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Hitachi Vantara Lumada and Pentaho Documentation

LDAP Configuration

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If your cluster authentication is managed by LDAP (Light-weight Directory Access Protocol), then you can configureLumada Data Catalog to look up user authentication information in the directory service to verify the credentials of the user logging into the Data Catalog.

LDAP properties

Most of this relevant LDAP information is requested at the time of product installation during the Application-Server installation and is saved in <LDC_HOME>/app-server/conf/ as follows:

#Mon Jun 22 20:22:38 UTC 2020\=groupOfNames))\=waterlinedata,dc\=com<Encrypted Password>\://\:636 

The following properties are available for use with LDAP authentication. All properties should be prefixed with and should be added or edited in

  • providerUrl

    The URL of your LDAP/Active Directory server. If you have an Active Directory Global Catalog, this URL should point to the port number of Data Catalog. If SSL is required, use the applicable port.

  • authIdentityPattern

    The pattern for the principal of the end user that binds to the LDAP server. This property must contain the {USERNAME} token that is substituted with the actual username when passed in. This property is applicable in the bind-only and bind-search authentication modes and applicable in search-bind, unless the doExtractAttribute is set to true, in which case the attributeToExtract is used as the principal instead.

  • searchBase

    The base of the directory where the search is performed. This property is applicable for bind-search and search-bind authModes only.

  • searchFilterPattern

    The search to perform. This property restricts the users who are logging on to specified groups. This property must contain the {USERNAME} token and must return exactly one entry. This property is applicable for bind-search and search-bind authModes only.

  • searchUser and searchPassword

    The credentials of the designated system user to bind and perform the initial search. This property is applicable for search-bind authMode only.

  • doExtractAttribute and attributeToExtract

    These properties are applicable for search-bind authMode only. If the doExtractAttribute is set to true, the module uses the attributeToExtract property (for example, distinguishedName) to look up that attribute of the user returned in the search result. Then, the module uses that value as the principal to send to the LDAP server for the second bind operation.

  • referral

    The referral option for LDAP connection. The value should be either follow or ignore. This property is optional. When not specified, the value is determined by the provider.

  • timeout

    The value in milliseconds for server connection and request timeouts. This property is optional. The default value is 10000 (10 seconds).

  • debug

    When set to true, displays additional information on the console. As a best practice, this property is set to false.

NoteIf you have multi-factor authentication enabled, it should be transparent to the LDAP authentication mechanism. However, you can increase the value for the timeout property to provide the user with additional time to authenticate using the next factor. For example, if timeout is set to 60 seconds, the system waits for a maximum of one minute until the user submits a code or a one-time password (OTP) before timing out.

Use the sample configuration for LDAP located in the <LDC_HOME>/app-server/conf/ file as a reference guide.

For post-installation LDAP configuration changes to take effect, make these changes in the <LDC_HOME>/app-server/conf/ file, then restart the App-server.

LDAP search modes

In this section, the LDAP authentication modes are explained in detail. To set up the LDAP authentication, select the authentication mode of LDAP that best meets your needs.

  • bind-only

    The bind-only mode uses the user-supplied credentials to substitute the authIdentityPattern property with the {USERNAME} token, then binds to the LDAP server. If the bind is successful, authentication succeeds. View the following sample configurations:

    • Using Distinguished Name

      Required property for all LDAP configurations.

    • {USERNAME} format

      Works for Active Directory with a single domain only. Required property for all LDAP configurations.

  • bind-search

    The bind-search mode works in two steps:

    • The user-supplied credentials are used to substitute the authIdentityPattern property with the {USERNAME} token and then binds to the LDAP server.
    • If the bind is successful, a search is performed using the filter specified by searchFilterPattern property. If the search returns exactly one result, the authentication succeeds.
    Required properties for all LDAP configurations.
  • search-bind

    The search-bind mode works in four steps:

    1. The module binds to the server using system user credentials (searchUser and searchPassword).
    2. A search is performed using the filter specified by the searchFilterPattern property.
    3. The system validates that the search returns exactly one result. Otherwise, authentication fails.
    4. A second bind is performed using the password provided during login and either the substituted authIdentityPattern or another specified attribute (attributeToExtract) to be extracted from the search result as the principal. If the bind is successful, authentication succeeds.
    View the sample configurations:
    • {USERNAME} format

      Required property for all LDAP configurations.

    • DN format and DN extraction for end-user

      Required property for all LDAP configurations.


Mapping LDAP users to Data Catalog roles

In Lumada Data Catalog you can retrieve group information from a user's LDAP and dynamically assign the user roles based on group name to role name mapping.

There are mostly two kinds of LDAP systems:

  • Microsoft Active Directory (AD): The most commonly used service provided by Microsoft.
  • OpenLDAP (JumpCloud)

Data Catalog supports both directory services with LDAP and provides configuration properties to support both systems. However, the systems differ in their handling of user attributes and groups, which requires unique approaches to support each service.

  • Microsoft LDAP/AD:

    A Microsoft AD-based LDAP system has the following structure for user attributes and group information. A user can belong to multiple groups, but one of these groups is marked as the primary group for the user in the AD tool. Microsoft AD's design mandates a two step process for retrieving groups information for a user.

    • You can retrieve normal user groups from the attribute memberOf, which returns a list of group domain names (DN). The DN’s can be used to search for this group or entity within AD. The name of a group in AD is accessed through the sAMAccountName property.
    • You can retrieve the primary user group from the attribute primaryGroupId. This attribute returns a unique number from which the linked group and its name should be retrieved. The name of the group can be accessed through the sAMAccountName property.
    • Combining both normal groups and the primary group would lead to all of the groups that the user is linked to.
  • OpenLDAP:

    With OpenLDAP, the access attributes are simple and straightforward.

    • The user has an attribute called ‘memberOf’ which returns a list of group DN’s.
    • Resolving these group DN’s to their actual group entities and then accessing the group name from an attribute like ‘ou’ provides the group name.

Retrieving group information from LDAP

Lumada Data Catalog contains two configuration files in the WLD Install Dir/app-server/conf directory that determine how Data Catalog retrieves group information from an LDAP system:

  • group-to-role-map.json

Group to role names mapping file

This configuration file currently provides a method to configure and manage group-role mapping in the application, as shown in the following sample configuration for Microsoft AD:

  "firstName": "givenName",
  "lastName": "sn",
  "email": "mail",
  "userGroupAttributes": [
    {"attributeName": "memberOf", "subAttributeName": "sAMAccountName"},
    {"attributeName": "primaryGroupId", "subAttributeName": "sAMAccountName"}
  "groupToRoleMap": {
    "QATESTGROUP": ["Administrator", "Guest", "Role1"],
    "AUTOMATIONQA": ["Guest"],
    "DUMMY_GROUPNAME": ["non-existing-role", "Role2"]

The configuration elements include:

  • firstName

    First name of the LDAP user.

  • lastName

    Last name of the LDAP user.

  • email

    The email address of the user in LDAP.

  • userGroupAttributes

    The list of attributes in LDAP that contain the user's group information.

    • attributeName (second instance)

      The second attributeName is an optional property in userGroupAttributes commonly used with Windows AD/LDAP service.

  • groupToRoleMap

    Contains the list of LDAP group names and the corresponding Lumada Data Catalog roles.

The following is a sample configuration for JumpCloud:

  "firstName": "givenName",
  "lastName": "sn",
  "email": "mail",
  "userGroupAttributes": [
    {"attributeName": "memberOf", "subAttributeName": "ou"}
  "groupToRoleMap": {
    "All Users - LDAP": ["Guest"],
    "DUMMY_GROUPNAME": ["non-existing-role", "Steward"]

The configuration elements include:

  • firstName

    The user's first name. It corresponds to the LDAP attribute givenName as the default key in OpenLDAP systems.

  • lastName

    The user's last name. It maps to the LDAP attribute sn.

  • email

    The user's email address. It maps to the LDAP attribute mail.

  • userGroupAttributes

    List of attributes to access when retrieving the user's group information.

    • attributeName

      Name of the attribute which retrieves the group information. For OpenLDAP, it is memberOf.

    • subAttributeName

      Name of the attribute required to retrieve the group name after groups are retrieved and fetched from LDAP. For OpenLDAP, it is ou. This attribute is optional. If this attribute is not provided, then the group names retrieved from attributeName need to be used in groupToRoleMap.

  • groupToRoleMap

    Mapping of the group name from LDAP to the role names in Data Catalog. A user with a specific group will be assigned the configured roles.

    NoteThe roles are dynamically assigned, which means they are not saved to Solr. They are fetched and given to a user upon login dynamically every time.
  • All Users - LDAP

    The name of one group in JumpCloud which is attached to the users.

    NoteYou can also provide non-existing roles and non-existing group names. The application handles potential failures and invalid roles assigned to the user.
The mapping file group-to-role-map.json can be found in the LCD Install Dir/app-server/conf directory

Login properties file

Below are possible entries for the directory services.

  • OpenLDAP/JumpCloud

  • Microsoft AD

Lumada Data Catalog provides the sample mapping JSON files for JumpCloud and Microsoft AD. The contains the JumpCloud configuration by default and a sample entry for Microsoft AD.