wish to install Lumada Data Catalog again in the same environment, delete the fingerprint storage directories using the following command:

    hdfs dfs -rm -rf /user/ldcuser
  4. Remove the files in the Application Server and log directories using the following commands:

    sudo rm -rf /opt/ldc/app-server
    sudo rm -rf /var/log/ldc/ldc-ui.*
    sudo rm -rf /var/log/ldc/setup.log
  5. If no additional Lumada Data Catalog components are installed on the node, remove all the installation directories using the following commands:

    sudo rm -rf /opt/ldc
    sudo rm -rf /var/log/ldc